WWW::Newzbin - Interface to's Usenet index


use WWW::Newzbin;
use WWW::Newzbin::Constants qw(:all);

my $nzb = WWW::Newzbin->new(
	username => "joebloggs",
	password => "secretpass123"

$nzb->lwp_useragent->timeout(10); # ADVANCED: allow less time for responses from newzbin

my @results = $nzb->search_files(
	query => "the john smith orchestra",
	category => [ NEWZBIN_CAT_MUSIC, NEWZBIN_CAT_MOVIES ], # search in Newzbin's "music" and "movies" categories...
	group => [ "", "alt.binaries.test" ], # ...and return results from these groups only
	retention => 30, # no more than 30 days old
	resultlimit => 50, # return maximum of 50 results
	sortfield => NEWZBIN_SORTFIELD_SUBJECT, # sort by subject...
	sortorder => NEWZBIN_SORTORDER_ASC # ascending order

if ($nzb->error_code) {
	print "Error # " . $nzb->error_code . ": " . $nzb->error_message;
} else {
	print "Total number of results found: " . $nzb->search_files_total;
	print "Subject of result #1: " . $results[0]->{subject};

# make an nzb file for binaries in newzbin report #12345678
my ($nzb_file, $report_name, $report_category) = $nzb->get_nzb(reportid => 12345678);

# make an nzb file for binaries in newzbin report #12345678, and leave the nzb file gzip-compressed
my ($nzb_file_gzipped, $report_name, $report_category) = $nzb->get_nzb(
	reportid => 12345678,
	leavegzip => 1

# make an nzb file for binaries with the newzbin file ids #123, #456 and #789, and don't compress it when downloading it
my $nzb_file = $nzb->get_nzb(
	fileid => [ 123, 456, 789 ],
	nogzip => 1


This module is a Perl interface to the v3 direct APIs. Newzbin is a Usenet binary indexing service that also offers .nzb files - short summary files containing all the information a newsreader requires to download any given binary or set of binaries from Usenet.




my $nzb = WWW::Newzbin->new(
	username => "joebloggs",
	password => "secretpass123"

The new() method constructs a new WWW::Newzbin object.

username and password should be valid Newzbin credentials, and both must be supplied for the object to be successfully constructed. The new() method does not check whether these credentials are valid.

Other (optional) parameters are:

  • nowarnings - WWW::Newzbin warns whenever something unexpected happens (for example, if an unrecognised parameter is passed to a method, or if a recognised parameter is passed in an incorrect manner). Any true value (e.g. 1) for nowarnings disables all warnings issued by WWW::Newzbin.

  • proxy - Defines a proxy server that the underlying LWP::UserAgent object will use when accessing Newzbin. Should be given in the format http://proxy.address:port.

dies if the username or password are missing, and warns if any unrecognised parameters are given.


print "Error code for last error: " . $nzb->error_code;

If an error occurred during the last method call, this method will return an integer describing what kind of error occurred (or undef if an error did not occur during the last method call). Check the documentation for each individual method for a list of expected return values from error_code.

This method's output is programmatically useful, but isn't pretty to give back to a user. Consider "error_message" for user feedback.


print "An error occurred while processing your request: " . $nzb->error_message;

If an error occurred during the last method call, this method will return a short description of the error (or undef if an error did not occur during the last method call). Check the documentation for each individual method for an idea of what to expect for a return value from this method - the message will depend on the "error_code".

This method's output is useful for user feedback, but isn't very useful programmatically. Consider "error_code" for handling errors using code.


my @results = $nzb->search_files(
	query => "the john smith orchestra",
	group => [ "", "alt.binaries.test" ],
	retention => 30,
	resultlimit => 50,

Searches Newzbin's files index for a given string, and (optionally) filters the results based on given criteria. Please note that it is not possible to search Newzbin without a valid Premium account.

Search criteria are passed as parameters to the method. The following parameters are allowed; each is optional unless otherwise specified:

  • query (required) - The string of text to search for.

  • category - The Newzbin category (or categories) to search. Any of the NEWZBIN_CAT_* constants specified in WWW::Newzbin::Constants are valid. May be a single constant if only one category is to be searched, or an arrayref of constants if more than one category is to be searched. Default is none (i.e. all categories are searched).

  • group - The Usenet newsgroup (or newsgroups) to search. May be a scalar containing the name of a single newsgroup to search, or an arrayref of scalars if more than one newsgroup is to be searched. Default is none (i.e. all newsgroups are searched).

