Bio::DB::BioSQL::BaseDriver - DESCRIPTION of Object


Give standard usage here


Describe the object here


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AUTHOR - Hilmar Lapp

Email hlapp at


Additional contributors names and emails here


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Title   : new
Usage   : my $obj = Bio::DB::BioSQL::BaseDriver->new();
Function: Builds a new Bio::DB::BioSQL::BaseDriver object 
Returns : an instance of Bio::DB::BioSQL::BaseDriver
Args    :


Title   : prepare_delete_sth
Usage   :
Function: Creates a prepared statement with one placeholder variable
          suitable to delete one row from the respective table the
          given class maps to.

          The method may throw an exception, or the database handle
          methods involved may throw an exception.

Example :
Returns : A DBI statement handle for a prepared statement with one placeholder
Args    : The calling adaptor (basically, it needs to implement dbh()).
          Optionally, additional arguments.


Title   : prepare_findbypk_sth
Usage   :
Function: Prepares and returns a DBI statement handle with one placeholder for
          the primary key. The statement is expected to return the primary key
          as the first and then as many columns as 
          $adp->get_persistent_slots() returns, and in that order.

Example :
Returns : A DBI prepared statement handle with one placeholder
Args    : The Bio::DB::BioSQL::BasePersistenceAdaptor derived object 
          (basically, it needs to implement dbh() and get_persistent_slots()).
          A reference to an array of foreign key slots (class names).


Title   : prepare_findbyuk_sth
Usage   :
Function: Prepares and returns a DBI SELECT statement handle with as many
          placeholders as necessary for the given unique key.

          The statement is expected to return the primary key as the first and
          then as many columns as $adp->get_persistent_slots() returns, and in
          that order.
Example :
Returns : A DBI prepared statement handle with as many placeholders as 
          necessary for the given unique key
Args    : The calling Bio::DB::BioSQL::BasePersistenceAdaptor derived object 
          (basically, it needs to implement dbh() and get_persistent_slots()).
          A reference to a hash with the names of the object''s slots in the
          unique key as keys and their values as values.
          A reference to an array of foreign key objects or slots 
          (class names if slot).


Title   : prepare_insert_association_sth
Usage   :
Function: Prepares a DBI statement handle suitable for inserting the
          association between the two entities that correspond to the
          given objects.
Example :
Returns : the DBI statement handle
Args    : The calling adaptor.
          Named parameters. Currently recognized are:
              -objs   a reference to an array of objects to be
                      associated with each other
              -values a reference to a hash the keys of which are
                      column names and the values are values of
                      columns other than the ones for foreign keys to
                      the entities to be associated
              -contexts optional; if given it denotes a reference
                      to an array of context keys (strings), which
                      allow the foreign key name to be determined
                      through the association map rather than through
                      foreign_key_name().  This may be necessary if
                      more than one object of the same type takes
                      part in the association. The array must be in
                      the same order as -objs, and have the same
                      number of elements. Put undef for objects
                      for which there are no multiple contexts.

 Caveats: Make sure you *always* give the objects to be associated in the
          same order.


Title   : prepare_delete_association_sth
Usage   :
Function: Prepares a DBI statement handle suitable for deleting the
          association between the two entities that correspond to the
          given objects.
Example :
Returns : the DBI statement handle
Args    : The calling adaptor.
          Named parameters. Currently recognized are:
              -objs   a reference to an array of objects the association
                      between which is to be deleted
              -values a reference to a hash the keys of which are
                      column names and the values are values of
                      columns other than the ones for foreign keys to
                      the entities to be associated
              -contexts optional; if given it denotes a reference
                      to an array of context keys (strings), which
                      allow the foreign key name to be determined
                      through the association map rather than through
                      foreign_key_name().  This may be necessary if
                      more than one object of the same type takes
                      part in the association. The array must be in
                      the same order as -objs, and have the same
                      number of elements. Put undef for objects
                      for which there are no multiple contexts.

 Caveats: Make sure you *always* give the objects to be associated in the
          same order.


Title   : prepare_delete_query_sth
Usage   :
Function: Prepares a DBI statement handle suitable for deleting rows
          from a table that match a number of attributes.
Example :
Returns : the DBI statement handle
Args    : The calling adaptor.

          Named parameters. Currently recognized are:

              -fkobjs optional; a reference to an array of foreign
                      key objects by which to constrain; this is
                      complementary to -values

              -contexts optional; if given it denotes a reference
                      to an array of context keys (strings), which
                      allow the foreign key name to be determined
                      through the association map rather than through
                      foreign_key_name().  This may be necessary if
                      an entity has more than one foreign key to the
                      same entity. The array must be in the same
                      order as -fkobjs, and have the same number of
                      elements. Put undef for objects for which there
                      are no multiple contexts.

