TODO - Things for Perl::Critic::More developers to do


#      $URL: $
#     $Date: 2006-11-22 01:44:33 -0600 (Wed, 22 Nov 2006) $
#   $Author: chrisdolan $
# $Revision: 913 $


  • CodeLayout::ProhibitNonASCII

    Definitely low severity! Only looks at code, not comments or POD

  • CodeLayout::RequireUTF8

    All characters must be valid UTF-8. Note that typical ASCII Perl code is a valid UTF-8 subset.

  • Miscellanea::B::Lint

    Create a compatibility layer for the B::Lint code analyzer. Make it very clear that this runs code and thus is a security hole.

  • Editor::RequireEmacsFileVariables

  • Editor::RequireViModelines

    Files must have something like the following in them for Emacs and Vi:

    # Local Variables:
    #   mode: cperl
    #   cperl-indent-level: 4
    #   fill-column: 78
    # End:
    # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
    Emacs file variables

    Implemented! Currently just tests for the existence of "-*- ... -*-" or "Local Variables: ... End:". This should eventually take a perlcriticrc option to specify the exact set of variables.

    Vim modelines

    In vim, this is called "modelines" and should match the following pattern (taken from Vim docs):

    [text]{white}{vi:|vim:|ex:}[white]se[t] {options}:[text]

    Roughly translated to regexp:

    ($options) = m/^ (?:\N*\S)? [ \t]+ (?:vi|vim|ex): [ \t]+ set? [ \t]+ (\N+): \N* $/xms;
    ($options) = m/^ (?:\N*\S)? [ \t]+ (?:vi|vim|ex): [ \t]+ (\N+) $/xms;

    Watch out for escaped colons!!

    The vim modeline must be within N lines of the top or bottom of the file. That N is user-settable, but defaults to 5. To learn more type ":help modelines" in vim.

    Kate modelines

    I also discovered that Kate supports per-file modelines:

  • Documentation::RequireSynopsis

  • Documentation::RequireLicense

    These are simplified versions of Documentation::RequirePodSections.

  • Miscellaneous::ProhibitBoilerplate

    Complain about copy-and-paste code or docs from h2xs, Module::Starter::*, etc.

    Here's a non-PPI implementation, derived from Modile::Starter itself:

  • ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitHereDocs

  • ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitLongStrings

    Low severity.

    Both of these attempt to address problems with code layout and appearance. Large blocks of inline text can disrupt the readability of code. Instead, the text should be external, in __DATA__, or simply declared in separate functions at the end of the module.

    Exceptions: if the only code in a sub is a return of a long string, allow it. If there is a use Inline:: at the top of the module, allow HereDocs.

  • File::RequirePortableName

    No spaces, punctuation, etc.


We're waiting on the following bugs to get fixed in a CPAN release of PPI: