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HTML::FormFu - HTML Form Creation, Rendering and Validation Framework
Please note that this is beta software.
There may be API changes required before the 1.0 release. Any incompatible changes will first be discussed on the mailing list.
Much work is needed on documentation, and contributions are welcome. This file is quite extensively documented, but may contain errors due to more recent code changes. Some pm
files may not be documented at all yet, so please refer to the test suite, the code, or questions are welcome on the "SUPPORT" in mailing list.
use HTML::FormFu;
my $form = HTML::FormFu->new;
$form->process( $cgi_query );
if ( $form->submitted_and_valid ) {
# do something with $form->params
else {
# display the form
$template->param( form => $form );
Here's an example of a config file to create a basic login form (all examples here are YAML, but you can use any format supported by Config::Any).
action: /login
indicator: user
auto_fieldset: 1
- type: text
name: user
- Required
- type: password
name: pass
- Required
- type: submit
HTML::FormFu is a HTML form framework which aims to be as easy as possible to use for basic web forms, but with the power and flexibility to do anything else you might want to do (as long as it involves forms).
You can configure almost any part of formfu's behaviour and output. By default formfu renders "XHTML 1.0 Strict" compliant markup, with as little extra markup as possible, but with sufficient CSS class names to allow for a wide-range of output styles to be generated by changing only the CSS.
All methods listed below (except "new" can either be called as a normal method on your $form
object, or as an option in your config file. Examples will mainly be shown in YAML config syntax.
This documentation follows the convention that method arguments surrounded by square brackets []
are optional, and all other arguments are required.
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: $form
Create a new HTML::FormFu object.
Any method which can be called on the HTML::FormFu object may instead be passed as an argument to "new".
my $form = HTML::FormFu->new({
action => '/search',
method => 'GET',
auto_fieldset => 1,
Arguments: $filename
Arguments: \@filenames
Return Value: $form
Accepts a filename or list of file names, whose filetypes should be of any format recognized by Config::Any.
The content of each config file is passed to "populate", and so are added to the form.
"load_config_file" may be called in a config file itself, as so allow common settings to be kept in a single config file which may be loaded by any form.
See "BEST PRACTICES" for advice on organising config files.
Arguments: \%options
Return Value: $form
Each option key/value passed may be any HTML::FormFu method-name and arguments.
Provides a simple way to set multiple values, or add multiple elements to a form with a single method-call.
Arguments: $field_name
Arguments: \&coderef
If "indicator" is set to a fieldname, "submitted" will return true if a value for that fieldname was submitted.
If "indicator" is set to a code-ref, it will be called as a subroutine with the two arguments $form
and $query
, and it's return value will be used as the return value for "submitted".
If "indicator" is not set, </submitted> will return true if a value for any known fieldname was submitted.
Arguments: 1
Arguments: \%options
Return Value: $fieldset
This setting is suitable for most basic forms, and means you can generally ignore adding fieldsets yourself.
Calling $form->auto_fieldset(1)
immediately adds a fieldset element to the form. Thereafter, $form->elements()
will add all elements (except fieldsets) to that fieldset, rather than directly to the form.
To be specific, the elements are added to the last fieldset on the form, so if you add another fieldset, any further elements will be added to that fieldset.
Also, you may pass a hashref to auto_fieldset(), and this will be used to set defaults for the first fieldset created.
A few examples and their output, to demonstrate:
2 elements with no fieldset.
- type: text
name: foo
- type: text
name: bar
<form action="" method="post">
<span class="text">
<input name="foo" type="text" />
<span class="text">
<input name="bar" type="text" />
2 elements with an "auto_fieldset".
auto_fieldset: 1
- type: text
name: foo
- type: text
name: bar
<form action="" method="post">
<span class="text">
<input name="foo" type="text" />
<span class="text">
<input name="bar" type="text" />
The 3rd element is within a new fieldset
auto_fieldset: { id: fs }
- type: text
name: foo
- type: text
name: bar
- type: fieldset
- type: text
name: baz
<form action="" method="post">
<fieldset id="fs">
<span class="text">
<input name="foo" type="text" />
<span class="text">
<input name="bar" type="text" />
<span class="text">
<input name="baz" type="text" />
Because of this behaviour, if you want nested fieldsets you will have to add each nested fieldset directly to it's intended parent.
my $parent = $form->get_element({ type => 'fieldset' });
Arguments: $string
Normally, input errors cause an error message to be displayed alongside the appropriate form field. If you'd also like a general error message to be displayed at the top of the form, you can set the message with "form_error_message".
To change the markup used to display the message, edit the form_error_message
template file.