  • retention - The maximum age (in days) of a file that is permitted for it to be included as a search result. Must be at least 1, and at most 200 (this might change without notice; see "LIMITATIONS"). Default is currently 7 (again, this might change without notice; see "LIMITATIONS").

  • minsize and maxsize - Respectively, the minimum and maximum sizes (in bytes) that files must be to count as results. Either parameter may be given; if both are given, minsize must be less than or equal to maxsize, otherwise neither criteria will be considered in the search. Defaults are 0 for both parameters (i.e. no file size restrictions).

  • filetype - Filter by file type. At the time of writing, values currently accepted by Newzbin for this field are SFV, NFO and NZB (this might change without notice; see "LIMITATIONS"). Default is none (i.e. all file types are allowed).

  • resultoffset and resultlimit - Respectively, the offset at which to begin returning results and the maximum number of results to return for this search. Either parameter (or both) may be specified. resultoffset should be at least 0 and resultlimit must be at most 5000 (this might change without notice; see "LIMITATIONS"), otherwise neither criteria will be considered in the search. Defaults are 0 for resultoffset and 500 for resultlimit (again, this might change without notice; see "LIMITATIONS").

  • sortfield and sortorder - Respectively, the field by which to sort and the order in which to sort. Any of the NEWZBIN_SORTFIELD_* constants specified in WWW::Newzbin::Constants are valid for the sortfield parameter, and any of the NEWZBIN_SORTORDER_* constants specified in WWW::Newzbin::Constants are valid for the sortorder parameter. If an invalid value is used for either parameter, the values given for both parameters will not be considered as search criteria. Defaults are NEWZBIN_SORTFIELD_DATE (the file's posted date) for sortfield and NEWZBIN_SORTORDER_ASC (ascending) for sortorder (either of these might change without notice; see "LIMITATIONS").

If the search is successful, the method returns an array of results (with the first result at the head of the array). Each result is a hashref containing the following keys:

  • fileid - Newzbin's unique, internal ID for this file. Suitable for use in "get_nzb".

  • subject - The file's subject (title), as given by its poster.

  • posttime - Unix representation of the date and time at which the file was posted to Usenet (may not be completely accurate; see "LIMITATIONS").

  • filesize - The size of the file, in bytes (may not be completely accurate; see "LIMITATIONS").

  • author - The name of the user who posted the file to Usenet.

  • groups - A hashref containing a list of the newsgroups to which this file was posted.

The method dies if required parameters were not passed to it, and warns if unrecognised parameters were passed (but the search will still progress). If the search was otherwise unsuccessful, the method returns undef and "error_code" will return one of the following values:

  • -1 - The search could not be carried out due to a technical fault; "error_message" gives a more verbose reason.

  • -2 - Invalid Newzbin account credentials were given in the constructor for WWW::Newzbin.

  • -3 - The account credentials given in the constructor were valid, but the account is not a Newzbin Premium account. A Premium account is required for searching.

  • -4 - No results that matched the given search criteria could be found.


print "Total number of files found: " . $nzb->search_files_total;

If used after a successful call to "search_files", this method returns the total number of results that would have been returned if resultlimit had not been specified. If used after an unsuccessful (or no) call to "search_files", returns undef.


my ($nzb_file, $report_name, $report_category) = $nzb->get_nzb(reportid => 12345678);

my ($nzb_file_gzipped, $report_name, $report_category) = $nzb->get_nzb(
	reportid => 12345678,
	leavegzip => 1

my $nzb_file = $nzb->get_nzb(
	fileid => [ 123, 456, 789 ]

Constructs an NZB (.nzb file) based on either a Newzbin report ID or one or more Newzbin file IDs. Please note that it is not possible to construct NZB files without a valid Premium account.

NZB files are easily compressed, and Newzbin supports gzip file compression for NZB downloads. If Compress::Zlib is available, WWW::Newzbin will transparently handle compression to reduce bandwidth usage; otherwise, the NZB file will be downloaded uncompressed.

Either (but not both) of the following parameters are required:

  • reportid - A scalar containing the ID of the Newzbin report to download. All files listed in the report will be included in the NZB.

  • fileid - A scalar or arrayref of scalars containing the Newzbin file ID or IDs to include in the NZB.

Other acceptable parameters for this method are as follows (all parameters listed below are optional):

  • nogzip - If set to a true value (i.e. 1), forcefully disables the compression feature explained above. Use this if Compress::Zlib is installed but isn't working for some reason.

