Mac::Files - Macintosh Toolbox Interface to the File and Alias Manager
Constants for vRefNum parameter of FindFolder().
- kOnSystemDisk
previously was 0x8000 but that is an unsigned value whereas vRefNum is signed
- kOnAppropriateDisk
Generally, the same as kOnSystemDisk, but it's clearer that this isn't always the 'boot' disk.
Folder Domains - Carbon only. The constants above can continue to be used, but the folder/volume returned will be from one of the domains below.
- kSystemDomain
Read-only system hierarchy.
- kLocalDomain
All users of a single machine have access to these resources.
- kNetworkDomain
All users configured to use a common network server has access to these resources.
- kUserDomain
Read/write. Resources that are private to the user.
- kClassicDomain
Domain referring to the currently configured Classic System Folder
- kLastDomainConstant
The ID of the last domain in the above list, used by the Folder Manager to determine if a given parameter should be treated as a domain or a volume...
Constants for createFolder parameter of FindFolder().
- kCreateFolder
- kDontCreateFolder
Folder Type Constants for FindFolder().
- kSystemFolderType
the system folder
- kDesktopFolderType
the desktop folder; objects in this folder show on the desk top.
- kSystemDesktopFolderType
the desktop folder at the root of the hard drive, never the redirected user desktop folder
- kTrashFolderType
the trash folder; objects in this folder show up in the trash
- kSystemTrashFolderType
the trash folder at the root of the drive, never the redirected user trash folder
- kWhereToEmptyTrashFolderType
the "empty trash" folder; Finder starts empty from here down
- kPrintMonitorDocsFolderType
Print Monitor documents
- kStartupFolderType
Finder objects (applications, documents, DAs, aliases, to...) to open at startup go here
- kShutdownFolderType
Finder objects (applications, documents, DAs, aliases, to...) to open at shutdown go here
- kAppleMenuFolderType
Finder objects to put into the Apple menu go here
- kControlPanelFolderType
Control Panels go here (may contain INITs)
- kSystemControlPanelFolderType
System control panels folder - never the redirected one, always "Control Panels" inside the System Folder
- kExtensionFolderType
System extensions go here
- kFontsFolderType
Fonts go here
- kPreferencesFolderType
preferences for applications go here
- kSystemPreferencesFolderType
System-type Preferences go here - this is always the system's preferences folder, never a logged in user's
- kTemporaryFolderType
temporary files go here (deleted periodically, but don't rely on it.)
- kExtensionDisabledFolderType
- kControlPanelDisabledFolderType
- kSystemExtensionDisabledFolderType
- kStartupItemsDisabledFolderType
- kShutdownItemsDisabledFolderType
- kApplicationsFolderType
- kDocumentsFolderType
New Constants
- kVolumeRootFolderType
root folder of a volume
- kChewableItemsFolderType
items deleted at boot
- kApplicationSupportFolderType
third-party items and folders
- kTextEncodingsFolderType
encoding tables
- kStationeryFolderType
- kOpenDocFolderType
OpenDoc root
- kOpenDocShellPlugInsFolderType
OpenDoc Shell Plug-Ins in OpenDoc folder
- kEditorsFolderType
OpenDoc editors in Mac OS Folder
- kOpenDocEditorsFolderType
OpenDoc subfolder of Editors folder
- kOpenDocLibrariesFolderType
OpenDoc libraries folder
- kGenEditorsFolderType
CKH general editors folder at root level of Sys folder
- kHelpFolderType
CKH help folder currently at root of system folder
- kInternetPlugInFolderType
CKH internet plug ins for browsers and stuff
- kModemScriptsFolderType
CKH modem scripts, get 'em OUT of the Extensions folder
- kPrinterDescriptionFolderType
CKH new folder at root of System folder for printer descs.
- kPrinterDriverFolderType
CKH new folder at root of System folder for printer drivers
- kScriptingAdditionsFolderType
CKH at root of system folder
CKH for general shared libs.
