Ham::Resources::Utils - Calculation of distance and course beetwen two points on Earth (through coordinates or grid locator), and Sunrise, Sunset and Midday time for these locations (in UTC). Also sexagesimal degrees and decimal degrees convertion and grid location. For use mainly for Radio Amateurs.
Version 0.02
This module calculates the distance and course between two points on the Earth. Also Sunrise, Sunset and Midday time for both locations.
The data of the locations may be in terrestrial coordinates or through 'Maidenhead Locator System' (grid Locator) notacion.
The module offer the possibility to access to some methods that uses it, for example conversions between sexagesimal degrees into decimal degrees or conversion between grid locator to sexagesimal degrees.
Also access to convert decimal degrees to compass names, and more.
use Ham::Resources::Utils;
my $foo = Ham::Resources::Utils->new();
This is the constructor.
my $foo = Ham::Resources::Utils->new();
Gets a string with the date and a hash with the coordinates in sexagesimal values from point A and point B and returns a hash with all previous data and Distance, course and compass values and Sunrise, Sunset and Midday times for both locations if needed.
my $date = "14-03-2012";
my %coordinates = ( lat_1 => "41N23",
long_1 => "2E11",
lat_2 => "30S0",
long_2 => "10W45");
my %data = $foo->data_by_coordinates{$date, %coordinates};
print Dumper(%data);
The $date argument is necessary for the Sun time calculations (Sunrise, Sunset and Midday).
Distances are in kilometers (km) and Miles (mi). Times are in UTC (Universal Time).
An output example:
compass: S # compass direction to point B or destination
course_dec: 190.94 # direction to destination in decimal degree
course_sexag: 190.56 # direction to destination in sexagesimal degree
date: 14-3-2012 # date of event (for Sun calculation porpouses)
distance_km: 9377.83 # distance to destination in kilometers
distance_mi: 17367.74 # distance to destination in miles
lat_1: 41N23" # Latitude of point A or origin in sexagesinal notation
lat_1_dec: 41.3833333333333 # Latitude of origin in decimal notation
lat_2: 41S54" # Latitude of point B or destination in sexagesimal notation
lat_2_dec: -41.9 # Latiude of destination in decimal notation
locator_1: JN11cj # Grid Locator of origin point
locator_2: IE38sc # Grid Locator of destination point
long_1: 2E12" # Longitude of point A or origin in sexagesimal notation
long_1_dec: 2.2 # Longitude of origin in decimal notation
long_2: 12W30" # Longitude of point B or destination in sexagesimal notation
long_2_dec: -12.5 # Longitude of destination in decimal notation
midday_arrive: 12h 1m # Midday time on point B (destination) in UTC
midday_departure: 12h 1m # Midday time on point A (origin) in UTC
sunrise_arrive: 6h 5m # Sun rise time on point B (destination) in UTC
sunrise_departure: 6h 5m # Sun rise time on point A (origin) in UTC
sunset_arrive: 17h 58m # Sun set time on point B (destination) in UTC
sunset_departure: 17h 58m # Sun set time on point A (origin) in UTC
Gets a string with the date and a string with the locator of point 'A' and an string with a locator for point 'B'. Returns a hash with the data shown it in the previous method.
my $date = "14-03-2012"; # date in 'dd-mm-yyyy' format
my $locator_dep = "JN11cj";
my $locator_arr = "IJ90ca";
my %data = $foo->data_by_locator($date,$locator_dep,$locator_arr);
print Dumper(%data);
Gets a string with grid locator value and returns an array with the latitude and longitude in sexagesimal degrees form.
Gets a string with the latitude and a string with the longitude, in sexagesimal notation, of a point on Earth and returns a string with the grid locator notation.
my $lat = "41N23";
my $long = "2E11";
my $locator = $foo->degree2loc($lat, $long);
Gets an integer with a decimal degree and returns a string with its equivalent value in a compass (North, East, ...). It uses a separation of 11.25 degrees for each position, 32 cardinal positions of total. Values range must be between 0 to 360 degrees.
my $compass = $foo->compass("-90.0"); # returns "W" (west)
my $compass = $foo->compass("270.0"); # returns "W" (west)
Gets an integer with a decimal degree value and returns a string with its equivalence to sexagesimal degree form. Only returns degrees and minutes.
Gets a hash with sexagesimal value (maximun four) and returns a hash with its decimal values.
Range of values are -90 to 90 for latitudes, and -180 to 180 for longitudes.
Values must be a pair, longitude and latitude. Two values for one point or four values (two pairs) for two points.
There is not mandatory send a complete hash (4 values), but you will receive a hash with the four.
You can use it like this:
my %coord = (
Long_1 => "41N23.30",
Lat_1 => "2E11.10"
my %sexag = $foo->sexag2dec(%coord);
foreach my $key (sort keys %sexag) {
say $key." = ".$sexag{$key} if ($sexag{$key});
The index send it, you will receive with '_dec' suffix, ie, you send 'latitude' and receive 'latitude_dec'
Gets three strings with latitude, longitude, in decimal degrees, and date, in 'dd-mm-yyyy' format and returns a hash with Sunrise time, Sunset time and Midday time in hours and minutes format in Universal Time (UTC).
my %sun = $foo->cicle_sun($lat,$long,$date);
Gets a string with date in format 'dd-mm-yyyy' and check it if value is a valid date.
Returns an array with the day, month and year ... or error message.
Internals subs
Internal function used by data_by_coordinates() and data_by_locator() to call the others functions and create a response.
Internal function to convert degrees to radians.
Internal function to check errors in data_by_coordinates() or data_by_locator().
Internal function to check if a date is valid.
Cheking Errors
In functions that return only a string or an array, errors will detect to match /Error/ word. In complex functions, like data_by_coordinates, that responses with a hash, you check the '_error' index, i.e:
%data = $foo->data_by_locator($date,$locator_1,$locator_2);
if (!$data{_error}) {
foreach my $key (sort keys %data) {
say $key.": ".$data{$key};
} else {
say $data{_error};
... or something like this :p
CJUAN, <cjuan at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-ham-resources-utils at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Ham::Resources::Utils
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Add long path course and distances from point A to B
Add a function to calculate X and Y coordinates based on real coordinates for use it on a geographical projection (or Plate Carree)
Copyright 2012 CJUAN.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.