Bio::Tools::Run::Ensembl - A simplified front-end for setting up the registry for, and then using an Ensembl database with the Ensembl Perl API.
use Bio::Tools::Run::Ensembl;
# get a Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene for agene of interest
my $gene = Bio::Tools::Run::Ensembl->get_gene_by_name(-species => 'human',
-name => 'BRCA2');
This is a simple way of accessing the Ensembl database to retrieve gene information. Rather than learn the whole Ensembl Perl API, you only need to install it (that is, check it out from CVS: - ignore the information about BioPerl version) and then you can get information about a gene using get_gene_by_name().
For gene retrieval it is especially useful compared to direct Ensembl Perl API usage since it can use information from alternate data sources (orthologues, Swissprot, Entrez) to get your gene.
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AUTHOR - Sendu Bala
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Title : registry_setup
Usage : Bio::Tools::Run::Ensembl->registry_setup(-host => $host,
-user => $user);
if (Bio::Tools::Run::Ensembl->registry_setup) {...}
Function: Configure the ensembl registy to use a certain database.
The database must be an Ensembl database compatible with the
Ensembl Perl API, and you must have that API installed for this
method to return true. Defaults to anonymous access to
Or just ask if the registry is setup and the database ready to use.
Returns : boolean (true if Registry loaded and ready to use)
Args : -host => host name (defaults to '')
-user => username (defaults to 'anonymous')
-pass => password (no default)
-port => port (defaults to 3306)
-db_version => version of ensembl database to use, if different from
your installed Ensembl modules
-verbose => boolean (1 to print messages during database connection)
-no_database => boolean (1 to disable database access, causing this
method to always return false)
Title : get_adaptor
Usage : my $adaptor = Bio::Tools::Run::Ensembl->get_adaptor($species, $type);
Function: Get a species-specific 'core' database adaptor, optionally of a
certain type.
Returns : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor, OR if a certain type requested, a
Args : Bio::Species or string (species name) (REQUIRED), AND optionally
string (the type of adaptor, eg. 'Gene' or 'Slice').
Title : get_gene_by_name
Usage : my $gene = Bio::Tools::Run::Ensembl->get_gene_by_name();
Function: Get a gene given species and a gene name. If multiple genes match
this combination, tries to pick the 'best' match.
Returns : Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene
Args : -species => Bio::Species or string (species name), REQUIRED
-name => string: gene name, REQUIRED
If searching for the supplied gene name in the supplied species
results in no genes, or more than one, you can choose what else is
attempted in order to find just one gene:
-use_orthologues => Bio::Species or string (species name), or array
ref of such things: see if any of these
supplied species have (unambiguously) a gene
with the supplied gene name and if a
(one-to-one) orthologue of that gene in that
species is present in the main desired species
supplied to -species, returns that orthologous
gene. (default: none, do not use orthologues)
-use_swiss_lookup => boolean: queries swissprot at expasy and if a
suitable match is found, queries ensembl with
the swissprot id. (default: 0, do not use
-use_entrez_lookup => boolean: queries entrez at the NCBI server if
(only) a single gene could not be found by any
other method, then query ensembl with the
entrez gene id. (default: 0, do not use NCBI)
(Attempts proceed in this order and return as soon as one method is
-strict => boolean: return undef with no warnings if more than one,
or zero genes were found. (default: 0, warnings are issued
and if many genes were found, one of them is returned)