our $VERSION = "0.60";
=head2 $character->corporation
=head4 new
This is called under the hood when an $eve->character->corporation object is requested.
It returns a corporation object for the character it is called upon.
You probably won't need to call this directly.
sub new {
my ($self, $c, $name) = @_;
return bless({ _character_id => $c->id, _evecache => $c->{_evecache}, _api_key => $c->{_api_key}, _user_id => $c->{_user_id} }, __PACKAGE__);
=head2 members
Returns an array of corporate member objects when called in list context, otherwise
it returns your own corporate details.
sub members {
my ($self, $c, $name) = @_;
$c ||= $self;
my $cid = $c->id || $c->{_character_id};
my $members = $self->call_api('corp_members', { characterID => $cid }, $c);
return undef unless $members;
my @member_objs;
foreach my $mref (keys %{$members}) {
my $member = $members->{$mref};
push(@member_objs, bless({
_id => $member->{characterID},
_name => $mref,
_title => $member->{title},
_location => $member->{location},
_location_id => $member->{locationID},
_ship_type => $member->{shipType},
_ship_type_id => $member->{shipTypeID},
_start_time => &WebService::EveOnline::Cache::_evedate_to_epoch($member->{startDateTime}),
_logon_time => &WebService::EveOnline::Cache::_evedate_to_epoch($member->{logonDateTime}),
_logoff_time => $member->{logoffDateTime} ? &WebService::EveOnline::Cache::_evedate_to_epoch($member->{logoffDateTime}) : undef,
_eve_logon_time => $member->{logonDateTime},
_eve_logoff_time => $member->{logoffDateTime},
_eve_start_time => $member->{startDateTime},
_base => $member->{base},
_base_id => $member->{baseID},
_roles => $member->{roles},
_grantable_roles => $member->{grantableRoles},
_evecache => $c->{_evecache},
_api_key => $c->{_api_key},
_user_id => $c->{_user_id},
_character_id => $cid
}, __PACKAGE__)
if (wantarray) {
return @member_objs;
} else {
# try to return yourself rather than A Random Corp Member
foreach $m (@member_objs) {
return $m if $m->{_id} == $cid;
return $member_objs[0];
=head2 id
Returns the id of the character/member of the corporation
sub id {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_id};
=head2 name
Returns the name of the character belonging to the corporation
sub name {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_name};
=head2 title
Returns the of the character belonging to the corporation
sub title {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_title};
=head2 location
Returns the location of the character belonging to the corporation
sub location {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_location};
=head2 location_id
Returns the location id of the character belonging to the corporation
sub location_id {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_location_id};
=head2 ship_type
Returns the ship of the character belonging to the corporation
sub ship_type {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_ship_type};
=head2 ship_type_id
Returns the ship_type_id of the character belonging to the corporation
sub ship_type_id {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_ship_type_id};
=head2 joined
Returns the joining date of the character belonging to the corporation
Epoch seconds (GMT) is returned.
sub joined {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_start_time};
=head2 logged_on
Returns the time that the character belonging to the corporation last logged on
Epoch seconds (GMT) is returned.
sub logged_on {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_logon_time};
=head2 logged_off
Returns the time that the character belonging to the corporation last logged off
Epoch seconds (GMT) is returned.
sub logged_off {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_logoff_time};
=head2 online
Is the member online? (NB. This doesn't seem to work as the API doesn't seem to update
until a member logs off).
sub online {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return ($self->logged_on > $self->logged_off) ? 1 : undef;
=head2 base
Returns the base where the character belonging to the corporation currently resides.
sub base {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_base};
=head2 base_id
Returns the base_id where the character belonging to the corporation currently resides.
sub base_id {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_base_id};
=head2 roles
Returns the roles the character belonging to the corporation plays.
sub roles {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_roles};
=head2 grantable_roles
Returns the roles grantable to the character belonging to the corporation.
sub grantable_roles {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $self->{_grantable_roles};
=head2 hashref
A hashref containing all the data the EVE API returns about a particular
corporate member.
sub hashref {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return {
id => $self->{_id},
name => $self->{_name},
title => $self->{_title},
location => $self->{_location},
location_id => $self->{_location_id},
ship_type => $self->{_ship_type},
ship_type_id => $self->{_ship_type_id},
start_time => $self->{_start_time},
logon_time => $self->{_logon_time},
logoff_time => $self->{_logoff_time},
eve_start_time => $self->{_eve_start_time},
eve_logon_time => $self->{_eve_logon_time},
eve_logoff_time => $self->{_eve_logoff_time},
base => $self->{_base},
base_id => $self->{_base_id},
roles => $self->{_roles},
grantable_roles => $self->{_grantable_roles},