# $Id: GeneRelative.pm,v 1.6 2006/09/20 11:53:29 sendu Exp $
# BioPerl module for Bio::Map::GeneRelative
# Cared for by Sendu Bala <bix@sendu.me.uk>
# Copyright Sendu Bala
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
# POD documentation - main docs before the code
=head1 NAME
Bio::Map::GeneRelative - Represents being relative to named sub-regions of a
use Bio::Map::GeneRelative;
# say that a somthing will have a position relative to the start of the
# gene on map
my $rel = Bio::Map::GeneRelative->new(-gene => 0);
# or that something will be relative to the third transcript of a gene
# on a map
$rel = Bio::Map::GeneRelative->new(-transcript => 3);
# or to the 5th intron of the default transcript
$rel = Bio::Map::GeneRelative->new(-intron => [0, 5]);
# use the $rel as normal; see L<Bio::Map::Relative>
Be able to say that a given position is relative to some standard part of a
=head2 Mailing Lists
User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion
http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
=head2 Reporting Bugs
Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
=head1 AUTHOR - Sendu Bala
Email bix@sendu.me.uk
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
# Let the code begin...
use strict;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
=head2 new
Title : new
Usage : my $relative = Bio::Map::Relative->new();
Function: Build a new Bio::Map::Relative object.
Returns : Bio::Map::Relative object
Args : -gene => int : coordinates are relative to the int'th base
downstream of the Position's map's gene
[default is gene => 0, ie. relative to the
start of the gene],
-transcript => int : or relative to the start of the int'th
transcript of the Position's map's gene,
-exon => [i, n] : or relative to the start of the n'th
transcript's i'th exon,
-intron => [i, n] : or intron,
-coding => int : or the start of the int'th transcript's coding
-description => string : Free text description of what this relative
(To say a Position is relative to something and upstream of it,
the Position's start() co-ordinate should be set negative)
In all cases, a transcript number of 0 means the active transcript.
sub new {
my ($class, @args) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
my ($gene, $transcript, $exon, $intron, $coding) =
$self->_rearrange([qw( GENE TRANSCRIPT EXON INTRON CODING )], @args);
my $set = (defined $gene) + (defined $transcript) + (defined $exon) + (defined $intron) + (defined $coding);
if ($set > 1) {
$self->throw("-gene, -transcript, -exon, -intron and -coding are mutually exclusive");
if ($exon && (! ref($exon) || ref($exon) ne 'ARRAY')) {
$self->throw("-exon takes an array ref");
if ($intron && (! ref($intron) || ref($intron) ne 'ARRAY')) {
$self->throw("-intron takes an array ref");
if ($set == 0) {
# type could have been set already in the call to SUPER::new
if ($self->type) {
$self->warn("You set a type of relative not supported by GeneRelative; resetting to type 'gene'");
$gene = 0;
$self->gene($gene) if defined $gene;
$self->transcript($transcript) if defined $transcript;
$self->exon(@{$exon}) if defined $exon;
$self->intron(@{$intron}) if defined $intron;
$self->coding($coding) if defined $coding;
return $self;
=head2 absolute_conversion
Title : absolute_conversion
Usage : my $absolute_coord = $relative->absolute_conversion($pos);
Function: Convert the start co-ordinate of the supplied position into a number
relative to the start of its map.
Returns : scalar number
Args : Bio::Map::PositionI object
sub absolute_conversion {
my ($self, $pos) = @_;
$self->throw("Must supply an object") unless ref($pos);
$self->throw("This is [$pos], not a Bio::Map::PositionI") unless $pos->isa('Bio::Map::PositionI');
# get the raw start position of our position
my $raw = $pos->start($pos->relative);
$self->throw("Can't convert co-ordinates when start isn't set") unless defined($raw); #*** needed? return undef?
