CAM::SOAPClient - SOAP interaction tools


Copyright 2005 Clotho Advanced Media, Inc., <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


use CAM::SOAPClient;
my $client = CAM::SOAPClient->new(wsdl => '');
my ($fname, $lname) = $client->call('fetchEmployee', '[firstName,lastName]',
                                    ssn => '000-00-0000');
my $record = $client->call('fetchEmployee', undef, ssn => '000-00-0000');
my @addresses = $client->call('allEmployees', '@email');

my $firstbudget = $client->call('listClientProjects', 

if ($client->hadFault()) {
   die('SOAP Fault: ' . $client->getLastFaultString() . "\n");


This library offers some basic tools to simplify the creation of SOAP client implementations. It is intended to be subclassed, but works fine as-is too.

The purpose for this module is to abstract the complexity of SOAP::Lite. That module makes easy things really easy and hard things possible, but really obscure. The problem is that the easy things are often too basic. This module makes typical SOAP and WSDL activities easier by hiding some of the weirdness of SOAP::Lite.


$pkg->new([opts], $uri)
$pkg->new([opts], $uri, $proxy)
$pkg->new([opts], $uri, $proxy, $username, $password)
$pkg->new([opts], wsdl => $url)
$pkg->new([opts], wsdl => $url, $username, $password)

Create a connection instance. The $proxy is not required here, but if not specified it must be set later via setProxy(). Optionally (and recommended) you can specify a WSDL $url instead of a $uri and $proxy.

If a $username is specified, then the $username and $password are simply passed to setUserPass().

The options are as follows:

timeout => $seconds

This defaults to 6 hours.


Loads a Web Service Description Language file describing the SOAP service.


Specifies the URI for the SOAP server.


Specifies the URL for the SOAP server.

$self->setUserPass($username, $password)

Specifies the $username and $password to use on the SOAP server.


Returns the SOAP::SOM object for the last query.


Returns a boolean indicating whether the last call() resulted in a fault.


Returns the fault code from the last query, or (none) if the last query did not result in a fault.


Returns the fault string from the last query, or (none) if the last query did not result in a fault.

$self->call($method, undef, $key1 => $value1, $key2 => $value, ...)
$self->call($method, $xpath, $key1 => $value1, $key2 => $value, ...)
$self->call($method, $xpath_arrayref, $key1 => $value1, $key2 => $value, ...)

Invoke the named SOAP method. The return values are indicated in the second argument, which can be undef, a single scalar or a list of return fields. If this path is undef, then all data are returned as if the SOAP paramsout() method was called. Otherwise, the SOAP response is searched for these values. If any of them are missing, call() returns undef. If multiple values are specified, they are all returned in array context, while just the first one is returned in scalar context. This is best explained by examples:


['documentID', 'data/[2]/type', '//result']
       in scalar context

If the path matches multiple fields, just the first is returned. Alternatively, if the path is prefixed by a @ character, it is expected that the path will match multiple fields. If there is just one path, the matches are returned as an array (just the first one in scalar context). If there are multiple paths specified, then the matches are returned as an array reference. For example, imagine a query that returns a list of documents with IDs 4,6,7,10,20 for user #12. Here we detail the return values for the following paths:

path: 'documents/item/id' or ['documents/item/id']
 array context: (4)
scalar context: 4

path: '@documents/item/id' or ['@documents/item/id']
 array context: (4,6,7,10,20)
scalar context: 4

path: ['documents/item/id', 'userID']
 array context: (4, 12)
scalar context: 4

path: ['@documents/item/id', 'userID']
 array context: ([4,6,7,10,20], 12)
scalar context: [4,6,7,10,20]

path: ['userID', '@documents/item/id']
 array context: (12, [4,6,7,10,20])
scalar context: 12

This is intended to return a hash of all the required parameters shared by all SOAP requests. This version returns the contents of %{$soap-{auth}}>. Some subclasses may wish to override this, while others may wish to simply add more to that hash.

$self->request($key1 => $value1, $key2 => $value2, ...)
$self->request($soapdata1, $soapdata2, ...)

Helper routine which wraps its key-value pair arguments in SOAP::Data objects, if they are not already in that form.





This module has over 80% code coverage in its regression tests, as reported by Devel::Cover via perl Build testcover.

With three policy exceptions, this module passes Perl Best Practices guidelines, as enforced by Perl::Critic v0.13.


Clotho Advanced Media,

Primary developer: Chris Dolan