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Combinator - Intuitively write async program serially, parallel, or circularly


Version 0.4.2


The following is the basic form for serializing a sequence of async code blocks:

    use Combinator;
    use AE;

    my $cv = AE::cv;
        print "sleep 1 second\n";
        my $t = AE::timer 1, 0, {{next}};
        undef $t;
        my $t = AE::timer 0.5, 0, {{next}};
        print "sleep 0.5 second\n"; # this line will be executed before the next block
        undef $t;
        print "wait for 3 timers at the same time\n";
        my $t1 = AE::timer 1, 0, {{next}};
        my $t2 = AE::timer 2, 0, {{next}};
        my $t3 = AE::timer 1.5, 0, {{next}};
        undef $t1; undef $t2; undef $t3;
        # after the max time interval of them (2 seconds)
        print "the next block will start immediately\n";
        print "done\n";

The following block will wait for previous block's end and all the {{next}}s in the previous block been called.

And also, it could be nested {{com..}}com blocks in the code block. the following block will also wait for completion of these {{com..}}com blocks. Thus, you can distribute independent code blocks into each one, and optionally use 'return' to stop the {{com..}}com block.

    use Combinator;
    use AE;

    my $cv = AE::cv;
        print "all start\n";
            print "A begin\n";
            my $t = AE::timer 1, 0, {{next}};
            undef $t;
            print "A second\n";
            my $t = AE::timer 1, 0, {{next}};
            undef $t;
            print "A done\n";
            return; # this will stop the later part of this {{com..}}com block
            print "never be here\n";
            print "never be here either\n";

            print "B begin\n";
            my $t = AE::timer .7, 0, {{next}};
            print "B second\n";
            my $t = AE::timer .7, 0, {{next}};
            print "B done\n";
        --com # this is a short cut for }}com {{com
            print "C begin\n";
            my $t = AE::timer .4, 0, {{next}};
            print "C second\n";
            my $t = AE::timer .4, 0, {{next}};
            print "C done\n";
        print "all done\n";

And also, the following block will get all the arguments when {{next}} is called. This is useful when integrating with other callback based module.

    use Combinator;
    use AE;
    use AnyEvent::HTTP;

    my $cv = AE::cv;
        print "start\n";
        http_get "", {{next}};
        my($data, $headers) = @_; # the cb args of http_get

        if( !defined($data) ) {
            print "Fetch cpan fail\n";
        print "Fetch cpan success\n";

        http_get "", {{next}};
        my($data, $headers) = @_; # the cb args of http_get

        if( !defined($data) ) {
            print "Fetch perl fail\n";
        print "Fetch perl success\n";

        print "done\n";

If there are multiple {{next}}s been called, You'll get all the args concatenated together.

    use Combinator;
    use AE;

    my $cv = AE::cv;
            my $t = AE::timer 1, 0, {{next}};
            undef $t;
            my $t = AE::timer .6, 0, {{next}};
            undef $t;
            my $t = AE::timer .3, 0, {{next}};
            undef $t;
        print "@_\n"; # 0 4 3 2 1

If you want to process each {{next}}'s args seperately, you might use seperate {{com..}}com, and then gather the final result.

    use Combinator;
    use AnyEvent::HTTP;
    use Data::Dumper;

    my $cv = AE::cv;
        my @health;
        for my $url (qw( {{com
            my $url = $url; # we need to copy-out the $url here,
                    # or the later part of the {{com..}}com will
                    # not get the correct one.
            http_get $url, {{next}};
            push @health, [$url, defined($_[0])];
        print Dumper(\@health);

If you wish to run a {{com..}}com repeatly. Use {{cir instead of {{com, or use --cir instead of --com if it's not the first block.

    use Combinator;
    use AE;
    use AnyEvent::Socket;
    use AnyEvent::Handle;

    tcp_server 0, 8888, sub {
        my($fh, $host, $port) = @_;

        my $hd; $hd = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
            fh => $fh,
            on_error => sub {
                print "socket $host:$port end.\n";
                undef $hd;

            $hd->push_read( line => {{next}} );
            my($hd, $line) = @_;


If you need finer controlled {{next}}, use {{nex .. }}nex block to replace {{next}}.