              -values optional; a reference to a hash the keys of
                      which are attribute names by which to constrain
                      the query


Title   : prepare_insert_sth
Usage   :
Function: Prepares a DBI statement handles suitable for inserting
          a row (as values of the slots of an object) into a table.
Example :
Returns : the DBI statement handle
Args    : the calling adaptor (a Bio::DB::PersistenceAdaptorI object)
          a reference to an array of object slot names
          a reference to an array of foreign key objects (optional)


Title   : prepare_update_sth
Usage   :
Function: Prepares a DBI statement handle suitable for updating 
          a row in a table where the row is identified by its
          primary key.
Example :
Returns : the DBI statement handle
Args    : the calling adaptor (a Bio::DB::PersistenceAdaptorI object)
          a reference to an array of object slot names
          a reference to an array of foreign key objects (optional)


Title   : cascade_delete
Usage   :
Function: Removes all persistent objects dependent from the given persistent
          object from the database (foreign key integrity).

          This implementation assumes that the underlying schema and RDBMS
          support cascading deletes, and hence does nothing other than 
          returning TRUE.
Example :
Returns : TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise
Args    : The DBContextI implementing object for the database.
          The object for which the dependent rows shall be deleted. 
          Optionally, additional (named) arguments.


 Title   : insert_object
 Usage   :
 Example :
 Returns : The primary key of the newly inserted record.
 Args    : A Bio::DB::BioSQL::BasePersistenceAdaptor derived object
           (basically, it needs to implement dbh(), sth($key, $sth),
	    dbcontext(), and get_persistent_slots()).
	   The object to be inserted.
           A reference to an array of foreign key objects; if any of those
           foreign key values is NULL (some foreign keys may be nullable),
           then give the class name.


 Title   : update_object
 Usage   :
 Example :
 Returns : The number of updated rows
 Args    : A Bio::DB::BioSQL::BasePersistenceAdaptor derived object
           (basically, it needs to implement dbh(), sth($key, $sth),
	    dbcontext(), and get_persistent_slots()).
	   The object to be updated.
           A reference to an array of foreign key objects; if any of those
           foreign key values is NULL (some foreign keys may be nullable),
           then give the class name.


 Title   : get_sth
 Usage   :
 Function: Retrieves the (prepared) statement handle to bind
           parameters for and to execute for the given operation.

           By default this will use the supplied key to retrieve the
           statement from the cache.

           This method is here to provide an opportunity for
           inheriting drivers to intercept the cached statement
           retrieval in order to on-the-fly redirect the statement
           execution to use a different statement than it would have
           used by default.

           This method may return undef if for instance there is no
           appropriate statement handle in the cache. Returning undef
           will trigger the calling method to construct a statement
           from scratch.

 Example :
 Returns : a prepared statement handle if one is exists for the query,
           and undef otherwise
 Args    : - the calling adaptor (a Bio::DB::BioSQL::BasePersistenceAdaptor
             derived object
	   - the object for the persistence operation
           - a reference to an array of foreign key objects; if any of
             those foreign key values is NULL then the class name
           - the key to the cache of the adaptor
           - the operation requesting a cache key (a scalar basically
             representing the name of the method)


Title   : translate_query
Usage   :
Function: Translates the given query as represented by the query object
          from objects and class names and slot names to tables and column
Example :
Returns : An object of the same class as the input query, but representing
          the translated query, and also with the SELECT fields properly set
          to facilitate object construction.
Args    : The calling adaptor.
          The query as a Bio::DB::Query::BioQuery or derived object.
          A reference to an array of foreign key objects.


Title   : _build_select_list
Usage   :
Function: Builds and returns the select list for an object query. The list
          contains those columns, in the right order, that are necessary to
          populate the object.
Example :
Returns : An array of strings (column names, not prefixed)
Args    : The calling persistence adaptor.
          A reference to an array of foreign key entities (objects, class
          names, or adaptors) the object must attach.
          A reference to a hash table mapping entity names to aliases (if
          omitted, aliases will not be used, and SELECT columns can only be
          from one table)


Title   : table_name
Usage   :
Function: Obtain the name of the table in the relational schema
          corresponding to the given class name, object, or
          persistence adaptor.

          This implementation uses a object-relational hash map keyed
          by class to obtain the table name.

Example :
Returns : the name of the table (a string), or undef if the table cannot be
Args    : The referenced object, class name, or the persistence
          adaptor for it.


Title   : association_table_name
Usage   :
Function: Obtain the name of the table in the relational schema
          corresponding to the association of entities as represented
          by their corresponding class names, objects, or persistence

          This implementation will use table_name() and the map
          returned by association_entity_map().

          This method will throw an exception if the association is
          not mapped (not to be confused with the association being

Example :
Returns : the name of the table (a string, or undef if the association is not
          supported by the schema)
Args    : A reference to an array of objects, class names, or persistence
          adaptors. The array may freely mix types.


Title   : primary_key_name
Usage   :
Function: Obtain the name of the primary key attribute for the given table in
          the relational schema.

