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Win32::SystemInfo - Memory and Processor information on Win32 systems


    use Win32::SystemInfo;

# Get Memory Information

    my %mHash;
    if (Win32::SystemInfo::MemoryStatus(%mHash))
     ...process results...

    To get specific values:
    my %mHash = (TotalPhys => 0, AvailPhys => 0);
    if (Win32::SystemInfo::MemoryStatus(%mHash))
     ...mHash contains only TotalPhys and AvailPhys values...

    Change the default return value:

# Get Processor Information

    # This usage is considered deprecated
    my $proc = Win32::SystemInfo::ProcessorInfo();
    if ($proc >= 586) { ... }

    my %phash;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < $phash{NumProcessors}; $i++) {
     print "Speed of processor $i: " . $phash{"Processor$i"}{MHZ} . "MHz\n";


With this module you can get total/free memory on Win32 systems, including installed RAM (physical memory) and page file. This module will also let you access processor information, including processor family (386,486,etc), speed, name, vendor, and revision information.


    Module provides two functions:



       %mHash                      - The hash that will receive the results.
                                     Certain values can be set prior to the
                                     call to retrieve a subset. (See below)
       $format                     - Optional parameter. Used to set the order
                                     of magnitude of the results. (See below)
       Determines the current memory status of a Win32 machine. Populates
       %mHash with the results. Function returns undef on failure.
       Values returned through the hash:
       MemLoad                     - Windows NT 3.1 to 4.0: The percentage of
                                     approximately the last 1000 pages of physical
                                     memory that is in use.
                                   - Windows 2000 and later: The approximate percentage of
                                     total physical memory that is in use.
       TotalPhys                   - Total amount of physical memory (RAM).
                                   - See CAVEATS below about the accuracy of this value.
       AvailPhys                   - Available physical memory (RAM).
       TotalPage                   - Allocated size of page (swap) file.
       AvailPage                   - Available page file memory.
       TotalVirtual                - Total physical + maximum page file.
       AvailVirtual                 - Total amount of available memory.
       Values returned through the hash can also be specified by setting
       them before the function is called.
           my %mHash = (TotalPhys => 0);
       Will return only the total physical memory.
       MemoryStatus return values in bytes by default. This can be changed with
       the $format parameter. Valid values for $format are:
           B        -  Bytes (default)
           KB       -  Kilobytes
           MB       -  Megabytes
           GB       -  Gigabytes


    $proc = Win32::SystemInfo::ProcessorInfo([%pHash]);

       Determines the processor information of a Win32 computer. Returns a "quick"
       value or undef on failure. Can also populate %pHash with detailed information
       on all processors present in the system.
       $proc                        - THIS VALUE HAS BEEN MADE OBSOLETE
                                    - FOR WINDOWS NT AND LATER. RELY ON IT
                                    - AT YOUR OWN RISK.
                                    - Contains a numerical representation of the
                                    - processor level for Intel machines. For
                                    - example, a Pentium will return 586.
                                    - For non-Intel Windows NT systems, the
                                    - possible return values are:
                                    - PPC: PowerPC
                                    - MIPS: MIPS architecture
                                    - ALPHA: Alpha architecture
                                    - UNKNOWN: Unknown architecture
       %pHash                       - Optional parameter. Will be filled with
                                    - information about all processors.
       Values returned through hash:
       NumProcessors                - The number of processors installed
       ProcessorN                   - A hash containing all info for processor N
       Each ProcessorN hash contains the values:
       Identifier                   - The identifier string for the processor
                                    - as found in the registry. The computer I'm
                                    - currently using returns the string
                                    - "x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 3"
       VendorIdentifier             - The vendor name of the processor
       MHZ                          - The speed in MHz of the processor
                                    - This is not a calculated value, but the value
                                    - that is recorded in the Windows registry.
                                    - This value will be -1 for pre Windows NT
                                    - systems (95/98/Me). 
       ProcessorName                - The name of the processor, such as
                                    - "Intel Pentium", or "AMD Athlon".
       PLEASE read the note about the MHz value in Caveats, below.

No functions are exported.


Installation is simple. Follow these steps:

 nmake test
 nmake install

Copy the SystemInfo.html file into whatever directory you keep your documentation in. I haven't figured out yet how to automatically copy it over, sorry.

Nmake can be downloaded from

This module can also be installed as an ActiveState module by downloading the package from

This module can also be used by simply placing it /Win32 directory somewhere in @INC.

This module requires

Win32::API module by Aldo Calpini

Win32::TieRegistry by Tye McQueen


The information returned by the MemoryStatus function is volatile. There is no guarantee that two sequential calls to this function will return the same information.

On computers with more than 4 GB of memory, the MemoryStatus function can return incorrect information. Windows 2000 reports a value of -1 to indicate an overflow. Earlier versions of Windows NT report a value that is the real amount of memory, modulo 4 GB.

On Intel x86 computers with more than 2 GB and less than 4 GB of memory, the MemoryStatus function will always return 2 GB for TotalPhys. Similarly, if the total available memory is between 2 and 4 GB, AvailPhys will be rounded down to 2 GB.

If you are using a 64 bit processor AND your version of Perl has been compiled to be 64 bit aware, the values returned by MemoryStatus will be correct regardless of the amount of installed RAM. (At least it should. I don't have a 64 bit chip to test it on.)

ProcessorInfo will only return the CPU speed that is reported in the Windows registry. This module used to include a DLL that performed a CPU speed calculation, but all of these new-fangled processors caused the code to break. I don't have the time or energy to rewrite the module so that it will play well with Dual Core, Hyperthreading, and what else. The value from the registry appears to be accurate on the machines I've tested this module on. Windows 9x/Me will return values of -1 for processor speed, as their registries don't store the MHz value. If you're using Win9x/Me and need the MHz value, use an older version of this module. Sorry.

The ProcessorName value is also pulled straight from the registry. Correctly determining the processor's name requires throwing some assembly at it, and if you've read the previous paragraph you'll know that DLL that threw assembly at the processor has been removed from this module.

All feedback on other configurations is greatly welcomed.


 0.01 - Initial Release
 0.02 - Fixed CPU speed reporting for Win9x. Module now includes a DLL that
        performs the Win9x CPU speed determination.
 0.03 - Fixed warning "use of uninitialized value" when calling MemoryStatus
        with no size argument.
 0.04 - Fixed "GetValue" error when calling ProcessorInfo as non-admin user
          on WindowsNT
        - Fixed documentation bug: "AvailableVirtual" to "AvailVirtual"
 0.05 - Fixed bug introduced in 0.03 where $format was ignored in
          MemoryStatus. All results were returned in bytes regardless of
          $format parameter.
 0.06 - Added new entry to processor information hash to display the name
          of the processor. WindowsNT and 2K now use the DLL to determine
          CPU speed as well.
 0.07 - Changed contact information. Recompiled DLL to remove some extraneous calls.
 0.08 - Added more definitions for recent CPUs. Added dependency on version 0.40
          of Win32::API. Reworked Win32::API calls. Changed calls in DLL to
          eliminate need to pack and unpack arguments.
 0.09 - Eliminated cpuspd.dll. Should eliminate some of the headaches associated with
          using this module. It should now return CPU info for all flavors of 
          Windows past Win9x without crashing.


Please report.


This man page documents Win32::SystemInfo version 0.09

December 9, 2006.


Chad Johnston <>


Copyright (C) 2006 by Chad Johnston. All rights reserved.


This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.



Win32 Win32/Utilities

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 330:

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