Changes for version 1.122530 - 2012-09-09

  • Git::CommitBuild requires Path::Class 0.22 to get dir->basename (christopher madsen)
  • Git::GatherDir requires Dist::Zilla 4.200016 to get exclude_filename and exclude_match in GatherDir (christopher madsen)
  • fix tests to use "git add -f" instead of "git add --force" for compatibility with older versions of Git (christopher madsen)
  • add 000-report-git-version.t for debugging (christopher madsen)


update your git repository after release
check your git repository before releasing
checkin build results on separate branch
gather all tracked files in a Git working directory
initialize git repository on dzil new
provide a version number by bumping the last git release tag
push current branch
tag the new version
all git plugins in one go
provide the allow_dirty & changelog attributes
Provide repository information for Git plugins