Changes for version 0.17_07 - 2005-08-09
- Moved all ConfigReaders upstream into $Handel::Cfg
- Added transaction around Checkout:process
- Checkout::messages now returns a list if wantarray
- Handel::Checkout::Message now stringifies to text()
- Added additional process and message tests
Changes for version 0.17_06 - 2005-08-07
- Added TT2 order tests
Changes for version 0.17_05 - 2005-08-06
- Finished XSP order tests
- Added TT2 order plugin
- Added TT2 checkout plugin
Changes for version 0.17_04
- Breaking API Changes! Order::new no longer runs a new checkout initialization phase automatically. The second param, $noprocess, has been changed to $process. Normally API changes are bad, but since no one is probably even using the checkout system in 0.17 yet, now's the time to make the change.
- Added more order AxKit tests
- Added Goals/Is/Isn't items to Handel pod
Changes for version 0.17_03 - 2005-07-30
- Fixed Locale::Currency::Format detection errors in t/order_new.t
Changes for version 0.17_02 - 2005-07-30
- Added basic AxKit Checkout Taglib support in AxKit::XSP::Handel:Checkout
- Fixed SKIP count in t/basic.t
- Order::subtotal and Order::Item::total are now only automatically calculated when creating a new order from an existing cart.
- Order::new no longer requires the cart option
- Added Order::add to add items now that cart isn't required in Order::new
- Added t/order_add.t
- Added t/order_item_new.t
- Added t/order_iterator.t
- Added t/order_clear.t
- Added t/order_delete.t
- Fixed erroronous passing exception tests when no exception is thrown and otherwise{fail;} is never called
- Added HandelIgnorePlugins and HandelLoadPlugins to control which plugins are loaded
- Updated use Module::Pluggable version requirement to 2.95 in Handel::Checkout
Changes for version 0.17_01
- Added basic AxKit Order Taglib support in AxKit::XSP::Handel:Order
AxKit XSP Shopping Cart Taglib
AxKit XSP Checkout Taglib
AxKit XSP Order Taglib
Simple commerce framework with AxKit/TT2 support
Module for maintaining shopping cart contents
Module representing an indivudal shopping cart line item
Checkout Pipeline Process
Checkout Pipeline Process Message
Base module for Handle::Checkout plugins
Read in Handel configuration settings
Common constants used in Handel
Common database constraints used to validate input data
Price container to do currency formatting
Base DBI class used by cart/order objects
Exceptions used within Handel
Iterator class used for collection looping
Localization module for Handel
Handel Language Pack: US English
Handel Language Pack: French
Module for maintaining order contents
Module representing an indivudal order line item
Template Toolkit plugin for shopping cart
Template Toolkit plugin for checkout processing
Template Toolkit plugin for Handel constants
Template Toolkit plugin for orders
in lib/Handel/
in lib/Handel/
in lib/Handel/
in lib/Handel/
in lib/Handel/
Other files
- Changes
- META.yml
- Makefile.PL
- Todo
- demo/axkit/README
- demo/axkit/cart.xsp
- demo/axkit/httpd.conf.include
- demo/axkit/includes/footer.xml
- demo/axkit/includes/menu.xml
- demo/axkit/products.xsp
- demo/axkit/style/css/basic.css
- demo/axkit/style/xsl/cart.xsl
- demo/axkit/style/xsl/to_xhtml.xsl
- demo/
- demo/tt2/README
- demo/tt2/cart.tt2
- demo/tt2/httpd.conf.include
- demo/tt2/includes/footer.tt2
- demo/tt2/includes/header.tt2
- demo/tt2/includes/menu.tt2
- demo/tt2/products.tt2
- demo/tt2/style/css/basic.css