Bio::TreeIO::lintree - Parser for lintree output trees
# do not use directly, use through Bio::TreeIO
use Bio::TreeIO;
my $treeio = Bio::TreeIO->new(-format => 'lintree',
-file => 't/data/crab.nj');
my $tree = $treeio->next_tree;
Parser for the lintree output which looks like this
13 sequences 1000 bootstraping
1 A-salina
2 C-vittat
3 C-sp.
4 L-aequit
5 P-camtsc
6 E-tenuim
7 L-splend
8 P-bernha
9 P-acadia
10 P-p(NE)
11 P-p(GU)
12 P-l(NE)
13 P-l(GU)
14 and 2 0.098857 1000
14 and 3 0.127932 1000
15 and 1 0.197471 1000
15 and 14 0.029273 874
16 and 10 0.011732 1000
16 and 11 0.004529 1000
17 and 12 0.002258 1000
17 and 13 0.000428 1000
18 and 16 0.017512 1000
18 and 17 0.010824 998
19 and 4 0.006534 1000
19 and 5 0.006992 1000
20 and 15 0.070461 1000
20 and 18 0.030579 998
21 and 8 0.003339 1000
21 and 9 0.002042 1000
22 and 6 0.011142 1000
22 and 21 0.010693 983
23 and 20 0.020714 996
23 and 19 0.020350 1000
24 and 23 0.008665 826
24 and 22 0.013457 972
24 and 7 0.025598 1000
See for access to the program and N Takezaki, A Rzhetsky, and M Nei, "Phylogenetic test of the molecular clock and linearized trees." Mol Biol Evol 12(5):823-33.
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AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
Email jason-at-bioperl-dot-org
Ideas and discussion from: Alan Christoffels Avril Coghlan
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Title : new
Usage : my $obj = Bio::TreeIO::lintree->new();
Function: Builds a new Bio::TreeIO::lintree object
Returns : an instance of Bio::TreeIO::lintree
Args : -nodetype => Node type to create [default Bio::Tree::Node]
Title : next_tree
Usage : my $tree = $treeio->next_tree
Function: Gets the next tree in the stream
Returns : Bio::Tree::TreeI
Args : none
Title : nodetype
Usage : $obj->nodetype($newval)
Example :
Returns : value of nodetype (a scalar)
Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)