List::Helpers::XS - Perl extension to provide some usefull functions with arrays


use List::Helpers::XS qw/ :shuffle :slice /;

my @slice = random_slice(\@list, $size);

random_slice_void(\@list, $size);



This module provides some rare but usefull functions to work with arrays.


This method receives an array and amount of required elements from it, shuffles array's elements and returns the num elements from it.

If num is equal or higher than amount of elements in array, then it won't do any work.

Otherwise the original array will be truncated down to num elements.

It doesn't shuffle the whole array, it shuffle only num elements and returns only them.

This method can a bit slow down in case of huge arrays and num, because of it copies chosen elements into the new array to be returned

In this case please consider the usage of random_slice_void method.

Also the original array will be shuffled at the end.


This method receives an array and amount of required elements from it, shuffles array's elements. Doesn't return anything.

After method being called the passed array will contain only random num elements from the original array.

This method is a memory efficient.


Shuffle the provided array.
Doesn't return anything.


Below you can find some benchmarks of random_slice and random_slice_void methods in comparison with Array::Shuffle::shuffle_array / Array::Shuffle::array_shuffle_huge_array with splice method invocation afterwards.

Total amount of elements in initial array: 250_000

The same benchmark for shuffle


Chernenko Dmitriy,


Copyright (C) 2021 by Dmitriy

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.26.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.