Test::Mockify::Verify - To verify mock interactions
Sometimes you will need to verify that a specific method was called a certain amount of times, each time with specific parameters. Mockify provides the following methods to access this data.
my $aParameters = GetParametersFromMockifyCall($MockifiedObject, 'nameOfMethod', $OptionalPosition);
This function returns all the parameters after the *mockified* module was used. If the test calls the method multiple times, the "$OptionalPosition" can be used to get the specific call. The default is "0". Returns an array ref with the parameters of the specific method call. *(Note: The calls are counted starting from zero. You will get the parameters from the first call with 0, the ones from the second call with 1, and so on.)*
my $WasCalled = WasCalled($MockifiedObject, 'nameOfMethod');
This function returns the information if the method was called on the *mockified* module.
my $AmountOfCalls = GetCallCount($MockifiedObject, 'nameOfMethod');
This function returns the information on how often the method was called on the *mockified* module. If the method was not called it will return "0".