Arguments: $string
If you don't want your error message to be XML-escaped, use the "form_error_message_xml" method instead.
Arguments: $localization_key
For ease of use, if you'd like to use the provided localized error message, set "form_error_message_loc" to the value form_error_message
You can, of course, set "form_error_message_loc" to any key in your L10N file.
If true, forces the "form_error_message" to be displayed even if there are no field errors.
Arguments: \%defaults
Set defaults which will be added to every element of that type which is added to the form.
For example, to make every text
element automatically have a size of 10
, and make every textarea
element automatically get a class-name of bigbox
size: 10
class: bigbox
Arguments: [$javascript]
If set, the contents will be rendered within a script
tag, inside the top of the form.
Arguments: [\%private_stash]
Provides a hash-ref in which you can store any data you might want to associate with the form. This data will not be used by HTML::FormFu at all.
Arguments: $type
Arguments: \%options
Return Value: $element
Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options
Return Value: @elements
Adds a new element to the form. See "CORE ELEMENTS" in HTML::FormFu::Element for a list of core elements.
If you want to load an element from a namespace other than HTML::FormFu::Element::
, you can use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with +
- type: +MyApp::CustomElement
name: foo
If a type
is not provided in the \%options
, the default text
will be used.
"element" is an alias for "elements".
Arguments: $type
Arguments: \%options
Return Value: $deflator
Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options
Return Value: @deflators
A deflator may be associated with any form field, and allows you to provide $field->default with a value which may be an object.
If an object doesn't stringify to a suitable value for display, the deflator can ensure that the form field receives a suitable string value instead.
See "CORE DEFLATORS" in HTML::FormFu::Deflator for a list of core deflators.
If a name
attribute isn't provided, a new deflator is created for and added to every field on the form.
If you want to load a filter in a namespace other than HTML::FormFu::Deflator::
, you can use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with +
"deflator" is an alias for "deflators".
HTML::FormFu provides several stages for what is traditionally described as validation. These are:
- HTML::FormFu::Filter
- HTML::FormFu::Constraint
- HTML::FormFu::Inflator
- HTML::FormFu::Validator
- HTML::FormFu::Transformer
The first stage, the filters, allow for cleanup of user-input, such as encoding, or removing leading/trailing whitespace, or removing non-digit characters from a creditcard number.
All of the following stages allow for more complex processing, and each of them have a mechanism to allow exceptions to be thrown, to represent input errors. In each stage, all form fields must be processed without error for the next stage to proceed. If there were any errors, the form should be re-displayed to the user, to allow them to input correct values.
Constraints are intended for low-level validation of values, such as "is this value within bounds" or "is this a valid email address".
Inflators are intended to allow a value to be turned into an appropriate object. The resulting object will be passed to subsequent Validators and Transformers, and will also be returned by "params" and "param".
Validators allow for a more complex validation than Constraints. Validators can be sure that all values have successfully passed all Constraints and have been successfully passed through all Inflators. It is expected that most Validators will be application-specific, and so each will be implemented as a seperate class written by the HTML::FormFu user.
Arguments: $type
Arguments: \%options
Return Value: $filter
Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options
Return Value: @filters
If you provide a name
or names
value, the filter will be added to just that named field. If you do not provide a name
or names
value, the filter will be added to all fields already attached to the form.
See "CORE FILTERS" in HTML::FormFu::Filter for a list of core filters.
If a name
attribute isn't provided, a new filter is created for and added to every field on the form.
If you want to load a filter in a namespace other than HTML::FormFu::Filter::
, you can use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with +
"filter" is an alias for "filters".
Arguments: $type
Arguments: \%options
Return Value: $constraint
Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options
Return Value: @constraints
See "CORE CONSTRAINTS" in HTML::FormFu::Constraint for a list of core constraints.
If a name
attribute isn't provided, a new constraint is created for and added to every field on the form.
If you want to load a constraint in a namespace other than HTML::FormFu::Constraint::
, you can use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with +
"constraint" is an alias for "constraints".
Arguments: $type
Arguments: \%options
Return Value: $inflator
Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options
Return Value: @inflators
See "CORE INFLATORS" in HTML::FormFu::Inflator for a list of core inflators.
If a name
attribute isn't provided, a new inflator is created for and added to every field on the form.
If you want to load a inflator in a namespace other than HTML::FormFu::Inflator::
, you can use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with +
"inflator" is an alias for "inflators".
Arguments: $type
Arguments: \%options
Return Value: $validator
Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options
Return Value: @validators
See "CORE VALIDATORS" in HTML::FormFu::Validator for a list of core validators.
If a name
attribute isn't provided, a new validator is created for and added to every field on the form.
