Bio::Tools::Run::Eponine - Object for execution of the Eponine which is a mammalian TSS predictor
use Bio::Tools::Run::Eponine;
use strict;
my $seq = "/data/seq.fa";
my $threshold = "0.999";
my @params = ( '-seq' => $seq,
'-threshold' => $threshold,
'-epojar' => '/usr/local/bin/eponine-scan.jar',
'-java' => '/usr/local/bin/java');
my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Eponine->new(@params);
# run eponine against fasta
my $r = $factory->run($seq);
my $parser = Bio::Tools::Eponine->new($r);
while (my $feat = $parser->next_prediction){
#$feat contains array of SeqFeature
foreach my $orf($feat){
print $orf->seqname. "\n";
# Various additional options and input formats are available. See
# the DESCRIPTION section for details.
wrapper for eponine, a mammalian TSS predictor.
The environment variable EPONINEDIR must be set to point at either the directory which contains eponine-scan.jar or directly at the jar which eponine-scan classfiles. NOTE: EPONINEDIR must point at the real file not a symlink.
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The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Title : java
Usage : $obj->java('/usr/opt/java130/bin/java');
Function: Get/set method for the location of java VM
Args : File path (optional)
Title : epojar
Usage : $obj->epojar('/some/path/to/eponine-scan.jar');
Function: Get/set method for the location of the eponine-scan executable JAR
Args : Path (optional)
Title : threshold
Usage : my $threshold = $self->threshold
Function: Get/Set the threshold for Eponine
Returns : string
Args : b/w 0.9 and 1.0
Title : run
Usage : my @genes = $self->run($seq)
Function: runs Eponine and creates an array of features
Returns : An Array of SeqFeatures
Args : A Bio::PrimarySeqI
Title : predict_TSS
Usage : Alias for run()
Title : _setinput
Usage : Internal function, not to be called directly
Function: writes input sequence to file and return the file name
Example :
Returns : string
Args :
Title : run_eponine
Usage : $obj->_run_eponine()
Function: execs the Java VM to run eponine
Returns : none
Args : none