Changes for version 0.23 - 2013-08-01

  • Added clarification to use of SSL_Client_Certificate option in pod text.
  • Added Bug Id 82094 to support tunneling through a proxy server via the ProxyArgs option. Supports both proxy servers that require a password as well as those that don't. This option requires Net::HTTPTunnel to use. But this new module isn't required if you don't use tunneling. (perl Makefile.PL will ask.)
  • Added optional proxy server questions if Net::HTTPTunnel is installed for the test scripts (t/*.t). It warns you if it's missing during the test.
  • Fixed bug in login() so the call to help() only happens if the login is successfull.
  • Bug Id 84376 uncoverd bug in IO-Socket-SSL versions 1.79 to 1.85 when using Certificats for the Data Channel & getting a Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) warning that didn't apply. So skip those releases.
  • Bug Id 85420 same MITM warning as the other bug, but this time without using Certificates in the command channel. This required a code change in new() to fix.
  • Fixed masking issue when writing to the log file when the value that needed to be masked contained regex special chars.
  • Added clarification that any warnings printed below the 10-complex.t tests are just that. Warnings, not errors preventing things from working. They are collected so the developer can be notified about them for fixing in furture releases.


A FTP over SSL/TLS class