If you want to load a validator in a namespace other than HTML::FormFu::Validator::
, you can use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with +
"validator" is an alias for "validators".
Arguments: $type
Arguments: \%options
Return Value: $transformer
Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options
Return Value: @transformers
See "CORE TRANSFORMERS" in HTML::FormFu::Transformer for a list of core transformers.
If a name
attribute isn't provided, a new transformer is created for and added to every field on the form.
If you want to load a transformer in a namespace other than HTML::FormFu::Transformer::
, you can use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with +
"transformer" is an alias for "transformers".
All attributes are added to the rendered form's start tag.
Arguments: [%attributes]
Arguments: [\%attributes]
Return Value: $form
Accepts either a list of key/value pairs, or a hash-ref.
id: form
class: fancy_form
As a special case, if no arguments are passed, the attributes hash-ref is returned. This allows the following idioms.
# set a value
$form->attributes->{id} = 'form';
# delete all attributes
%{ $form->attributes } = ();
"attrs" is an alias for "attributes".
Provides the same functionality as "attributes"" in ", but values won't be XML-escaped.
"attrs_xml" is an alias for "attributes_xml".
Arguments: [%attributes]
Arguments: [\%attributes]
Return Value: $form
Accepts either a list of key/value pairs, or a hash-ref.
$form->add_attributes( $key => $value );
$form->add_attributes( { $key => $value } );
All values are appended to existing values, with a preceeding space character. This is primarily to allow the easy addition of new class names.
$form->attributes({ class => 'foo' });
$form->add_attributes({ class => 'bar' });
# class is now 'foo bar'
"add_attrs" is an alias for "add_attributes".
Provides the same functionality as "add_attributes"" in ", but values won't be XML-escaped.
"add_attrs_xml" is an alias for "add_attributes_xml".
Arguments: [%attributes]
Arguments: [\%attributes]
Return Value: $form
Accepts either a list of key/value pairs, or a hash-ref.
$form->del_attributes( $key => $value );
$form->del_attributes( { $key => $value } );
All values are removed from the attribute value.
$form->attributes({ class => 'foo bar' });
$form->del_attributes({ class => 'bar' });
# class is now 'foo'
"del_attrs" is an alias for "del_attributes".
Provides the same functionality as "del_attributes"" in ", but values won't be XML-escaped.
"del_attrs_xml" is an alias for "del_attributes_xml".
The following methods are shortcuts for accessing "attributes"" in " keys.
Arguments: [$id]
Return Value: $id
Get or set the form's DOM id.
Default Value: none
Arguments: [$uri]
Return Value: $uri
Get or set the action associated with the form. The default is no action, which causes most browsers to submit to the current URI.
Default Value: ""
Arguments: [$enctype]
Return Value: $enctype
Get or set the encoding type of the form. Valid values are application/x-www-form-urlencoded
and multipart/form-data
If the form contains a File element, the enctype is automatically set to multipart/form-data
Arguments: [$method]
Return Value: $method
Get or set the method used to submit the form. Can be set to either "post" or "get".
Default Value: "post"
Arguments: [$string]
If set, then all form fields will be given an auto-generated id attribute, if it doesn't have one already.
The following character substitution will be performed: %f
will be replaced by $form->id, %n
will be replaced by $field->name.
Default Value: not defined
This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and up to the form, searching for a defined value.
Arguments: [$string]
If set, then all form fields will be given an auto-generated name, if it doesn't have one already.
The following character substitution will be performed: %f
will be replaced by $form->id, %n
will be replaced by $field->name.
The generated string will be passed to "localize" to create the label.
Default Value: not defined
This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and up to the form, searching for a defined value.
Arguments: [$string]
If set, then all form errors will be given an auto-generated class-name.
The following character substitution will be performed: %f
will be replaced by $form->id, %n
will be replaced by $field->name, %t
will be replaced by lc( $field->type ), %s
will be replaced by $error->stage.
Default Value: 'error_%s_%t'
This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and up to the form, searching for a defined value.
Arguments: [$string]
If set, then all form fields will be given an auto-generated message, if it doesn't have one already.
The following character substitution will be performed: %f
will be replaced by $form->id, %n
will be replaced by $field->name, %t
will be replaced by lc( $field->type ).
The generated string will be passed to "localize" to create the message.
Default Value: 'form_%t_error'
This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and up to the form, searching for a defined value.
Arguments: [$string]
If set, then all form fields will be given an auto-generated class-name for each associated constraint.
The following character substitution will be performed: %f
will be replaced by $form->id, %n
will be replaced by $field->name, %t
will be replaced by lc( $field->type ).
