Linux::Sys::CPU::Affinity - Perl XS extension for setupping CPU affinity


use Linux::Sys::CPU::Affinity ();

my @cpus = (0, 10, 70 .. 80);
my $ca = Linux::Sys::CPU::Affinity->new(\@cpus);

# the same as @cpus used above is empty
my $ca = Linux::Sys::CPU::Affinity->new();



# the same as @new_cpus used above is empty



my $result = $ca->set_affinity($pid);

my $isset = $ca->cpu_isset($cpu);



This module allows you to pin any process by its PID to some CPU's group.


Constructor. It receives an array reference with CPU's number to be used in set creation. In case if the argument isn't specified, the empty array will be used.

According to the cpu_set(3) Linux man page, the first available CPU on the system corresponds to a cpu value of 0, the next CPU corresponds to a cpu value of 1, and so on. The constant CPU_SETSIZE (currently 1024) specifies a value one greater than the maximum CPU number that can be used in set.

The size of created set will be equal to the amoumt of available CPU cores. If code is failed to get that amount, then the CPU_SETSIZE constant will be used instead.

Returns an instance of class.


It receives an array reference with CPU's number to be used in set creation. In case if the argument isn't specified, the empty array will be used.

If the set had been set set before this method was invoked, then the old set will be destroyed, but it won't be applied automatically.


Clears set, so that it contains no CPUs. New set won't be applied automatically.

See CPU_ZERO, CPU_ZERO_S in cpu_set(3) Linux man page.


It receives the PID number and applies previously created set to the specified process.

Returns -1 on error, otherwise returns 0.

See the method analog in sched_setaffinity(2) Linux man page.


Returns the number of CPUs in set.

See CPU_COUNT, CPU_COUNT_S in cpu_set(3) Linux man page.


It receives the CPU number.

Returns nonzero if cpu is in set; otherwise, it returns 0.


Adds the received CPU in to the set. New set won't be applied automatically.


Removes the received CPU from the set. New set won't be applied automatically.




Chernenko Dmitriy <>