Log::Dispatch::File::Stamped - Logging to date/time stamped files
use Log::Dispatch::File::Stamped;
my $file = Log::Dispatch::File::Stamped->new(
name => 'file1',
min_level => 'info',
filename => 'Somefile.log',
stamp_fmt => '%Y%m%d',
mode => 'append' );
$file->log( level => 'emerg', message => "I've fallen and I can't get up\n" );
This module subclasses Log::Dispatch::File for logging to date/time stamped files.
- new(%p)
This method takes the same set of parameters as Log::Dispatch::File::new(), with the following differences:
- -- filename ($)
The filename template. The actual timestamp will be appended to this filename when creating the actual logfile. If the filename has an extension, the timestamp is inserted before the extension. See examples below.
- -- stamp_fmt ($)
The format of the timestamp string. This module uses POSIX::strftime to create the timestamp string from the current local date and time. Refer to your platform's strftime documentation for the list of allowed tokens.
Defaults to '%Y%m%d'.
- -- mode ($)
This parameter is ignored, and is forced to 'append'.
- log_message( message => $ )
Sends a message to the appropriate output. Generally this shouldn't be called directly but should be called through the "log()" method (in Log::Dispatch::Output).
Assuming the current date and time is:
% perl -e 'print scalar localtime'
Sat Feb 8 13:56:13 2003
name => 'file',
min_level => 'debug',
filename => 'logfile.txt',
This will log to file 'logfile-20030208.txt'.
name => 'file',
min_level => 'debug',
filename => 'logfile.txt',
stamp_fmt => '%d%H',
This will log to file 'logfile-0813.txt'.
Eric Cholet <>
The Log::Dispatch::File::Stamped is free software. You may distribute it under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
Dave Rolsky, author of the Log::Dispatch suite and many other fine modules on CPAN.