Bio::DB::SwissProt - Database object interface to SwissProt retrieval
use Bio::DB::SwissProt;
$sp = Bio::DB::SwissProt->new();
$seq = $sp->get_Seq_by_id('KPY1_ECOLI'); # SwissProt ID
# <4-letter-identifier>_<species 5-letter code>
# or ...
$seq = $sp->get_Seq_by_acc('P43780'); # SwissProt AC
# [OPQ]xxxxx
# In fact in this implementation
# these methods call the same webscript so you can use
# then interchangeably
# choose a different server to query
$sp = Bio::DB::SwissProt->new('-servertype' => 'expasy',
'-hostlocation' => 'us');
$seq = $sp->get_Seq_by_id('BOLA_HAEIN'); # SwissProtID
SwissProt is a curated database of proteins managed by the Swiss Bioinformatics Institute. Additional tools for parsing and manipulating swissprot files can be found at
Allows the dynamic retrieval of Sequence objects (Bio::Seq) from the SwissProt database via an Expasy retrieval.
In order to make changes transparent we have host type (currently only expasy) and location (default to Switzerland) separated out. This allows the user to pick the closest Expasy mirror for running their queries.
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User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated. - General discussion - About the mailing lists
Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible.
Reporting Bugs
Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web:
AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
Email Jason Stajich < <
Thanks go to Alexandre Gattiker <> of Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics for helping point us in the direction of the correct expasy scripts and for swissknife references.
Also thanks to Heikki Lehvaslaiho <heikki-at-bioperl-dot-org> for help with adding EBI swall server.
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Routines from Bio::DB::RandomAccessI
Title : get_Seq_by_id
Usage : $seq = $db->get_Seq_by_id('ROA1_HUMAN')
Function: Gets a Bio::Seq object by its name
Returns : a Bio::Seq object
Args : the id (as a string) of a sequence
Throws : "id does not exist" exception
Title : get_Seq_by_acc
Usage : $seq = $db->get_Seq_by_acc('X77802');
Function: Gets a Bio::Seq object by accession number
Returns : A Bio::Seq object
Args : accession number (as a string)
Throws : "acc does not exist" exception
Title : get_Stream_by_id
Usage : $stream = $db->get_Stream_by_id( [$uid1, $uid2] );
Function: Gets a series of Seq objects by unique identifiers
Returns : a Bio::SeqIO stream object
Args : $ref : a reference to an array of unique identifiers for
the desired sequence entries
Title : get_Stream_by_acc
Usage : $seq = $db->get_Seq_by_acc([$acc1, $acc2]);
Function: Gets a series of Seq objects by accession numbers
Returns : a Bio::SeqIO stream object
Args : $ref : a reference to an array of accession numbers for
the desired sequence entries
Note : For GenBank, this just calls the same code for get_Stream_by_id()
Title : get_Stream_by_batch
Usage : $seq = $db->get_Stream_by_batch($ref);
Function: Retrieves Seq objects from SwissProt 'en masse', rather than one
at a time. This is implemented the same way as get_Stream_by_id,
but is provided here in keeping with access methods of NCBI
Example :
Returns : a Bio::SeqIO stream object
Args : $ref : either an array reference, a filename, or a filehandle
from which to get the list of unique ids/accession numbers.
NOTE: deprecated API. Use get_Stream_by_id() instead.
Implemented Routines from Bio::DB::WebDBSeqI interface
Title : get_request
Usage : my $url = $self->get_request
Function: returns a HTTP::Request object
Returns :
Args : %qualifiers = a hash of qualifiers (ids, format, etc)
Title : postprocess_data
Usage : $self->postprocess_data ( 'type' => 'string',
'location' => \$datastr);
Function: process downloaded data before loading into a Bio::SeqIO
Returns : void
Args : hash with two keys - 'type' can be 'string' or 'file'
- 'location' either file location or string
reference containing data
Title : default_format
Usage : my $format = $self->default_format
Function: Returns default sequence format for this module
Returns : string
Args : none
Bio::DB::SwissProt specific routines
Title : servertype
Usage : my $servertype = $self->servertype
Function: Get/Set server type
Returns : string
Args : server type string [optional]
Title : hostlocation
Usage : my $location = $self->hostlocation()
Function: Set/Get Hostlocation
Returns : string representing hostlocation
Args : string specifying hostlocation [optional]
Title : location
Usage : my $url = $self->location_url()
Function: Get host url
Returns : string representing url
Args : none
Title : request_format
Usage : my ($req_format, $ioformat) = $self->request_format;
Function: Get/Set sequence format retrieval. The get-form will normally
not be used outside of this and derived modules.
Returns : Array of two strings, the first representing the format for
retrieval, and the second specifying the corresponding SeqIO
Args : $format = sequence format
Title : idtracker
Usage : my ($newid) = $self->idtracker($oldid);
Function: Retrieve new ID using old ID.
Returns : single ID if one is found
Args : ID to look for