Memcached::Server - A pure perl Memcached server helper, that help you create a server speaking Memcached protocol
Version 0.01
# running as a stand alone server
use Memcached::Server;
my $server = Memcached::Server->new(
open => [[0, 8888], ['', 8889], ['', 8889], [$host, $port], ...],
cmd => { # customizable handlers
_find => sub {
my($cb, $key) = @_;
$cb->(0); # not found
... or ...
$cb->(1); # found
get => sub {
my($cb, $key) = @_;
$cb->(0); # not found
... or ...
$cb->(1, $data); # found
set => sub {
my($cb, $key, $flag, $expire, $value) = @_;
$cb->(1); # success
... or ...
$cb->(-1, $error_message); # error occured, but keep the connection to accept next commands.
... or ...
$cb->(-2, $error_message); # error occured, and close the connection immediately.
delete => sub {
my($cb, $key) = @_;
$cb->(0); # not found
... or ...
$cb->(1); # success
flush_all => sub {
my($cb) = @_;
$server->open($host, $port); # open one more listening address
$server->close($host, $port); # close a listening address
$server->close_all; # close all the listening addresses
$server->serve($file_handle); # assign an accepted client socket to the server manually
This module help us to create a pure perl Memcached server. It take care some protocol stuff, so that we can only focus on primary functions.
Take a look on the source of Memcached::Server::Default, a compelete example that works as a standard Memcached server, except it's pure perl implemented.
$server = Memcached::Server->new( cmd => ..., open => ... );
Create a Memcached::Server with parameters 'cmd' (required) and 'open' (optional).
The parameter 'cmd' is provided to control the behaviors, that should be prepared and assigned at the initial time.
The parameter 'open' is provided to assign a list of listening hosts/ports. Each of the list is passed to AnyEvent::Socket::tcp_server directly, so you can use IPv4, IPv6, and also unix sockets.
If you don't provide 'open' here, you can provide it later by member method 'open'.
Assign an accepted client socket to the server. Instead of accepting and serving clients on centain listening port automatically, you can also serve clients manually by this method.
$server->open( host, port )
Functions like the 'open' parameter of the 'new' method. The 'new' method will put each element of the 'open' parameter to this method indeed.
$server->close( host, port )
Close and stop listening to certain host-port.
Close all the listening host-port.
$server->_set, $server->_find, $server->_get, $server->_delete, $server->_flush_all
These methods are the main function methods used by the server. They should be used or overrided when you implementing your own server and you want to do something SPECIAL. Please read the source for better understanding.
Memcached::Server::Default, AnyEvent, AnyEvent::Socket
Cindy Wang (CindyLinz)
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-memcached-server at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Memcached::Server
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Copyright 2010 Cindy Wang (CindyLinz).
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.