VS::RuleEngine::Engine - Engine declaration


use VS::RuleEngine::Engine;

my $engine = VS::RuleEngine::Engine->new();
$engine->add_hook(hook1 => "MyApp::GetMoreData");
$engine->add_rule(rule1 => "MyApp::Rule");
$engine->add_action(action1 => "MyApp::Action");
$engine->add_rule_action(rule1 => "action1");


This class defines a VS::RuleEngine "engine". Altho it is possible using this class directly it is more readable using the declarative interface in VS::RuleEngine::Declare or loading engines using an engine loader class (which is currently not available).




Creates a new engine.


run ( $work_callback )

Runs the engine.



Returns the names of all default sets.

has_defaults ( NAME )

Checks if the engine has a default set named NAME.

get_defaults ( NAME )

Returns a hash reference with the key/value pairs for the default named NAME.

add_defaults ( NAME => DEFAULT )

Registers the hash reference DEFAULTS as NAME.



Returns the names of all registered actions.

has_action ( NAME )

Checks if the engine has a registered action with the given NAME.

add_action ( NAME => ACTION [, DEFAULTS, arguments ... ] )

Registers the ACTION as NAME in the engine with arguments provided by default argument sets referenced by name in the array reference DEFAULTS and additional arguments.



Returns the names of all registered hooks.

has_hook ( NAME )

Checks if the engine has a registered hook with the given NAME.

add_hook ( NAME => HOOK [, DEFAULTS, arguments ... ] )

Registers the HOOK as NAME in the engine with arguments provided by default argument sets referenced by name in the array reference DEFAULTS and additional arguments.

add_pre_hook ( NAME )

Adds the hook with the given NAME to the list of hooks to run before each iteration.

add_post_hook ( NAME )

Adds the hook with the given NAME to the list of hooks to run after each iteration.



Returns the names of all registered inputs

has_input ( NAME )

Checks if the engine has a registered input with the given NAME.

add_input ( NAME => INPUT [, DEFAULTS, arguments ... ] )

Registers the INPUT as NAME in the engine with arguments provided by default argument sets referenced by name in the array reference DEFAULTS and additional arguments.



Returns the names of all registered outputs

has_output ( NAME )

Checks if the engine has a registered output with the given NAME.

add_output ( NAME => OUTPUT [, DEFAULTS, arguments ... ] )

Registers the OUTPUT as NAME in the engine with arguments provided by default argument sets referenced by name in the array reference DEFAULTS and additional arguments.



Returns the names of all registered rules

has_rule ( NAME )

Checks if the engine has a registered rule with the given NAME.

add_rule ( NAME => OUTPUT [, DEFAULTS, arguments ... ] )

Registers the OUTPUT as NAME in the engine with arguments provided by default argument sets referenced by name in the array reference DEFAULTS and additional arguments.

add_rule_action ( NAME => ACTION )

Connects the rule NAME to the action ACTION.


Returns a list of names matching the rules in the order they'll be evaluated.

set_rule_order ( LIST )

Sets which order the rules should be evaluated. The list should be the names of the rules.