RT::Extension::ReminderImproved - Improvements to the build in reminder function


This plugin improve the build in reminder function of RT 3.8 with this features:

* 'RT at a glance' page shows only overdue reminders
* new page unter Tools/Reminder to show new/open reminders for current user
* better reminder layout on 'RT at a glance' page
* better reminder layout on ticket page
* bugfix: reminder date don't respect user timezone
* bugfix: don't record two transactions (AddLink and AddReminder) on reminder create
* bugfix: don't show to many user in owner list at edit reminder
* bugfix: only record ticket transaction on success

The changes in this extension will be included in RT 4.0.


The following features are on the TODO list:

* email about overdue reminder
* show 'nearly' overdue reminder on the 'RT at a glance' page
* use collection to show reminder lists


Installation instructions for RT-Extension-ReminderImproved:

1. perl Makefile.PL
2. make
3. remove old Extension: rm -rf /opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Extension-ReminderImproved
4. make install
5. Add 'RT::Extension::ReminderImproved' to @Plugins in /opt/rt3/etc/
6. Clear mason cache: rm -rf /opt/rt3/var/mason_data/obj
7. Restart webserver


Christian Loos <>


Copyright (C) 2010-2011, NetCologne GmbH. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.