The maintainer of this distribution has indicated that it is deprecated and no longer suitable for use.
Plack::Middleware::RefererCheck - check referer for defensive CSRF attack.(DEPRECATED)
use Plack::Builder;
builder {
enable 'RefererCheck', host => '', same_scheme => 1, error_app => sub { [403, [], ['Forbidden']] };
or more simply(host from $env->{HTTP_HOST} and same_scheme => 0)
# this is vulnerabilly for DNS Rebinding
builder {
enable 'RefererCheck';
Please note that this module has been DEPRECATED.
Because Referer is not required and RFC2616 strongly recommends that the user be able to select whether or not the field.
Please use other way. For example Plack::Middleware::CSRFBlock, Catalyst::Controller::RequestToken and Amon2::Plugin::Web::CSRFDefender.
- host
Instead of using $env->{HTTP_HOST} if you set.
- same_scheme
Check if you are setting "1" the same scheme.default: "0"
- error_app
Is an PSGI-app that runs on errors.default: return 403 Forbidden app.
- no_warn
mute DEPRECATED warnings.
Masahiro Chiba
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.