WebService::EveOnline::API::Map /;
# U.G.L.Y. You ain't got no alibi (this is where we set up the API mappings, sort out the internal symbol conversion and set max cache times)
our $API_MAP = {
skills => { endpoint => 'char/CharacterSheet', params => [ [ 'character_id', 'characterID' ] ], max_cache => 900 },
balance => { endpoint => 'char/CharacterSheet', params => [ [ 'character_id', 'characterID' ] ], max_cache => 60 },
race => { endpoint => 'char/CharacterSheet', params => [ [ 'character_id', 'characterID' ] ], max_cache => 604800 },
bloodline => { endpoint => 'char/CharacterSheet', params => [ [ 'character_id', 'characterID' ] ], max_cache => 604800 },
attributes => { endpoint => 'char/CharacterSheet', params => [ [ 'character_id', 'characterID' ] ], },
enhancers => { endpoint => 'char/CharacterSheet', params => [ [ 'character_id', 'characterID' ] ], },
gender => { endpoint => 'char/CharacterSheet', params => [ [ 'character_id', 'characterID' ] ], max_cache => 604800 },
training => { endpoint => 'char/SkillInTraining', params => [ [ 'character_id', 'characterID' ] ], },
transactions => { endpoint => 'char/WalletTransactions', params => [
[ 'character_id', 'characterID' ],
[ 'before_trans_id', 'beforeTransID' ],
[ 'account_key', 'accountKey' ],
], },
character => { endpoint => 'account/Characters', params => undef, },
all_skills => { endpoint => 'eve/SkillTree', params => undef, },
all_reftypes => { endpoint => 'eve/RefTypes', params => undef, },
=head2 new
Called by WebService::EveOnline->new -- sets things up at the backend without cluttering things up.
Doesn't die if not passed an api_key/user_id combination, unlike the latter.
sub new {
my ($class, $params) = @_;
$params ||= {};
$params->{cache_type} ||= "SQLite";
$params->{cache_user} ||= "";
$params->{cache_pass} ||= "";
$params->{cache_dbname} ||= "/tmp/webservice_eveonline.db";
$params->{cache_init} ||= "yes";
$params->{cache_maxage} ||= (86400 * 7); # time (s) between cache rebuilds. A week, for now.
my $evecache = WebService::EveOnline::Cache->new( { cache_type => $params->{cache_type}, cache_dbname => $params->{cache_dbname} } ) if $params->{cache_init} eq "yes";
if ($evecache && $evecache->cache_age >= $params->{cache_maxage}) {
$evecache->repopulate('all_skills', call_api('all_skills'));
} else {
$evecache ||= WebService::EveOnline::Cache->new( { cache_type => "no_cache" } );
return bless({ _user_id => $params->{user_id}, _api_key => $params->{api_key}, _evecache => $evecache }, $class);
=head2 $eve->user_id
Returns the current user_id.
sub user_id {
my ($self, $user_id) = @_;
$self->{_user_id} = $user_id if $user_id;
return $self->{_user_id};
=head2 $eve->api_key
Returns the current api_key.
sub api_key {
my ($self, $api_key) = @_;
$self->{_api_key} = $api_key if $api_key;
return $self->{_api_key};
=head2 $eve->call_api(<command>, <params>)
Call the Eve API and retrieve the results. Look in the cache first. Cache results according to API map settings.
sub call_api {
my ($self, $command, $params) = @_;
my $auth = { user_id => "", api_key => "" };
if (ref($self)) {
$auth = { user_id => $self->user_id, api_key => $self->api_key };
} else {
$command = $self;
if ( defined($API_MAP->{$command}) ) {
my $gen_params = _gen_params($self, $API_MAP->{$command}->{params}, $params);
my $cached_response = $self->{_evecache}->retrieve( { command => "$command", params => $gen_params } ) if ref($self);
return $cached_response if $cached_response;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( POST => $WebService::EveOnline::EVE_API . $API_MAP->{$command}->{endpoint} . '.xml.aspx' );
my $content = 'userid=' . $auth->{user_id} . '&apikey=' . $auth->{api_key} . $gen_params;
$req->content($content) ;
my $res = $ua->request($req);
if ($res->is_success) {
my $xs = XML::Simple->new();
my $xml = $res->content;
my $pre = $xs->XMLin($xml);
my $data = {};
# print out any error content if it's set.
if ($pre->{error}->{content}) {
warn $pre->{error}->{content};
# at the moment, we deal in hashrefs. one day, these will be objects (like everything else will be ;-P)
if ($command eq "character") {
$data = $pre->{result}->{rowset}->{row};
} elsif ($command eq "skills") {
$data->{skills} = $pre->{result}->{rowset}->{row} if $pre->{result}->{rowset}->{row};
} elsif ($command eq "attributes") {
$data = $pre->{result}->{attributes};
} elsif ($command eq "enhancers") {
$data = $pre->{result}->{attributeEnhancers};
} elsif ($command eq "gender") {
$data = $pre->{result};
} elsif ($command eq "race") {
$data = $pre->{result};
} elsif ($command eq "bloodline") {
$data = $pre->{result};
} elsif ($command eq "balance") {
$data = $pre->{result};
} elsif ($command eq "training") {
$data = $pre->{result};
} elsif ($command eq "transactions") {
$data->{transactions} = $pre->{result}->{rowset}->{row} if $pre->{result}->{rowset}->{row};
} else {
$data = $pre;
return $data;
$data->{_status} = "ok";
$data->{_xml} = $xml;
$data->{_parsed_as} = $pre;
my $stripped_data = undef;
unless ($WebService::EveOnline::DEBUG_MODE) {
$stripped_data = {};
foreach my $strip_debug (keys %{$data}) {
next if $strip_debug =~ /^_/; # skip meta keys
$stripped_data->{$strip_debug} = $data->{$strip_debug};
if (ref($self) && $data) {
return $self->{_evecache}->store( { command => $command, obj => $self, data => $stripped_data || $data, params => $gen_params, cache_until => $pre->{cachedUntil}, max_cache => $API_MAP->{$command}->{max_cache} } );
} else {
return $stripped_data || $data;
} else {
return { _status => "error", message => $res->status_line, _raw => undef };
} else {
return { _status => "error", message => "Bad command", _raw => undef };
sub _gen_params {
my ($self, $keys, $passed) = @_;
return "" unless defined $keys;
my @kvp = ();
foreach my $param (@{$keys}) {
my ($intkey, $evekey) = @{$param};
push(@kvp, "$evekey=" . ($self->$intkey || $passed->{$intkey})) if ($self->$intkey || $passed->{$intkey});
return '&' . (join('&', @kvp));