Handel::Storage::DBIC - DBIC schema storage layer for cart/order/item reads/writes
use MyCustomCart;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw/Handel::Base/;
schema_source => 'Carts',
item_class => 'MyCustomItem',
constraints => {
id => {'Check Id' => \&constraint_uuid},
shopper => {'Check Shopper' => \&constraint_uuid},
type => {'Check Type' => \&constraint_cart_type},
name => {'Check Name' => \&constraint_cart_name}
default_values => {
id => __PACKAGE__->storage_class->can('new_uuid'),
Handel::Storage::DBIC is used as an intermediary between Handel::Cart/Handel::Order and the DBIC schema used for reading/writing to the database.
Creates a new instance of Handel::Storage::DBIC, and passes the options to "setup" on the new instance. The three examples below are the same:
my $storage = Handel::Storage::DBIC-new({
schema_source => 'Carts',
cart_class => 'CustomerCart'
my $storage = Handel::Storage::DBIC-new;
schema_source => 'Carts',
cart_class => 'CustomerCart'
my $storage = Handel::Storage::DBIC->new;
The following additional options are available to new/setup, and take the same data as their method counterparts:
See "new" in Handel::Storage a list of other possible options.
Adds a list of columns to the current schema_source in the current schema_class Be careful to always use the column names, not their accessor aliases.
$storage->add_columns(qw/foo bar baz/);
You can also add columns using the DBIx::Class \%column_info syntax:
foo => {data_type => 'varchar', size => 36},
bar => {data_type => int, accessor => 'get_bar'}
Yes, you can even mix/match the two:
bar => {accessor => 'get_bar', data_type => 'int'},
Before schema_instance is initialized, the columns to be added are stored internally, then added to the schema_instance when it is initialized. If a schema_instance already exists, the columns are added directly to the schema_source in the schema_instance itself.
See "add_columns" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Adds a named constraint for the given column to the current schema_source in the current schema_class. During insert/update operations, the constraint subs will be called upon to validation the specified columns data after and default values are set on empty columns. You can any number of constraints for each column as long as they all have different names. The constraints may or may not be called in the order in which they are added.
$storage->add_constraint('id', 'Check Id Format' => \&constraint_uuid);
Constraints can only be added before schema_instance is initialized. A Handel::Exception::Storage exception will be thrown if you try to add a constraint and schema_instance is already initialized.
Be careful to always use the column name, not its accessor alias if it has one.
See "add_constraint" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Adds a new item to the specified result, returning a storage result object.
my $storage = Handel::Storage::Cart->new;
my $result = $storage->create({
shopper => '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
my $item = $storage->add_item($result, {
sku => 'ABC123'
print $item->sku;
A Handel::Storage::Exception will be thrown if the specified result has no item relationship, has a relationship that can't be found in the schema, second parameter is not a HASH reference or no result is specified.
See "add_item" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Gets/sets the autoupdate flag for the current schema_source. When set to 1, an update request will be made to the database for every field change. When set to 0, no updated data will be sent to the database until update
is called.
The default is 1.
See "autoupdate" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Returns a clone of the current storage instance. This is the same as "clone" in Handel::Storage except that it disconnects the schema instance before cloning as DBI hates being cloned apparently.
See "clone" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Returns a hashref containing all of the columns and their accessor names for the current storage object.
If a schema_instance already exists, the columns from schema_source in that schema_instance will be returned. If no schema_instance exists, the columns from schema_source in the current schema_class will be returned plus any columns to be added from add_columns minus and columns to be removed from remove_columns.
See "column_accessors" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Returns a list of columns from the current schema source.
See "columns" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Gets/sets the connection information used when connecting to the database.
$storage->connection_info(['dbi:mysql:foo', 'user', 'pass', {PrintError=>1}]);
The info argument is an array ref that holds the following values:
- $dsn
The DBI dsn to use to connect to.
- $username
The username for the database you are connecting to.
- $password
The password for the database you are connecting to.
- \%attr
The attributes to be pass to DBI for this connection.
See DBI for more information about dsns and connection attributes.
Gets/sets the constraints configuration for the current storage instance.
id => {'Check Id Format' => \&constraint_uuid},
name => {'Check Name/Type' => \%constraint_cart_type}
The constraints are stored in a hash where each key is the name of the column and each value is another hash reference containing the constraint name and the constraint subroutine reference.
Be careful to always use the column name, not its accessor alias if it has one.
See "constraints" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Gets/sets the constraint class to be used when check column constraints. The default constraint class is Handel::Components::Constraints. The constraint class used should be subclass of Handel::Components::Constraints.
A Handel::Exception::Storage exception will be thrown if the specified class can not be loaded.
Returns a list of columns in the current item class that can be copied freely. This list is usually all columns in the item class except for the primary key columns and the foreign key columns that participate in the specified item relationship.
A Handel::Storage::Exception will be thrown if item class or item relationship are not defined.
See "copyable_item_columns" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Returns the number of items associated with the specified result.
my $storage = Handel::Storage::Cart->new;
my $result = $storage->create({
shopper => '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
sku => 'ABC123'
print $storage->count_items($result);
A Handel::Storage::Exception will be thrown if the specified result has no item relationship or no result is specified.
See "count_items" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Creates a new result in the current source in the current schema.
my $result = $storage->create({
col1 => 'foo',
col2 => 'bar'
This is just a convenience method that does the same thing as:
my $result = $storage->schema_instance->resultset($storage->schema_source)->create({
col1 => 'foo',
col2 => 'bar'
See "create" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Gets/sets the default values class to be used when setting default column values. The default class is Handel::Components::DefaultValues. The default values class used should be subclass of Handel::Components::DefaultValues.
