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# This file is part of MooX-Options
# This software is copyright (c) 2013 by celogeek <me@celogeek.com>.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
# ABSTRACT: role that is apply to your object
use strict;
our $VERSION = '4.012'; # VERSION
use JSON;
use Carp;
use Pod::Usage qw/pod2usage/;
use Path::Class 0.32;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
sub _option_name {
my ( $name, %data ) = @_;
my $cmdline_name = join( '|', grep {defined} ( $name, $data{short} ) );
$cmdline_name .= '+' if $data{repeatable} && !defined $data{format};
$cmdline_name .= '!' if $data{negativable};
$cmdline_name .= '=' . $data{format} if defined $data{format};
return $cmdline_name;
sub _options_prepare_descriptive {
my ($options_data) = @_;
my @options;
my %all_options;
my %has_to_split;
for my $name (
sort {
<=> $options_data->{$b}{order} # sort by order
or $a cmp $b # sort by attr name
} keys %$options_data
my %data = %{ $options_data->{$name} };
my $doc = $data{doc};
$doc = "no doc for $name" if !defined $doc;
push @options, [ _option_name( $name, %data ), $doc ];
push @{ $all_options{$name} }, $name;
for ( my $i = 1; $i <= length($name); $i++ ) {
my $long_short = substr( $name, 0, $i );
push @{ $all_options{$long_short} }, $name
if !exists $options_data->{$long_short};
if ( defined $data{autosplit} ) {
$has_to_split{$name} = Data::Record->new(
{ split => $data{autosplit}, unless => $RE{quoted} } );
if ( my $short = $data{short} ) {
$has_to_split{$short} = $has_to_split{ ${name} };
for ( my $i = 1; $i <= length($name); $i++ ) {
my $long_short = substr( $name, 0, $i );
$has_to_split{$long_short} = $has_to_split{ ${name} };
return \@options, \%has_to_split, \%all_options;
sub _options_fix_argv {
my ( $option_data, $has_to_split, $all_options ) = @_;
my @new_argv;
#parse all argv
while ( defined( my $arg = shift @ARGV ) ) {
if ( $arg eq '--' ) {
push @new_argv, $arg, @ARGV;
if ( index( $arg, '-' ) != 0 ) {
push @new_argv, $arg;
my ( $arg_name_with_dash, $arg_values ) = split( /=/x, $arg, 2 );
if ( index( $arg_name_with_dash, '--' ) < 0 && !defined $arg_values )
= length($arg_name_with_dash) > 2
? substr( $arg_name_with_dash, 2 )
: undef;
$arg_name_with_dash = substr( $arg_name_with_dash, 0, 2 );
unshift @ARGV, $arg_values if defined $arg_values;
my ( $dash, $negative, $arg_name_without_dash )
= $arg_name_with_dash =~ /^(\-+)(no\-)?(.*)$/x;
$arg_name_without_dash =~ s/\-/_/gx;
my $original_long_option = $all_options->{$arg_name_without_dash};
if ( defined $original_long_option ) {
if ( @$original_long_option == 1 ) {
$original_long_option = $original_long_option->[0];
else {
$original_long_option = undef;
my $arg_name = $dash;
if ( defined $negative && defined $original_long_option ) {
if ( exists $option_data->{$original_long_option}
&& $option_data->{$original_long_option}{negativable} )
$arg_name .= 'no-';
else {
$arg_name .= 'no_';
$arg_name .= $arg_name_without_dash;
if ( my $rec = $has_to_split->{$arg_name_without_dash} ) {
$arg_values = shift @ARGV;
foreach my $record ( $rec->records($arg_values) ) {
#remove the quoted if exist to chain
$record =~ s/^['"]|['"]$//gx;
push @new_argv, $arg_name, $record;
else {
push @new_argv, $arg_name;
# if option has an argument, we keep the argument untouched
if ( defined $original_long_option
&& ( my $opt_data = $option_data->{$original_long_option} ) )
if ( $opt_data->{format} ) {
push @new_argv, shift @ARGV;
return @new_argv;
requires qw/_options_data _options_config/;
sub new_with_options {
my ( $class, %params ) = @_;
#save subcommand
if ( ref( my $command_chain = $params{command_chain} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
_options_prog_name => sub {
my $prog_name = Getopt::Long::Descriptive::prog_name;
for my $cmd (@$command_chain) {
next if !blessed $cmd || !$cmd->can('command_name');
if ( defined( my $cmd_name = $cmd->command_name ) ) {
$prog_name .= ' ' . $cmd_name;
return $prog_name;
if ( ref( my $command_commands = $params{command_commands} ) eq 'HASH' ) {
_options_sub_commands => sub {
return [ sort keys %$command_commands ];
my %cmdline_params = $class->parse_options(%params);
if ( $cmdline_params{help} ) {
return $class->options_usage( $params{help}, $cmdline_params{help} );
if ( $cmdline_params{man} ) {
return $class->options_man( $cmdline_params{man} );
if ( $cmdline_params{usage} ) {
return $class->options_short_usage( $params{usage},
$cmdline_params{usage} );
my $self;
return $self
if eval { $self = $class->new(%cmdline_params); 1 };
if ( $@ =~ /^Attribute\s\((.*?)\)\sis\srequired/x ) {
