HTML::TagHelper - Generate HTML tags in an easy way


Version 0.02


use HTML::TagHelper;

my $th = HTML::TagHelper->new();
$th->t( 'bar', class => 'test', 0);
$th->link_to('', title => 'Foo', sub { 'Foo' });
$th->form_for('/links', sub {
$th->text_field(foo => 'bar')
    . $th->input_tag(baz => 'yada', class => 'tset')
    . $th->submit_button
$th->date_select_field('date', {
    year_start => 2013,
    year_end => 2013
  [ {title => "Option 1", value => "option1"},
    {title => "Option 2", value => "option2"}, ],
  [ 'option1' ],
$th->textarea(e => (cols => 40, rows => 50) => sub {'text in textarea'});


The module contains some code generators to easily create tags for links, images, select-field etc.

This is mostly a port of the Ruby on Rails helper tags for use in Catalyst. And alias tags name as Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers.



$th->select_field($name, \@options, \%html_options)

Create a select html element.

Required options are:

name: The content of the name attribute on the tag

The options array must contain either the output of options_for_select or an array of hashes with title and value as keys.

Addtional html_options are:

id: The content of the id attribute on the tag (defaults to the value of name).

Besides this html_option, you can enter any option you want as an attribute on the tag, e.g. class, id etc.



Create all options html elements to put inside select_field.

Required options are:

options: This is an array of hashes, where the title pair will be used for content of the tag, and the value pair will be used for value.


$th->options_for_select( [{title => "Option 1", value="option1"}, {title => "Option 2", value => "option2"}] );


$th->date_select_field($name, \%options)

Create 3 select html element - one for day, one for month and one for year.

Required options are:

name: The content of the name attribute on the tag. They are all post-fixed with "day", "month" or "year"

The options array must contain either the output of options_for_select or an array of hashes with title and value as keys.

Addtional options are:

year_start: Which year should be the first option. Defaults to DateTime->now->year

year_end: Which your should be the last option. Default to start_year + 5

id: The content of the id attribute on the tag (defaults to the value of name).

class: The content of the class attributes on the tags.

Besides this html_option, you can enter any option you want as an attribute on the tag, e.g. class, id etc.


Gitte Wange Olrik, <gitte at>

Chenryn, <chenlin.rao at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-html-taghelper at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc HTML::TagHelper

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2008 Gitte Wange Olrik, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.