Changes for version 0.04
- Released: 2007 Nov 18
- Summary: Renamed test_* methods from v0.03; Subclassing; Bug fixes
- Incompatibility: renamed 'test_*' methods to 'enable_test_*' to avoid colliding with other methods
- Fix: Add List::MoreUtils to Build.PL/Makefile.PL Credit: cpan-tester David Cantrell
- Fix: Turn off symlink and chown for Win32; better support for OS non-features Credit: cpan-tester, MSWin32 (for symlink part)
- Fix: Enable subclassing (via a hack/workaround for Test::Class 0.24 -- see 30836)
- Internals: Moved self-test tests into subclasses in t/*.t
- TODO: Remove the above workaround if a new version of Test::Class allows using num_method_tests from a foreign package
- Press:
Validate a filesystem