Default Value: not defined
This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and up to the form, searching for a defined value.
Arguments: [$string]
If set, then all form fields will be given an auto-generated class-name for each associated inflator.
The following character substitution will be performed: %f
will be replaced by $form->id, %n
will be replaced by $field->name, %t
will be replaced by lc( $field->type ).
Default Value: not defined
This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and up to the form, searching for a defined value.
Arguments: [$string]
If set, then all form fields will be given an auto-generated class-name for each associated validator.
The following character substitution will be performed: %f
will be replaced by $form->id, %n
will be replaced by $field->name, %t
will be replaced by lc( $field->type ).
Default Value: not defined
This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and up to the form, searching for a defined value.
Arguments: [$string]
If set, then all form fields will be given an auto-generated class-name for each associated validator.
The following character substitution will be performed: %f
will be replaced by $form->id, %n
will be replaced by $field->name, %t
will be replaced by lc( $field->type ).
Default Value: not defined
This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and up to the form, searching for a defined value.
Arguments: [\@languages]
A list of languages which will be passed to the localization object.
Default Value: ['en']
Arguments: [$class_name]
Classname to be used for the default localization object.
Default Value: 'HTML::FormFu::I18N'
Arguments: [$key, @arguments]
Compatible with the maketext
method in Locale::Maketext.
Arguments: [$query_object]
Arguments: \%params
Provide a CGI compatible query object or a hash-ref of submitted names/values. Alternatively, the query object can be passed directly to the "process" object.
Arguments: [$query_type]
Set which module is being used to provide the "query".
The Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu automatically sets this to Catalyst
Valid values are CGI
, Catalyst
and CGI::Simple
Default Value: 'CGI'
Arguments: [$query_object]
Arguments: [\%params]
Process the provided query object or input values. This must be called before calling any of the methods listed under "SUBMITTED FORM VALUES AND ERRORS" and "MODIFYING A SUBMITTED FORM".
It's not necessary to call "process" before printing the form or calling "render".
Returns true if the form has been submitted. See "indicator" for details on how this is computed.
Shorthand for $form->submitted && !$form->has_errors
Return Value: \%params
Returns a hash-ref of all valid input for which there were no errors.
Arguments: [$field_name]
Return Value: $input_value
Return Value: @valid_names
A (readonly) CGI compatible method.
If a field name if given, in list-context returns any valid values submitted for that field, and in scalar-context returns only the first of any valid values submitted for that field.
If no argument is given, returns a list of all valid input field names without errors.
Passing more than 1 argument is a fatal error.
Arguments: [$field_name]
Return Value: @valid_names
Return Value: $bool
If a field name if given, returns true
if that field had no errors and false
if there were errors.
If no argument is given, returns a list of all valid input field names without errors.
Arguments: [$field_name]
Return Value: @names
Return Value: $bool
If a field name if given, returns true
if that field had errors and false
if there were no errors.
If no argument is given, returns a list of all input field names with errors.
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: \@errors
Returns an array-ref of exception objects from all fields in the form.
Accepts both name
, type
and stage
arguments to narrow the returned results.
name => 'foo',
type => 'Regex',
stage => 'constraint'
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: $error
Accepts the same arguments as "get_errors", but only returns the first error found.
Arguments: $name, $value
Return Value: $value
The provided value replaces any current value for the named field. This value will be returned in subsequent calls to "params" and "param" and the named field will be included in calculations for "valid".
Deletes all errors from a submitted form.
Return Value: $render_object
Returns a $render
object which can either be printed, or used for more advanced custom rendering.
Using a $form
object in string context (for example, printing it) automatically calls "render".
The default class of the returned render object is HTML::FormFu::Render::Form.
Return Value: $string
Convenience method for returning "start_form" in HTML::FormFu::Render::Form.
Returns the form start tag, and any output of "form_error_message" and "javascript".
Equivalent to:
Return Value: $string
Convenience method for returning "end_form" in HTML::FormFu::Render::Form.
Returns the form end tag.
Equivalent to:
Return Value: $string
Returns all hidden form fields.
Change the template filename used for the form.
Default Value: "form"
Set the classname used to create a form render object. If set, the values of "render_class_prefix" and "render_class_suffix" are ignored.
Default Value: none
This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and up to the form, searching for a defined value.
Set the prefix used to generate the classname of the form render object and all Element render objects.
Default Value: "HTML::FormFu::Render"
This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and up to the form, searching for a defined value.
Set the suffix used to generate the classname of the form render object.
Default Value: "Form"
Arguments: [\%constructor_arguments]
Accepts a hash-ref of arguments passed to the render object constructor for the form and all elements.
