SVK::Command::Ignore - Ignore files by setting svn:ignore property


ignore PATH...


Adds the given paths to the 'svn:ignore' properties of their parents, if they are not already there.

(If a given path contains a wildcard character (*, ?, [, or \), the results are undefined -- specifically, the result of the check to see if the entry is already there may not be what you expected. Currently it will not try to escape any such entries before adding them.)

# 15:09 < glasser> ok, syntax: # 15:09 < glasser> svk ignore FILE [FILE...], only working on a co # 15:10 < obra> there should also be a way to svk ignore a pattern # 15:10 < glasser> adds each argument to the svn:ignore of its parent directory # 15:10 * glasser nods # 15:10 < glasser> i'm thinking for now just svk ignore some/dir/'*.foo' # 15:10 < glasser> and not support svk ignore some/dir/*/and/bla # 15:10 < obra> nod # 15:10 < glasser> (yet) # 15:11 < obra> svk ignore --list # 15:11 < obra> svk ignore --remove ? # 15:11 < glasser> ie, the only parsing that is done is "find the directory" # 15:11 < glasser> later we can act directly on depotpaths, etc # 15:11 * glasser nods # 15:12 < glasser> i think it's reasonable to (even once we have --list --remove etc) just allow "svk ignore foo bar" to work # (without requiring --add or whatever) # 15:12 < glasser> also svk ignore --edit # 15:13 < obra> yes # 15:14 < glasser> these are good ideas, and will be stuck into a comment in, but for now i'm just going to do the bare minimum