This is the core GOBO::DBIC::GODBModel class. It is responsible for environment and getting in all of the install-time DB meta data. Most other tasks should be left to subclasses.
Testing for now: perl -I /home/sjcarbon/local/src/svn/geneontology/go-moose t/connect.t
- new
Takes a hashref like:
{ socket => 'foo' database => 'go_latest', host => 'localhost', port => '1234', user => 'foo', auth => 'bar' }
And/or check the environment for the similar variables (socket -> GO_DBSOCKET, etc.)
Returns an array for connecting to the database for use with DBIx::Class.
NOTE: MySQL only.
- connection_info
Arguments: n/a Returns: array ref for DBIC Schema connection.
- pull_env
Gets an environmental variable; tries lowercase, then uppercase.
Arguments: name string Returns: value string
- verbose
Get/set verbose with 1 or 0.
Return 1 or 0;
- kvetch
Prints a message to STDERR if VERBOSE is set.
Arguments: message string Returns: t if message written, nil otherwise.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 26:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
=over without closing =back