File::Sort - Sort a file or merge sort multiple files


use File::Sort qw(sort_file);
  I=>[qw(file1_new file2_new)],
  V=>1, Y=>1000, TF=>50, M=>1, U=>1, R=>1, N=>1,



WARNING: This is probably going to be MUCH SLOWER than using sort(1) that comes with most Unix boxes. This was developed primarily because some perls (specifically, MacPerl) do not have access to potentially infinite amounts of memory (thus they cannot necessarily slurp in a text file of several megabytes), nor does everyone have access to sort(1).

Here are some benchmarks that might be of interest (PowerBook G3/292 with 160MB RAM, VM on, and 100MB allocated to the MacPerl app). The file was a mail file around 6MB. Note that once was with a CHUNK value of 200,000 lines; Unix systems can get away with something like that because of VM, while Mac OS systems cannot, unless you bump up the memory allocation as done below. So inevitably you will get much better performance with large files on Unix than you will on Mac OS. C'est la vie.

Note that tests 2 and 3 cannot be performed on the given dataset when MacPerl has a small amount of memory allocated (like 8MB). But when MacPerl has 8MB allocated, the results for tests 1 and 4 are about the same as when MacPerl has 100MB allocated, showing that the module is doing its job properly. :)

NOTE: `sort` calls the MPW sort tool here, which has a slightly different default sort order than sort_file does.

#!perl -w
use File::Sort qw(sort_file);
use Benchmark;
  1=>q+`sort -o $ARGV[0].1 $ARGV[0]`+,
  2=>q+open(F,$ARGV[0]);open(F1,">$ARGV[0].4");@f=<F>;print F1 sort @f+,

Benchmark: timing 10 iterations of 1, 2, 3, 4...
       1: 185 secs (185.65 usr  0.00 sys = 185.65 cpu)
       2: 152 secs (152.43 usr  0.00 sys = 152.43 cpu)
       3: 195 secs (195.77 usr  0.00 sys = 195.77 cpu)
       4: 274 secs (274.58 usr  0.00 sys = 274.58 cpu)

That all having been noted, there are plans to have this module use sort(1) if it is available. Still.

WARNING Part Deux: This module is subject to change in every way, including in the fact that it exists. But it seems much less subject to change now than it did at first.

There are two primary syntaxes:


This will sort FILEIN to FILEOUT. The FILEOUT can be the same as the FILEIN, but it is required. VERBOSE is off by default. CHUNK is how many lines to deal with at a time (as opposed to how much memory to deal with at a time, like sort(1); this might change). The default for Y is 20,000; increase for better performance, decrease if you run out of memory.


This time, FILEIN can be a filename or an reference to an array of filenames. If MERGE_ONLY is true, then File::Sort will assume the files on input are already sorted. UNIQUE_ONLY, if true, only outputs unique lines, removing all others.

FILE_LIMIT is the system's limit to how many files can be opened at once. A default value of 40 is given in the module. The standard port of perl5.004_02 for Win32 has a limit of 50 open files, so 40 is safe. To improve performance increase the number, and if you are getting failures, try decreasing it. If you get a warning in _writeTemp, from the call to _getTemp, you've probably hit your limit.

If given a DELIMITER (which will be passed through quotemeta), then each line will be sorted on the nth FIELD (default FIELD is 0). If sorting by field, it is best if the last field in the line, if used for sorting, has DELIMITER at the end of the field (i.e., the field ends in DELIMITER, not newline).

SORT_THING is so you can pass in any arbitrary sort thing you want, where $SORT is the token representing your $a and $b. For instance, these are equivalent:

# {$a cmp $b}
sort_file({I=>'b', O=>'b.out'});
sort_file({I=>'b', O=>'b.out', S=>'$SORT'});

# {(split(/\|/, $a))[1] cmp (split(/\|/, $b))[1]}
sort_file({I=>'b', O=>'b.out', D=>'|', IDX=>1});
sort_file({I=>'b', O=>'b.out', S=>'(split(/\\|/, $SORT))[1]'});

SORT_THING will still need R and N for reverse and numeric sorts.

Note that if FILEIN does not have a linebreak terminating the last line, a native newline character will be added to it.


Exports sort_file on request. sortFile is no longer the function name.


None! :) I plan on making CHUNK and FILE_LIMIT more intelligent somehow. I did make the default for CHUNK larger, though.

Also, I will have the module use sort(1) if it is available.


Mike Blazer <>, Vicki Brown <>, Gene Hsu <>, Andrew M. Langmead <>, Brian L. Matthews <>, Rich Morin <>, Matthias Neeracher <>, Miko O'Sullivan <>, Tom Phoneix <>, Gurusamy Sarathy <>.


Chris Nandor <>

Copyright (c) 1998 Chris Nandor. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


v0.18 (31 January 1998)

Tests 3 and 4 failed because we hit the open file limit in the standard Windows port of perl5.004_02 (50). Adjusted the default for total number of temp files from 50 to 40 (leave room for other open files), changed docs. (Mike Blazer, Gurusamy Sarathy)

v0.17 (30 December 1998)

Fixed bug in _mergeFiles that tried to open a passed IO::File object.

Fixed up docs and did some more tests and benchmarks.

v0.16 (24 December 1998)

One year between releases was too long. I made changes Miko O'Sullivan wanted, and I didn't even know I had made them.

Also now use IO::File to create temp files, so the TMPDIR option is no longer supported. Hopefully made the whole thing more robust and faster, while supporting more options for sorting, including delimited sorts, and arbitrary sorts.

Made CHUNK default a lot larger, which improves performance. On low-memory systems, or where (e.g.) the MacPerl binary is not allocated much RAM, it might need to be lowered.

v0.11 (04 January 1998)

More cleanup; fixed special case of no linebreak on last line; wrote test suite; fixed warning for redefined subs (sort1 and sort2).

v0.10 (03 January 1998)

Some cleanup; made it not subject to system file limitations; separated many parts out into separate functions.

v0.03 (23 December 1997)

Added reverse and numeric sorting options.

v0.02 (19 December 1997)

Added unique and merge-only options.

v0.01 (18 December 1997)

First release.


Version 0.18 (31 January 1998)