          This implementation just appends _id to the table name,
          which yields correct results for at least the MySQL version
          of the BioSQL schema. Override it for your own schema if

Example :
Returns : The name of the primary key (a string)
Args    : The name of the table (a string)


Title   : foreign_key_name
Usage   :
Function: Obtain the foreign key name for referencing an object, as 
          represented by object, class name, or the persistence adaptor.
Example :
Returns : the name of the foreign key (a string)
Args    : The referenced object, class name, or the persistence adaptor for


Title   : _build_foreign_key_name
Usage   :
Function: Build the column name for a foreign key to the given table.

          The default implementation here retrieves the primary key
          for the given table.

          This is called by foreign_key_name() once it has determined
          the table name. If a particular driver wants to build the
          foreign key name in a specific or generally different way
          than the default implementation here, this is the method to
          override (unless you also want to change the way the table
          is determined; in that case you would override

Example :
Returns : The name of the foreign key column as a string
Args    : The table name as a string


Title   : sequence_name
Usage   :
Function: Returns the name of the primary key generator (SQL sequence)
          for the given table.

          The value returned is passed as the second argument to the
          L<Bio::DB:DBI>::last_id_value as implemented by the
          driver. Because the parameter is not required irregardless
          of driver, it is perfectly legal for this method to return
          undef. If the L<Bio::DB::DBI> driver does need this
          parameter, this method should be overridden by the matching
          adaptor driver.

          The default we assume here is we dont need this value.

Example :
Returns : the name of the sequence (a string)
Args    : The name of the table.


Title   : objrel_map
Usage   :
Function: Get/set the object-relational map from classes to entities.
Example :
Returns : A reference to a hash map where object interfaces are the keys
Args    : Optional, on set a reference to the respective hash map


Title   : slot_attribute_map
Usage   :
Function: Get/set the mapping for each entity from object slot names
          to column names.

Example :
Returns : A reference to a hash map with entity names being the keys,
          if no key (entity name, object, or adaptor) was
          provided. Otherwise, a hash reference with the slot names
          being keys to their corresponding column names.

Args    : Optionally, the object, adaptor, or entity for which to
          obtain the map.

          Optionally, on set a reference to a hash map satisfying the
          features of the returned value.


Title   : not_select_attrs
Usage   : $obj->not_select_attrs($newval)
Function: Get/set a map of all columns that should not be included in
          SELECT lists.
Example : 
Returns : value of not_select_attrs (a reference to a hash map)
Args    : new value (a reference to a hash map, optional)


Title   : association_entity_map
Usage   : $obj->association_entity_map($newval)
Function: Get/set the association entity map. The map is an anonymous
          hash with entities that participate in associations being
          keys. The values are hash refs themselves, with the other
          participating entity being the key, and the value being
          either the name of the respective association entity, or
          another hash ref with the same structure if more entities
          participate in the association.

          The hash map must be commutative. I.e., the association
          entity must be locatable irregardless with which of the
          participating entities one starts.

Example : 
Returns : value of association_entity_map (a hash ref of hash refs)
Args    : new value (a hash ref of hash refs, optional)

DBI calls for possible interception

These will usually delegate straightforward DBI calls on the supplied handle, but can also be used by an inheriting adaptor driver to intercept the call and add additional parameters, for example a hash reference with named parameters.


Title   : commit
Usage   :
Function: Commits the current transaction, if the underlying driver
          supports transactions.
Example :
Returns : TRUE
Args    : The database connection handle for which to commit.


Title   : rollback
Usage   :
Function: Triggers a rollback of the current transaction, if the
          underlying driver supports transactions.
Example :
Returns : TRUE
Args    : The database connection for which to rollback.


Title   : bind_param
Usage   :
Function: Binds a parameter value to a prepared statement.

          The reason this method is here is to give RDBMS-specific
          drivers a chance to intercept the parameter binding and
          perform additional actions, or add additional parameters to
          the call, like data type. Certain drivers need to be helped
          for certain types, for example DBD::Oracle for LOB

Example :
Returns : the return value of the DBI::bind_param() call
Args    : the DBI statement handle to bind to
          the index of the column
          the value to bind
          additional arguments to be passed to the sth->bind_param call


Title   : prepare
Usage   :
Function: Prepares a SQL statement and returns a statement handle.

          The reason this method is here is the same as for

Example :
Returns : the return value of the DBI::prepare() call
Args    : the DBI database handle for preparing the statement
          the SQL statement to prepare (a scalar)
          additional arguments to be passed to the dbh->prepare call

Utility methods


Title   : report_execute_failure
Usage   :
Function: Report the failure to execute a SQL statement.

          The reporting by default uses warn() but may be requested
          to throw().

Example : 
Returns : 
Args    : Named paramaters. Currently recognized are
          -sth     the statement handle whose execution failed
          -adaptor the calling adaptor 
                   (a Bio::DB::PersistenceAdaptorI object)
          -op      the type of operation that failed ('insert',
          -vals    a reference to an array of values that were bound
          -fkobjs  a reference to an array of foreign key objects
                   that were bound (optional)
          -report_func the name of the method to call for reporting
                   the message (optional, default is 'warn')