Bio::BioEntry - DESCRIPTION of Object
Give standard usage here
Describe the object here
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AUTHOR - Hilmar Lapp
Email hlapp at
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The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Title : new
Usage : my $obj = Bio::BioEntry->new();
Function: Builds a new Bio::BioEntry object
Returns : an instance of Bio::BioEntry
Args :
Methods for Bio::IdentifiableI compliance
Title : object_id
Usage : $string = $obj->object_id()
Function: a string which represents the stable primary identifier
in this namespace of this object. For DNA sequences this
is its accession_number, similarly for protein sequences
This is aliased to accession_number().
Returns : A scalar
Title : version
Usage : $version = $obj->version()
Function: a number which differentiates between versions of
the same object. Higher numbers are considered to be
later and more relevant, but a single object described
the same identifier should represent the same concept
Returns : A number
Title : authority
Usage : $authority = $obj->authority()
Function: a string which represents the organisation which
granted the namespace, written as the DNS name for
organisation (eg,
Returns : A scalar
Title : namespace
Usage : $string = $obj->namespace()
Function: A string representing the name space this identifier
is valid in, often the database name or the name
describing the collection
Returns : A scalar
Methods for Bio::DescribableI compliance
Title : display_name
Usage : $string = $obj->display_name()
Function: A string which is what should be displayed to the user
the string should have no spaces (ideally, though a cautious
user of this interface would not assumme this) and should be
less than thirty characters (though again, double checking
this is a good idea)
This is aliased to display_id().
Returns : A scalar
Title : description
Usage : $string = $obj->description()
Function: A text string suitable for displaying to the user a
description. This string is likely to have spaces, but
should not have any newlines or formatting - just plain
text. The string should not be greater than 255 characters
and clients can feel justified at truncating strings at 255
characters for the purposes of display
This is aliased to desc().
Returns : A scalar