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AUTHOR - Hilmar Lapp

Email hlapp at

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The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Title   : next_id_value
Usage   : $pk = $obj->next_id_value("bioentry");
Function: Returns the next unique primary key value. Depending on the
          argument and the driver, the value may not be unique
          between tables.

Example :
Returns : a value suitable for use as a primary key
Args    : The database connection handle to use for retrieving the
          next primary key value.

          Optionally, the name of the primary key generating
          sequence. The driver is not required to honor the argument
          if present.


Title   : last_id_value
Usage   :
Function: Returns the last unique primary key value
          allocated. Depending on the argument and the driver, the
          value may be specific to a table, or independent of the

Example :
Returns : a value suitable for use as a primary key
Args    : The database connection handle to use for retrieving the
          primary key from the last insert. An individual driver may
          allow this argument to be omitted if next_id_value() was
          called before for obtaining the primary key value.

          Optionally, the name of the primary key generating
          sequence. The driver is not required to honor the argument
          if present.


Title   : nvl_sqlfunc
Usage   :
Function: Get the name of the SQL function that takes two arguments
          and returns the first if it is not null, and the second

          Most RDBMSs will have such a function, but unfortunately
          the naming is different between them. E.g., in MySQL the
          name is IFNULL(), whereas in Oracle it is NVL().

Example :
Returns : the name of the function as a string, without parentheses
Args    : none


Title   : get_connection
Usage   :
Function: Obtains a connection handle to the database represented by
          the the DBContextI object, passing additional args to the
          DBI->connect() method if a new connection is created.

          Contrary to new_connection(), this method may return shared
          connections from a pool. The implementation should make
          sure though that the returned handle was opened with the
          given parameters.

          In addition, the caller must not disconnect the obtained
          handle deliberately. Instead, the implementing object will
          disconnect and dispose of open handles once it is being
          garbage collected, or once disconnect() is called with the
          same or no parameters.

Example :
Returns : an open DBI database handle
Args    : A Bio::DB::DBContextI implementing object. Additional hashref
          parameter to be passed to DBI->connect() in case of a new


Title   : new_connection
Usage   :
Function: Obtains a new connection handle to the database represented by the
          the DBContextI object, passing additional args to the DBI->connect()

          This method is supposed to always open a new
          connection. Also, the implementing class is expected to
          release proper disconnection of the handle entirely to the

Example :
Returns : an open DBI database handle
Args    : A Bio::DB::DBContextI implementing object. Additional hashref
          parameter to pass to DBI->connect().


Title   : disconnect
Usage   :
Function: Disconnects all or a certain number of connections matching the
          parameters. The connections affected are those previously obtained
          through get_connection() (shared connections from a pool).
Example :
Returns : none
Args    : Optionally, a Bio::DB::DBContextI implementing object. 
          Additional hashref parameter with settings that were passed to


Title   : conn_params
Usage   : $dbi->conn_params($requestor, $newval)
Function: Gets/sets connection parameters suitable for the specific driver and
          the specific requestor.

          A particular implementation may choose to ignore the
          requestor, but it may also use it to return different
          parameters, based on, e.g., which interface the requestor
          implements. Usually the caller will pass $self as the value
          for $requestor, but an implementation is is expected to
          accept a class or interface name as well.

          If an object is passed for $requestor, the implementation
          is expected to return parameters for an interface the
          object implements, or for a parent class, whichever comes
          first, and provided no parameters have been set
          specifically for the class of the passed object. This makes
          is possible, as an example, to set parameters for
          Bio::DB::PersistenceAdaptorI, and have those returned for
          every object that implements that interface.

Example : 
Returns : a hashref to be passed to get_connection() or new_connection()
          (which would pass it on to DBI->connect()).
Args    : The requesting object, or alternatively its class name or interface.
          Optionally, on set the new value (which must be undef or a hashref).