print "$1 is missing\n";
elsif ( $@ =~ /^Missing\srequired\sarguments:\s(.*)\sat\s\(/x ) {
my @missing_required = split /,\s/x, $1;
print join( "\n", ( map { $_ . " is missing" } @missing_required ),
'' );
elsif ( $@ =~ /^(.*?)\srequired/x ) {
print "$1 is missing\n";
else {
croak $@;
%cmdline_params = $class->parse_options( help => 1 );
return $class->options_usage( 1, $cmdline_params{help} );
sub parse_options {
my ( $class, %params ) = @_;
my %options_data = $class->_options_data;
my %options_config = $class->_options_config;
if ( defined $options_config{skip_options} ) {
delete @options_data{ @{ $options_config{skip_options} } };
my ( $options, $has_to_split, $all_options )
= _options_prepare_descriptive( \%options_data );
local @ARGV = @ARGV if $options_config{protect_argv};
@ARGV = _options_fix_argv( \%options_data, $has_to_split, $all_options );
my @flavour;
if ( defined $options_config{flavour} ) {
push @flavour, { getopt_conf => $options_config{flavour} };
my $prog_name = $class->_options_prog_name();
# create usage str
my $usage_str = "USAGE: $prog_name %o";
my ( $opt, $usage ) = describe_options(
[ 'usage', 'show a short help message' ],
[ 'help|h', "show a help message" ],
[ 'man', "show the manual" ],
$usage->{prog_name} = $prog_name;
$usage->{target} = $class;
if ( $usage->{should_die} ) {
return $class->options_usage( 1, $usage );
my %cmdline_params = %params;
for my $name ( keys %options_data ) {
my %data = %{ $options_data{$name} };
if ( !defined $cmdline_params{$name}
|| $options_config{prefer_commandline} )
my $val = $opt->$name();
if ( defined $val ) {
if ( $data{json} ) {
if (!eval { $cmdline_params{$name} = decode_json($val); 1 }
carp $@;
return $class->options_usage( 1, $usage );
else {
$cmdline_params{$name} = $val;
if ( $opt->help() || defined $params{help} ) {
$cmdline_params{help} = $usage;
if ( $opt->man() || defined $params{man} ) {
$cmdline_params{man} = $usage;
if ( $opt->usage() || defined $params{usage} ) {
$cmdline_params{usage} = $usage;
return %cmdline_params;
## use critic
sub options_usage {
my ( $class, $code, @messages ) = @_;
my $usage;
if ( @messages
&& ref $messages[-1] eq 'MooX::Options::Descriptive::Usage' )
$usage = shift @messages;
$code = 0 if !defined $code;
if ( !$usage ) {
local @ARGV = ();
my %cmdline_params = $class->parse_options( help => $code );
$usage = $cmdline_params{help};
my $message = "";
$message .= join( "\n", @messages, '' ) if @messages;
$message .= $usage . "\n";
if ( $code > 0 ) {
CORE::warn $message;
else {
print $message;
exit($code) if $code >= 0;
sub options_short_usage {
my ( $class, $code, $usage ) = @_;
$code = 0 if !defined $code;
if ( !defined $usage || !ref $usage ) {
local @ARGV = ();
my %cmdline_params = $class->parse_options( help => $code );
$usage = $cmdline_params{help};
my $message = "USAGE: " . $usage->option_short_usage . "\n";
if ( $code > 0 ) {
CORE::warn $message;
else {
print $message;
exit($code) if $code >= 0;
sub options_man {
my ( $class, $usage, $output ) = @_;
local @ARGV = ();
if ( !$usage ) {
local @ARGV = ();
my %cmdline_params = $class->parse_options( man => 1 );
$usage = $cmdline_params{man};
my $man_file = file( Path::Class::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ), 'help.pod' );
$man_file->spew( iomode => '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $usage->option_pod );
-verbose => 2,
-input => $man_file->stringify,
-exitval => 'NOEXIT',
-output => $output
sub _options_prog_name {
return Getopt::Long::Descriptive::prog_name;
sub _options_sub_commands {
=head1 NAME
MooX::Options::Role - role that is apply to your object
=head1 VERSION
version 4.012
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new_with_options
Same as new but parse ARGV with L<Getopt::Long::Descriptive>
Check full doc L<MooX::Options> for more details.
=head2 parse_options
Parse your options, call L<Getopt::Long::Descriptive> and convert the result for the "new" method.
It is use by "new_with_options".
=head2 options_usage
Display help message.
Check full doc L<MooX::Options> for more details.
=head2 options_short_usage
Display quick usage message, with only the list of options
=head2 options_man
Display a pod like a manual
=head1 USAGE
Don't use MooX::Options::Role directly. It is used by L<MooX::Options> to upgrade your module. But it is useless alone.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired
=head1 AUTHOR
celogeek <me@celogeek.com>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by celogeek <me@celogeek.com>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.