

$prok = GOBO::ClassExpression->parse_idexpr('bacteria|archaea');


An GOBO::ClassExpression::BooleanExpression in which the set operator is one of union.

Example: the class "prokaryote" is the union of "bacteria" and "archaea".

The semantics of this are: (a) if x is an instance of bacteria or x is an instance of archae, then x is an instance of prokaryote (b) if x is an instance of prokaryote then it is either the case that x is an instance of bacteria or x is an instance of archae

In OBO Format:

id: prok
union_of: bacteria
union_of: archaea


forall x : prok(x) <-> bacteria(x) | archaea(x)

The union expression can also be written as:


In the above example the following all hold if $prok is the class with the above definition

$prok->id eq 'prok';
$prok->logical_definion->operator eq 'OR';
scalar(@{$prok->logical_definion->arguments}) == 2;
grep { $_->id eq 'bacteria' } @{$prok->logical_definion->arguments};
grep { $_->id eq 'archaea' } @{$prok->logical_definion->arguments};

unions could also be used in defining GO slims

OWL Translation

Same as unionOf description expressions in OWL