VS::RuleEngine::Engine - Engine declaration
use VS::RuleEngine::Engine;
my $engine = VS::RuleEngine::Engine->new();
$engine->add_hook(hook1 => "MyApp::GetMoreData");
$engine->add_rule(rule1 => "MyApp::Rule");
$engine->add_action(action1 => "MyApp::Action");
$engine->add_rule_action(rule1 => "action1");
This class defines a VS::RuleEngine "engine". Altho it is possible using this class directly it is more readable using the declarative interface in VS::RuleEngine::Declare or loading engines using an engine loader class (which is currently not available).
- new
Creates a new engine.
- defaults
Returns the names of all default sets.
- has_defaults ( NAME )
Checks if the engine has a default set named NAME.
- get_defaults ( NAME )
Returns a hash reference with the key/value pairs for the default named NAME.
- add_defaults ( NAME => DEFAULT )
Registers the hash reference DEFAULTS as NAME.
- actions
Returns the names of all registered actions.
- has_action ( NAME )
Checks if the engine has a registered action with the given NAME.
- add_action ( NAME => ACTION [, DEFAULTS, arguments ... ] )
Registers the ACTION as NAME in the engine with arguments provided by default argument sets referenced by name in the array reference DEFAULTS and additional arguments.
- hooks
Returns the names of all registered hooks.
- has_hook ( NAME )
Checks if the engine has a registered hook with the given NAME.
- add_hook ( NAME => HOOK [, DEFAULTS, arguments ... ] )
Registers the HOOK as NAME in the engine with arguments provided by default argument sets referenced by name in the array reference DEFAULTS and additional arguments.
- add_pre_hook ( NAME )
Adds the hook with the given NAME to the list of hooks to run before each iteration.
- add_post_hook ( NAME )
Adds the hook with the given NAME to the list of hooks to run after each iteration.
- inputs
Returns the names of all registered inputs
- has_input ( NAME )
Checks if the engine has a registered input with the given NAME.
- add_input ( NAME => INPUT [, DEFAULTS, arguments ... ] )
Registers the INPUT as NAME in the engine with arguments provided by default argument sets referenced by name in the array reference DEFAULTS and additional arguments.
- outputs
Returns the names of all registered outputs
- has_output ( NAME )
Checks if the engine has a registered output with the given NAME.
- add_output ( NAME => OUTPUT [, DEFAULTS, arguments ... ] )
Registers the OUTPUT as NAME in the engine with arguments provided by default argument sets referenced by name in the array reference DEFAULTS and additional arguments.
- rules
Returns the names of all registered rules
- has_rule ( NAME )
Checks if the engine has a registered rule with the given NAME.
- add_rule ( NAME => OUTPUT [, DEFAULTS, arguments ... ] )
Registers the OUTPUT as NAME in the engine with arguments provided by default argument sets referenced by name in the array reference DEFAULTS and additional arguments.
- add_rule_action ( NAME => ACTION )
Connects the rule NAME to the action ACTION.
- rule_order
Returns a list of names matching the rules in the order they'll be evaluated.
- set_rule_order ( LIST )
Sets which order the rules should be evaluated. The list should be the names of the rules.