  • leavegzipped - If set to a true value (i.e. 1), download the compressed version of the NZB file, but leave it compressed when the method returns (rather than decompressing it and returning that, which is the default behaviour). Useful if the NZB file needs to be transferred over a network to another end-user.

The method's return value depends on how it was called:

  • If fileid was supplied, the method returns a scalar containing the NZB file.

  • If reportid was supplied, the method returns an array containing the following (in this order):

    • A scalar containing the NZB file;

    • A scalar containing the name of the report;

    • The Newzbin category in which the report was filed (see WWW::Newzbin::Constants).

The method dies if one of the required parameters were not passed to it, and warns if unrecognised parameters were passed (but the download will still occur). If the download was otherwise unsuccessful, the method returns undef and "error_code" will return one of the following values:

  • Any integer greater than 0 - Newzbin rate-limits the number of NZB download requests that a user can make in a given timeframe. A positive integer means your account is being rate-limited and that you must wait this many seconds before sending your request again. See "LIMITATIONS".

  • -1 - The download could not be requested due to a technical fault; "error_message" gives a more verbose reason.

  • -2 - Invalid Newzbin account credentials were given in the constructor for WWW::Newzbin.

  • -3 - The account credentials given in the constructor were valid, but the account is not a Newzbin Premium account. A Premium account is required for downloading NZB files.

  • -4 - In the words of Newzbin's documentation: "the data trying to be fetched does not exist or is not accessible". If this error code is returned, do not try the same request again because you will receive the same response.

  • -5 - WWW::Newzbin downloaded the compressed version of the NZB and tried to decompress it using Compress::Zlib, but failed for some reason. If this error code is returned, consider using nogzip or leavegzipped to bypass decompression.




Grants access to the underlying LWP::UserAgent object that powers WWW::Newzbin. Useful for fine-tuning; if you just need to specify a proxy server for LWP::UserAgent, consider using the far-neater proxy parameter in the "new" constructor.



The posttime and filesize values returned for each result by "search_files" may not always be accurate because Newzbin reports the post time and file size based on the first news server on which it sees the file. Newzbin's FileFind documentation states that the file size "should be accurate to within a few kilobytes", however.


FileFind, the Newzbin API upon which "search_files" relies, has default values for a number of its parameters (specifically: retention, resultoffset and resultlimit). The WWW::Newzbin documentation states these defaults but they are actually set by the Newzbin API, not by this module. This means, of course, that the Newzbin developers could change these default values at any time, which may drastically alter the search results that WWW::Newzbin returns. Every effort will be made to keep this documentation up-to-date with any changes made to the default values in the FileFind API, but you are advised to explicitly specify "search_files" parameters rather than relying too much on the defaults.

Newzbin's retention is currently 200 days. At the moment no mainstream Usenet provider has a retention that Newzbin doesn't cover, but this might change in future. Therefore, while the WWW::Newzbin documentation states that the "search_files" retention parameter must not exceed 200, this limit is not hardcoded and specifying longer retentions will not result in a warning or error.

Newzbin intentionally caps FileFind's result limit to 5000. The "search_files" resultlimit parameter, therefore, should not exceed 5000; although Newzbin could of course change or remove this limit at any time without notice, so WWW::Newzbin will not produce a warning or error if resultlimit is greater than 5000.

The "search_files" filetype parameter only accepts a handful of file types. Newzbin's FileFind documentation states that you're welcome to contact them to request indexing of other file types. Nevertheless, the FileFind documentation also states that file type filtering is "fairly accurate, but don't rely on it as any malicious Usenet poster could easily circumvent it".

DirectNZB, the Newzbin API upon which "get_nzb" relies, only allows either one report ID or several file IDs per request. The documentation states that this is unlikely to change in future.

DirectNZB also limits the rate at which accounts can generate NZB files - currently the restriction is 5 NZB files per minute per IP address. If "get_nzb" reports a positive integer as its error_code, you are advised to wait that many seconds (or, preferably, 60 seconds) before calling "get_nzb" again. Failure to do so might result in your IP address (or even the entire account) being banned from accessing Newzbin.


WWW::Newzbin::Constants, LWP::UserAgent

Optional: Compress::Zlib


Documentation for associated modules (see "DEPENDENCIES"). - Newzbin documentation for FileFind, which powers the "search_files" method. - Newzbin documentation for DirectNZB, which powers the "get_nzb" method.


Chris Novakovic <>


Copyright 2007 Chris Novakovic.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.