    use Combinator;
    use AE;
    use AnyEvent::HTTP;

        my($a_res, $b_res);
        http_get 'http://site.a/', {{nex $a_res = $_[1] }}nex;
        http_get 'http://site.b/', {{nex $b_res = $_[1] }}nex;
        print "Completed!\n";
        print "SiteA = $a_res\n";
        print "SiteB = $b_res\n";


Though without {{nex .. }}nex block, you can still write:

    use Combinator;
    use AE;
    use AnyEvent::HTTP;

        my($a_res, $b_res);
            http_get 'http://site.a/', {{next}};
            $a_res = $_[1];
            http_get 'http://site.b/', {{next}};
            $b_res = $_[1];
        print "Completed!\n";
        print "SiteA = $a_res\n";
        print "SiteB = $b_res\n";


It's up to you to choose which one to use.


When you are tired of writing layered closures

    use AnyEvent::DBI;


    $dbh->exec("select ...", sub {
        $dbh->exec("select ...", sub {
            $dbh->exec("select ...", sub {
                $dbh->exec("select ...", sub {

You can achieve that like this:

    use Combinator;
    use AnyEvent::DBI;


        $dbh->exec("select ...", {{next}});
        $dbh->exec("select ...", {{next}});
        $dbh->exec("select ...", {{next}});
        $dbh->exec("select ...", {{next}});

When you are tired of manually using condition variable to achieve asynchronous concurrent program.

    use AE;


    AE::io $fh, 0, sub {
        my($file_a, $file_b);
        my $cv = AE::cv {
            my $cv2 = AE::cv {
                sock_send($admin, "done", sub{});
            for(@user) {
                sock_send($_, $file_a.$file_b, sub { $cv2->end });


        read_a_file(..., sub { $file_a = ...; $cv->end });
        read_a_file(..., sub { $file_b = ...; $cv->end });


You can achieve that like this:

    use Combinator;
    use AE;


    AE::io $fh, 0, sub {{com
        my($file_a, $file_b);
            read_a_file(..., {{next}});
            $file_a = ...;
            read_a_file(..., {{next}});
            $file_b = ...;
        for(@user) {
            sock_send($_, $file_a.$file_b, {{next}});
        sock_send($admin, "done", {{next}});

When you are afraid of using recursion to achieve LOOP in an event-driven program.

    use AE;


    sub sooner {
        my $int = shift;
        print "$int\n";
        return if $int <= 0;
        my $t = AE::timer $int, 0, sub {
            undef $t;

You can achieve that like this:

    use AE;


    sub sooner {{com
        my $int = shift;
        my $t;
            print "$int\n";
            if( $int <= 0 ) {
                undef $t;
            $t = AE::timer $int, 0, {{next}};


You can set some options like this:

    use Combinator verbose => 1, begin => qr/\{\{COM\b/;

Possible options are:

verbose => 0

Set to 1 if you want to see the generated code.

begin => qr/\{\{com\b/

cir_begin => qr/\{\{cir\b/

nex_begin => qr/\{\{nex\b/

ser => qr/--ser\b/

par => qr/--com\b/

cir_par => qr/--cir\b/

end => qr/\}\}(?:com|cir|nex)\b/

next => qr/\{\{next\}\}/

You can change these patterns to what you want



This module is implemented by filter your code directly. So it will still take effect if the pattern ({{com, {{next}, ... etc) show up in comments or strings. So avoid it!

You may use options listed above to change the default patterns.


The {{cir or --cir is implemented by recursion. That is, if you using that without going through any event loop, it may result in infinite recursion.

You can avoid that by a zero time timer. For example:

        print "Go\n";

This will crash immediately due to the deep recursion. You can replace it by:

        print "Go\n";
        my $t; $t = AE::timer 0, 0, {{next}};
        undef $t;


Each serial block will start to run once the previous block is finished and all the started {{next}}s have been called. That is, the un-started {{next}} is not counted.

Here's an example:

        my $t; $t = AE::timer 1, 0, sub {
            undef $t;
            print "A\n";
        print "B\n";

It'll print "B" before "A", cause when the later block is checking if the previous one is finished, the {{next}} in the timer callback hasn't started.

You can fix it by:

        my $next = {{next}};
        my $t; $t = AE::timer 1, 0, sub {
            undef $t;
            print "A\n";
        print "B\n";

Then "B" will come after "A";


Look up the file eg/


Cindy Wang (CindyLinz)


Please report any bugs or feature requests to github I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Combinator

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2011 Cindy Wang (CindyLinz).

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.