# what are we relative to?
my $type = $self->type;
my $value = $self->$type;
$self->throw("Details not yet set for this Relative, cannot convert") unless defined($value);
# get the absolute start of the thing we're relative to
if ($type =~ /gene|transcript|exon|intron|coding/) {
my $map = $pos->map;
my $throw_desc = $type eq 'gene' ? 'gene' : "gene's transcript";
$self->throw("Relative to a map's $throw_desc, but the Position has no map") unless $map;
$self->throw("Relative to a map's $throw_desc, but the Position's map isn't a Bio::Map::GeneMap") unless $map->isa('Bio::Map::GeneMap');
my $gene = $map->gene;
if ($type eq 'gene') {
my $gene_pos = $gene->position($map);
my $rel = $gene_pos->relative;
my $start = $rel->absolute_conversion($gene_pos);
$value += $start;
else {
my @values = ref($value) ? @{$value} : ($value);
my $trans = ref($value) ? $values[1] : $value;
my $throw_txt = $trans == 0 ? 'default/active transcript' : "transcript $trans";
my $throw_txt2 = ref($value) ? ", or no $type $values[0]" : '';
my $method = $type eq 'coding' ? 'coding_position' : "get_${type}_position";
$value = $gene->$method($map, @values) || $self->throw("Relative to $throw_txt of the map's gene, but there is no such transcript$throw_txt2");
else {
return $self->SUPER::absolute_conversion($pos);
if (ref($value)) {
# psuedo-recurse
my $rel = $value->relative;
$value = $rel->absolute_conversion($value);
if (defined($value)) {
return $value + $raw;
=head2 type
Title : type
Usage : my $type = $relative->type();
Function: Get the type of thing we are relative to. The types correspond
to a method name, so the value of what we are relative to can
subsequently be found by $value = $relative->$type;
Note that type is set by the last method that was set, or during
Returns : 'gene', 'transcript', 'exon', 'intron' or 'coding'
Args : none
=head2 gene
Title : gene
Usage : my $int = $relative->gene();
Function: Get/set the distance from the start of the gene that the Position's
co-ordiantes are relative to.
Returns : int
Args : none to get, OR
int to set; a value of 0 means relative to the start of the gene.
sub gene {
my ($self, $num) = @_;
if (defined($num)) {
$self->throw("This is [$num], not a number") unless looks_like_number($num);
$self->{_use} = 'gene';
$self->{_gene} = $num;
return defined($self->{_gene}) ? $self->{_gene} : return;
=head2 transcript
Title : transcript
Usage : my $int = $relative->transcript();
Function: Get/set which transcript of the Position's map's gene the Position's
co-ordinates are relative to.
Returns : int
Args : none to get, OR
int to set; a value of 0 means the active (default) transcript.
sub transcript {
my ($self, $num) = @_;
if (defined($num)) {
$self->throw("This is [$num], not a number") unless looks_like_number($num);
$self->{_use} = 'transcript';
$self->{_transcript} = $num;
return defined($self->{_transcript}) ? $self->{_transcript} : return;
=head2 exon
Title : exon
Usage : my ($exon_number, $transcript_number) = @{$relative->exon()};
$relative->exon($exon_number, $transcript_number);
Function: Get/set which exon of which transcript of the Position's map's gene
the Position's co-ordinates are relative to.
Returns : reference to list with two ints, exon number and transcript number
Args : none to get, OR
int (exon number) AND int (transcript number) to set. The second int
is optional and defaults to 0 (meaning default/active transcript).
sub exon {
my ($self, $num, $t_num) = @_;
if (defined($num)) {
if (defined($t_num)) {
$self->throw("This is [$t_num], not a number") unless looks_like_number($t_num);
$t_num ||= 0;
$self->throw("This is [$num], not a number") unless looks_like_number($num);
$self->{_use} = 'exon';
$self->{_exon} = [$num, $t_num];
return $self->{_exon} || return;
=head2 intron
Title : intron
Usage : my ($intron_number, $transcript_number) = @{$relative->intron()};
$relative->intron($intron_number, $transcript_number);
Function: Get/set which intron of which transcript of the Position's map's gene
the Position's co-ordinates are relative to.
Returns : reference to list with two ints, intron number and transcript number
Args : none to get, OR
int (intron number) AND int (transcript number) to set. The second
int is optional and defaults to 0 (meaning default/active
sub intron {
my ($self, $num, $t_num) = @_;
if (defined($num)) {
if (defined($t_num)) {
$self->throw("This is [$t_num], not a number") unless looks_like_number($t_num);
$t_num ||= 0;
$self->throw("This is [$num], not a number") unless looks_like_number($num);
$self->{_use} = 'intron';
$self->{_intron} = [$num, $t_num];
return $self->{_intron} || return;
=head2 coding
Title : coding
Usage : my $transcript_number = $relative->coding;
Function: Get/set which transcript's coding region of the Position's map's gene
the Position's co-ordinates are relative to.
Returns : int
Args : none to get, OR
int to set (the transcript number, see transcript())
sub coding {
my ($self, $num) = @_;
if (defined($num)) {
$self->throw("This is [$num], not a number") unless looks_like_number($num);
$self->{_use} = 'coding';
$self->{_coding} = $num;
return defined($self->{_coding}) ? $self->{_coding} : return;