NAME - parses a file and fires events (e.g. sxpr to xml)


# convert XML to IText -p xml -w itext file1.xml file2.xml

# use a custom parser/generator and a custom writer/generator -p MyMod::MyParser -w MyMod::MyWriter file.txt


script wrapper for the Data::Stag modules

feeds in files into a parser object that generates nestarray events, and feeds the events into a handler/writer class


-p|parser FORMAT

FORMAT is one of xml, sxpr or itext, or the name of a perl module

this is the class that parsers the input file(s) and generates stag events

xml assumed as default

-w|writer FORMAT

FORMAT is one of xml, sxpr or itext, or the name of a perl module

this is the class that catches the events thrown by the parser; it can be any class, but the class is typically a writer

xml assumed as default

-o|out FILE

the writer will use this file (defaults to STDOUT)

-e|errf FILE

file to store parse error handler output

-errhandler FORMAT/MODULE

FORMAT is one of xml, sxpr or itext, or the name of a perl module

all parse error events go to this module

-r|root NODE_NAME

if this is specified, NODE_NAME becomes the root of the stag tree, and anything that was previously the root is placed below this.

this happens automatically if more than one file is parsed (because there can only be one tree root)


Works only if the output handler is able to provide ASCII-colors (currently supported for itext and xml)



This script is a wrapper for the method


1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 152:

Expected text after =item, not a bullet