# Figure out which low-level commands are necessary to refresh an
# interactive PLplot device
use strict;
use PDL::Graphics::PLplot;
sub refresh{
my $x = sequence(10);
my $y = $x**2;
# my $w=PDL::Graphics::PLplot->new(DEV=>'psc',FILE=>'plplottest.ps',JUST=>0);
my $w = PDL::Graphics::PLplot->new(DEV=>'xwin',FILE=>':0',JUST=>1);
## Either use this chunk of lines
# print "before first plot BOX is ",@{$w->{BOX}},"\n";
# $w->xyplot2(10*$x,$y);
# print "after first plot BOX is ",@{$w->{BOX}},"\n";
# $w->hold;
# $w->xyplot2(10*$x,$y*2,COLOR=>'RED');
# print "after second plot BOX is ",@{$w->{BOX}},"\n";
# $w->release;
# $w->close;
## or use this chunk of lines
my $size = 50;
# sleep 3;
sub PDL::Graphics::PLplot::imag {
my $self = shift;
my $img = shift;
my %opts = @_;
# Set PLplot to right output stream
# Advance the (sub)page unless we're being held or the window is brand new
pladv(0) unless $self->held or !exists($self->{BOX});
# Only process COLORMAP entries once
my $z = $opts{COLORMAP};
delete ($opts{COLORMAP});
# Set ticks to be external
$self->{XBOX} = $self->{XBOX} . 'i' unless exists($opts{XBOX});# =~ /i/i;
$self->{YBOX} = $self->{YBOX} . 'i' unless exists($opts{YBOX});# =~ /i/i;
my @borders = (-0.5,$img->dim(0)-0.5,-0.5,$img->dim(1)-0.5);
unless ( $self->held ) {
$self->{BOX} = \@borders;
# Draw the image
# Plot box
plcol0(1); # set to frame color
plbox($self->{XTICK}, $self->{NXSUB}, $self->{YTICK}, $self->{NYSUB},
$self->{XBOX}, $self->{YBOX}); # !!! note out of order call
sub PDL::Graphics::PLplot::held{
my $self = shift;
return $self->{HELD};
sub PDL::Graphics::PLplot::hold{
my $self = shift;
$self->{HELD} = 1;
sub PDL::Graphics::PLplot::release{
my $self = shift;
$self->{HELD} = 0;
sub PDL::Graphics::PLplot::xyplot2 {
my $self = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
my %opts = @_;
# Set PLplot to right output stream
# Only process COLORMAP entries once
my $z = $opts{COLORMAP};
delete ($opts{COLORMAP});
# Handle ERRORBAR options
my $xeb = $opts{XERRORBAR};
my $yeb = $opts{YERRORBAR};
delete ($opts{XERRORBAR});
delete ($opts{YERRORBAR});
# Advance the (sub)page unless we're being held or the window is brand new
pladv(0) unless $self->held or !exists($self->{BOX});
# Apply options
unless ($self->held) {
# unless (exists($self->{BOX})) {
$self->{BOX} = [$x->minmax, $y->minmax];
# Set up viewport, subpage, world coordinates
# Draw labels
# Plot box
plcol0(1); # set to frame color
plbox($self->{XTICK}, $self->{NXSUB}, $self->{YTICK}, $self->{NYSUB},
$self->{XBOX}, $self->{YBOX}); # !!! note out of order call
# Set the color according to the color specified in the object
# (we don't do this as an option, because then the frame might
# get the color requested for the line/points
# Set line style for plot only (not box)
# Set line width for plot only (not box)
# Plot lines if requested
if ($self->{PLOTTYPE} =~ /LINE/) {
plline($x, $y);
# Set line width back
# Plot points if requested
if ($self->{PLOTTYPE} =~ /POINTS/) {
my $c = $self->{SYMBOL};
unless (defined($c)) {
# The default for $c is a PDL of ones with shape
# equal to $x with the first dimension removed
my $z = PDL->zeroes($x->nelem);
$c = PDL->ones($z->zcover) unless defined($c);
plssym(0, $self->{SYMBOLSIZE}) if (defined($self->{SYMBOLSIZE}));
if (defined($z)) { # If a color range plot requested
my ($min, $max) = exists ($self->{ZRANGE}) ? @{$self->{ZRANGE}} : $z->minmax;
plcolorpoints($x, $y, $z, $c, $min, $max);
} else {
plsym($x, $y, $c);
# Plot error bars, if requested
if (defined($xeb)) {
# Horizontal (X) error bars
plerrx($x->nelem, $x - $xeb/2, $x + $xeb/2, $y);
if (defined($yeb)) {
# Vertical (Y) error bars
plerry($y->nelem, $x, $y - $yeb/2, $y + $yeb/2);
# Flush the PLplot stream.