RunApp - A generic module to run web-applications


use RunApp;
use RunApp::Apache;

my $cmd = shift || 'development';
my $config = { var => 'value', app_apache => { var_for_apache => 'value'} };
RunApp->new (app_apache => RunApp::Apache->new
                   (root => catfile (cwd, $_),
                    httpd => '/path/to/httpd'),
             my_daemon => RunApp::Control::AppControl->new
                   (binary => '/path/to/daemon',
                    args => ['--daemon'],
                    pidfile => '/path/to/',
                )->$cmd ($config);


RunApp streamlines the process for configuring applications that requires one or more web servers and/or other daemons, during development or deployment.

It builds the config files required by the services from the $config hash, such as apache's httpd.conf.


new (@services)

@services is actually an hash, with keys being the name of the service, and values being RunApp::Control objects. Use an array instead of a hash here to retain the order of dispatching.

The names are used to pick config from the hash, which will be flatten into top level of the config hash, when running build for the each service.


$self->development ($conf)

Runs build and start, and then waits for SIGINT to <stop> the servers.


All other methods are dispatched to the RunApp::Control objects in the order called in CONSTRUCTOR. Note that this is done with RunApp::Control dispatching to the dispatch method.


RunApp::Apache, RunApp::Control::AppControl, App::Control


Chia-liang Kao <>

Refactored from works by Leon Brocard <> and Tom Insam <>.


Copyright (C) 2002-5, Fotango Ltd.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.