Changes for version 0.01_06 - 2004-01-09
- Look for DBI connection info in dir_config under mod_perl
- Added missing pod for methods in Handel::Cart::Item
- Supressed strict/warnings when loading Axit in basic.t
- Added new Apache::Test scripts/config and framework
- Added generic Axit::XSP::Handl::Cart tests and pages
Changes for version 0.01_05 - 2004-12-31
- Fixed failed pod coverage test when Pod::Coverage < 0.14
- Fixed l10n.t failures on perl <= 5.7.0 (use utf8)
- Added simple cart item tests
- Added REQUIREMENTS to Handel pod
Changes for version 0.01_04
- Added simple L10N tests
- Added simple exception tests
- Fixed =head1 SYNOPSIS in Handel::DBI
- Translated exception details in cart/cart item, and dbi modules
- Added strict/warnings to all tests
- Set NO_META in makefile and maintain META.yml manually
- Added license type to META.yml
Changes for version 0.01_03 - 2004-12-29
- Changed cart restore to deal with multiple saved carts
- Added cart restore w/filter tests
- Rearranged constants alphabetically :-)
- Finished pod for existing modules
- Removed leftover 'fr' from Exceptions get_handle
- Added VERSION to all pod
- Added *.db to MANIFEST.SKIP
Changes for version 0.01_02 - 2004-12-28
- Added Handel::Cart pod
- Completed cart restore/merge tests
- Changed tests to set Handel::DBI->connection
Changes for version 0.01_01 - 2004-12-27
- Initial alpha release
XSP Cart Taglib
Simple commerce framework with AxKit support
Module for maintaining shopping cart contents
Module representing an indivudal shopping cart line item
Common constants used in Handel
Common database constraints used to validate input data
Base DBI class used by cart/order objects
Exceptions used within Handel
Iterator class used for collection looping
Localization module for Handel
US English Language Pack for Handel
French Language Pack for Handel
in lib/Handel/
in lib/Handel/