The default render class (HTML::FormFu::Render::Base) passes these arguments to the TT constructor.
are overridden to always be true, as these are a basic requirement for the Template engine.
The default value of INCLUDE_PATH
is root
. This should generally be overridden to point to the location of the HTML::FormFu template files on your local system.
This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and up to the form, searching for a defined value.
Arguments: [$method_name]
The method named called by "output" in HTML::FormFu::Render::base.
Default Value: 'xhtml'
This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and up to the form, searching for a defined value.
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: \@elements
Returns all top-level elements in the form (not recursive).
Accepts both name
and type
arguments to narrow the returned results.
name => 'foo',
type => 'radio',
See "get_all_elements" for a recursive version.
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: $element
Accepts the same arguments as "get_elements", but only returns the first element found.
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: \@elements
Returns all fields in the form (specifically, all elements which have a true "is_field" in HTML::FormFu::Element value.
Accepts both name
and type
arguments to narrow the returned results.
name => 'foo',
type => 'radio',
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: $element
Accepts the same arguments as "get_fields", but only returns the first field found.
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: \@deflators
Returns all top-level deflators from all fields.
Accepts both name
and type
arguments to narrow the returned results.
name => 'foo',
type => 'Strftime',
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: $element
Accepts the same arguments as "get_deflators", but only returns the first deflator found.
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: \@filters
Returns all top-level filters from all fields.
Accepts both name
and type
arguments to narrow the returned results.
name => 'foo',
type => 'LowerCase',
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: $filter
Accepts the same arguments as "get_filters", but only returns the first filter found.
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: \@constraints
Returns all constraints from all fields.
Accepts both name
and type
arguments to narrow the returned results.
name => 'foo',
type => 'Equal',
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: $constraint
Accepts the same arguments as "get_constraints", but only returns the first constraint found.
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: \@inflators
Returns all inflators from all fields.
Accepts both name
and type
arguments to narrow the returned results.
name => 'foo',
type => 'DateTime',
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: $inflator
Accepts the same arguments as "get_inflators", but only returns the first inflator found.
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: \@validators
Returns all validators from all fields.
Accepts both name
and type
arguments to narrow the returned results.
name => 'foo',
type => 'Callback',
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: $validator
Accepts the same arguments as "get_validators", but only returns the first validator found.
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: \@transformers
Returns all transformers from all fields.
Accepts both name
and type
arguments to narrow the returned results.
name => 'foo',
type => 'Callback',
Arguments: [%options]
Arguments: [\%options]
Return Value: $transformer
Accepts the same arguments as "get_transformers", but only returns the first transformer found.
Returns a deep clone of the <$form> object.
Because of scoping issues, code references (such as in Callback constraints) are copied instead of cloned.
It is advisable to keep application-wide (or global) settings in a single config file, which should be loaded by each form.
See "load_config_file".
It's too slow!
Are you using Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace? This is known to cause performance problems, and we advise disabling it.
How do I add an onSubmit handler to the form?
attributes_xml: { onsubmit: $javascript }
See "attributes" in HTML::FormFu.
How do I add an onChange handler to a form field?
- type: text
attributes_xml: { onchange: $javascript }
See "attributes" in HTML::FormFu::Element.
Element X does not have an accessor for Y!
You can add any arbitrary HTML attributes with "attributes" in HTML::FormFu::Element.
How can I add a HTML tag which isn't included?
You can use the HTML::FormFu::Element::Block element, and set the tag to the tag type you want.
- type: block
tag: span
How do I check if a textfield contains a URI in a proper format?
Use HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Regex:
- type: text
name: uri
- type: Regex
common: [ URI, HTTP, { '-scheme': 'ftp|https?' ]
Project Page:
Mailing list:
Mailing list archives:
The HTML::Widget archives between January and May 2007 also contain discussion regarding HTML::FormFu.
Please submit bugs / feature requests to http://code.google.com/p/html-formfu/issues/list (preferred) or http://rt.perl.org.
The publicly viewable subversion code repository is at http://html-formfu.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/HTML-FormFu.
If you wish to contribute, you'll need a gmail email address. Then just join our mailing list and ask for commit access.
If you wish to contribute but for some reason really don't want to sign up for a gmail account, please post patches to the mailing list (but then you'll have to wait for someone to commit them).
If you have commit permissions, please use this repository url: https://html-formfu.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/HTML-FormFu
Carl Franks
Daisuke Maki
Andreas Marienborg
Mario Minati
Based on the original source code of HTML::Widget, by Sebastian Riedel, sri@oook.de
This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.