Bio::Tree::Statistics - Calculate certain statistics for a Tree


use Bio::Tree::Statistics;


This should be where Tree statistics are calculated. It was previously where statistics from a Coalescent simulation. Currently it is empty because we have not added any Tree specific statistic calculations to this module yet. We welcome any contributions.


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AUTHOR - Jason Stajich

Email jason AT


Heikki Lehvaslaiho, heikki at bioperl dot org


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Title   : new
Usage   : my $obj = Bio::Tree::Statistics->new();
Function: Builds a new Bio::Tree::Statistics object 
Returns : Bio::Tree::Statistics
Args    :


Title   : assess_bootstrap
Usage   : my $tree_with_bs = $stats->assess_bootstrap(\@bs_trees);
Function: Calculates the bootstrap for internal nodes based on
Returns : L<Bio::Tree::TreeI>
Args    : Arrayref of L<Bio::Tree::TreeI>s


Example    : cherries($tree, $node);
Description: Count number of paired leaf nodes
             in a binary tree
Returns    : integer
Exceptions : 
Args       : Bio::Tree::TreeI object
             Bio::Tree::NodeI object within the tree, optional

Commonly used statistics assume a binary tree, but this methods returns a value even for trees with polytomies.

Tree-Trait statistics

The following methods produce desciptors of trait distribution among leaf nodes within the trees. They require that a trait has to be set for each leaf node. The tag methods of Bio::Tree::Node are used to store them as key/value pairs. In this way, one tree can store more than on trait.

Trees have method add_traits() to set trait values from a file.


Example    : ps($tree, $key, $node);
Description: Calculates Parsimony Score (PS) from Fitch 1971
             parsimony algorithm for the subtree a defined
             by the (internal) node.
             Node defaults to the root.
Returns    : integer, 1< PS < n, where n is number of branches
Exceptions : leaf nodes have to have the trait defined
Args       : Bio::Tree::TreeI object
             trait name string
             Bio::Tree::NodeI object within the tree, optional

Fitch, W.M., 1971. Toward defining the course of evolution: minimal change for a specific tree topology. Syst. Zool. 20, 406–416.


Example    : ai($tree, $key, $node);
Description: Calculates the Association Index (AI) of Whang et
             al. 2001 for the subtree defined by the (internal)
             node.  Node defaults to the root.
Returns    : real
Exceptions : leaf nodes have to have the trait defined
Args       : Bio::Tree::TreeI object
             trait name string
             Bio::Tree::NodeI object within the tree, optional

Association index (AI) gives a more fine grained results than PS since the result is a real number. ~0 <= AI.

Wang, T.H., Donaldson, Y.K., Brettle, R.P., Bell, J.E., Simmonds, P., 2001. Identification of shared populations of human immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 infecting microglia and tissue macrophages outside the central nervous system. J. Virol. 75 (23), 11686–11699.


Example    : mc($tree, $key, $node);
Description: Calculates the Monophyletic Clade (MC) size statistics
             for the subtree a defined by the (internal) node.
             Node defaults to the root;
Returns    : hashref with trait values as keys
Exceptions : leaf nodes have to have the trait defined
Args       : Bio::Tree::TreeI object
             trait name string
             Bio::Tree::NodeI object within the tree, optional

* Monophyletic Clade (MC) size statistics by Salemi at al 2005. It is calculated for each trait value. 1<= MC <= nx, where nx is the number of tips with value x:

pick the internal node with maximim value for
   number of of tips with only trait x

MC was defined by Parker et al 2008.

Salemi, M., Lamers, S.L., Yu, S., de Oliveira, T., Fitch, W.M., McGrath, M.S., 2005. Phylodynamic analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 in distinct brain compartments provides a model for the neuropathogenesis of AIDS. J. Virol. 79 (17), 11343–11352.

Parker, J., Rambaut A., Pybus O., 2008. Correlating viral phenotypes with phylogeny: Accounting for phylogenetic uncertainty Infection, Genetics and Evolution 8 (2008), 239–246.

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