A Handel::Exception::Storage exception will be thrown if the specified class can not be loaded.
Gets/sets the hash containing the default values to be applied to empty columns during insert/update statements. Default values are applied to empty columns before and constraints or validation occurs.
id => \&newid,
name => 'My New Cart'
The default values are stored in a hash where the key is the name of the column and the value is either a reference to a subroutine to get the value from, or an actual default value itself.
Be careful to always use the column name, not its accessor alias if it has one.
See "default_values" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Deletes results matching the filter in the current source in the current schema.
id => '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
This is just a convenience method that does the same thing as:
id => '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
See "delete" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Deletes items matching the filter from the specified result.
my $storage = Handel::Storage::Cart->new;
my $result = $storage->create({
shopper => '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
sku => 'ABC123'
$storage->delete_items($result, {
sku => 'ABC%'
A Handel::Storage::Exception will be thrown if the specified result has no item relationship.
See "delete_items" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Gets/sets the name of the schema relationship between carts and items. The default item relationship is 'items'.
# in your schema classes
MySchema::CustomCart->has_many(rel_items => 'MySchema::CustomItem', {'foreign.cart' => ''});
# in your storage
Gets/sets the list of primary columns for the current schema source. When the schema instance exists, the primary columns are added to and returns from the current schema source on the schema instance.
When no schema instance exists, the columns are set locally like add_columns
then added to the schema instance during its configuration. Primary columns are returns from the current schema source in the current schema class if no primary columns have been set locally.
This method accepts errors from DBIC using <exception_action> and converts them into Handel::Exception objects before throwing the error.
Removes a list of columns from the current schema_source in the current schema_class and removes the autogenerated accessors from the current class. Be careful to always use the column names, not their accessor aliases.
Before schema_instance is initialized, the columns to be removed are stored internally, then removed from the schema_instance when it is initialized. If a schema_instance already exists, the columns are removed directly from the schema_source in the schema_instance itself.
See "remove_columns" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Removes a named constraint for the given column from the current schema_source in the current schema_class' constraints data structure.
$storage->remove_constraint('id', 'Check Id Format' => \&constraint_uuid);
Constraints can only be removed before schema_instance is initialized. A Handel::Exception::Storage exception will be thrown if you try to remove a constraint and schema_instance is already initialized.
Be careful to always use the column name, not its accessor alias if it has one.
See "remove_constraint" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Removes all constraints for the given column from the current schema_source in the current schema_class' constraints data structure.
Constraints can only be removed before schema_instance is initialized. A Handel::Exception::Storage exception will be thrown if you try to remove a constraint and schema_instance is already initialized.
Be careful to always use the column name, not its accessor alias if it has one.
See "remove_constraints" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Gets/sets the schema class to be used for database reading/writing.
A Handel::Exception::Storage exception will be thrown if the specified class can not be loaded.
Gets/sets the schema instance to be used for database reading/writing. If no instance exists, a new one will be created from the specified schema class.
my $schema = MySchema->connect;
When a new schema instance is created or assigned, it is cloned and the clone is altered and used, leaving the original schema untouched.
See Handel::Manual::Schema for more detailed information about how the schema instance is configured.
Gets/sets the result source name in the current schema class that will be used to read/write data in the schema.
See "source_name" in DBIx::Class::ResultSource for more information about setting the source name of schema classes. By default, this will be the short name of the schema class in DBIx::Class schemas.
By default, Handel::Storage looks for the "Carts" source when working with Handel::Cart, the "Orders" source when working with Handel::Order and the "Items" source when working with Cart/Order items.
Returns results in list context, or an iterator in scalar context from the current source in the current schema matching the search filter.
my $iterator = $storage->search({
col1 => 'foo'
my @results = $storage->search({
col1 => 'foo'
This is just a convenience method that does the same thing as:
my $resultset = $storage->schema_instance->resultset($storage->schema_source)->search({
col1 => 'foo'
See "search" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Returns items matching the filter associated with the specified result.
my $storage = Handel::Storage::Cart->new;
my $result = $storage->search({
id => '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
my $iterator = $storage->search_items($result);
Returns results in list context, or an iterator in scalar context from the current source in the current schema matching the search filter.
A Handel::Storage::Exception will be thrown if the specified result has no item relationship.
See "search_items" in Handel::Storage for more information about this method.
Configures a storage instance with the options specified. Setup accepts the exact same options that "new" does.
package MyStorageClass;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw/Handel::Storage/;
schema_source => 'Foo'
# or
my $storage = Handel::Storage-new;
schema_source => 'Carts',
cart_class => 'CustomerCart'
This is the same as doing:
my $storage = Handel::Storage-new({
schema_source => 'Carts',
cart_class => 'CustomerCart'
If you call setup on a storage instance or class that has already been configured, its configuration will be updated with the new options. No attempt will be made to clear or reset the unspecified settings back to their defaults.
If you pass in a schema_instance, it will be assigned last after all of the other options have been applied.
Gets/sets the name of the table in the database to be used for this schema source.
Starts a transaction on the current schema instance.
Commits the current transaction on the current schema instance.
Rolls back the current transaction on the current schema instance.
Gets/sets the validation class to be used when validating column values. The default class is Handel::Components::Validation. The validation class used should be subclass of Handel::Components::Validation.
A Handel::Exception::Storage exception will be thrown if the specified class can not be loaded.
See Handel::Components::Validation and DBIx::Class::Validation for more information on to use data validation.
Handel::Storage, Handel::Storage::Result, Handel::Manual::Storage, Handel::Storage::Cart, Handel::Storage::Order
Christopher H. Laco