- kVoicesFolderType
CKH macintalk can live here
- kControlStripModulesFolderType
CKH for control strip modules
- kAssistantsFolderType
SJF for Assistants (Mac OS Setup Assistant, etc)
- kUtilitiesFolderType
SJF for Utilities folder
- kAppleExtrasFolderType
SJF for Apple Extras folder
- kContextualMenuItemsFolderType
SJF for Contextual Menu items
- kMacOSReadMesFolderType
SJF for Mac OS ReadMes folder
- kALMModulesFolderType
EAS for Location Manager Module files except type 'thng' (within kExtensionFolderType)
- kALMPreferencesFolderType
EAS for Location Manager Preferences (within kPreferencesFolderType; contains kALMLocationsFolderType)
- kALMLocationsFolderType
EAS for Location Manager Locations (within kALMPreferencesFolderType)
- kColorSyncProfilesFolderType
for ColorSyncª Profiles
- kThemesFolderType
for Theme data files
- kFavoritesFolderType
Favorties folder for Navigation Services
- kInternetFolderType
Internet folder (root level of startup volume)
- kAppearanceFolderType
Appearance folder (root of system folder)
- kSoundSetsFolderType
Sound Sets folder (in Appearance folder)
- kDesktopPicturesFolderType
Desktop Pictures folder (in Appearance folder)
- kInternetSearchSitesFolderType
Internet Search Sites folder
- kFindSupportFolderType
Find support folder
- kFindByContentFolderType
Find by content folder
- kInstallerLogsFolderType
Installer Logs folder
- kScriptsFolderType
Scripts folder
- kFolderActionsFolderType
Folder Actions Scripts folder
- kLauncherItemsFolderType
Launcher Items folder
- kRecentApplicationsFolderType
Recent Applications folder
- kRecentDocumentsFolderType
Recent Documents folder
- kRecentServersFolderType
Recent Servers folder
- kSpeakableItemsFolderType
Speakable Items folder
- kKeychainFolderType
Keychain folder
- kQuickTimeExtensionsFolderType
QuickTime Extensions Folder (in Extensions folder)
- kDisplayExtensionsFolderType
Display Extensions Folder (in Extensions folder)
- kMultiprocessingFolderType
Multiprocessing Folder (in Extensions folder)
- kPrintingPlugInsFolderType
Printing Plug-Ins Folder (in Extensions folder)
New Folder Types to accommodate the Mac OS X Folder Manager These folder types are not applicable on Mac OS 9.
- kDomainTopLevelFolderType
The top-level of a Folder domain, e.g. "/System"
- kDomainLibraryFolderType
the Library subfolder of a particular domain
- kColorSyncFolderType
Contains ColorSync-related folders
- kColorSyncCMMFolderType
ColorSync CMMs
- kColorSyncScriptingFolderType
ColorSync Scripting support
- kPrintersFolderType
Contains Printing-related folders
- kSpeechFolderType
Contains Speech-related folders
- kCarbonLibraryFolderType
Contains Carbon-specific file
- kDocumentationFolderType
Contains Documentation files (not user documents)
- kDeveloperDocsFolderType
Contains Developer Documentation files and folders
- kDeveloperHelpFolderType
Contains Developer Help related files
- kISSDownloadsFolderType
Contains Internet Search Sites downloaded from the Internet
- kUserSpecificTmpFolderType
Contains temporary items created on behalf of the current user
- kCachedDataFolderType
Contains various cache files for different clients
- kFrameworksFolderType
Contains Mac OS X Framework folders
- kPrivateFrameworksFolderType
Contains Mac OS X Private Framework folders
- kClassicDesktopFolderType
Mac OS 9 compatible desktop folder - same as kSystemDesktopFolderType but with a more appropriate name for Mac OS X code.
- kDeveloperFolderType
Contains Mac OS X Developer Resources
- kSystemSoundsFolderType
Contains Mac OS X System Sound Files
- kComponentsFolderType
Contains Mac OS X components
- kQuickTimeComponentsFolderType
Contains QuickTime components for Mac OS X
- kCoreServicesFolderType
Refers to the "CoreServices" folder on Mac OS X
- kPictureDocumentsFolderType
Refers to the "Pictures" folder in a users home directory
- kMovieDocumentsFolderType
Refers to the "Movies" folder in a users home directory
- kMusicDocumentsFolderType
Refers to the "Music" folder in a users home directory
- kInternetSitesFolderType
Refers to the "Sites" folder in a users home directory
- kPublicFolderType
Refers to the "Public" folder in a users home directory
- kAudioSupportFolderType
Refers to the Audio support folder for Mac OS X
- kAudioSoundsFolderType
Refers to the Sounds subfolder of Audio Support
- kAudioSoundBanksFolderType
Refers to the Banks subfolder of the Sounds Folder
- kAudioAlertSoundsFolderType
Refers to the Alert Sounds subfolder of the Sound Folder
- kAudioPlugInsFolderType
Refers to the Plug-ins subfolder of the Audio Folder
- kAudioComponentsFolderType
Refers to the Components subfolder of the Audio Plug-ins Folder
- kKernelExtensionsFolderType
Refers to the Kernel Extensions Folder on Mac OS X
- kDirectoryServicesFolderType
Refers to the Directory Services folder on Mac OS X
- kDirectoryServicesPlugInsFolderType
Refers to the Directory Services Plug-Ins folder on Mac OS X
- kInstallerReceiptsFolderType
Refers to the "Receipts" folder in Mac OS X
- kFileSystemSupportFolderType
Refers to the [domain]/Library/Filesystems folder in Mac OS X
Refers to the [domain]/Library/Filesystems/AppleShare folder in Mac OS X
Refers to the [domain]/Library/Filesystems/AppleShare/Authentication folder in Mac OS X
- kMIDIDriversFolderType
Refers to the MIDI Drivers folder on Mac OS X
- kKeyboardLayoutsFolderType
Refers to the [domain]/Library/KeyboardLayouts folder in Mac OS X
- kIndexFilesFolderType
Refers to the [domain]/Library/Indexes folder in Mac OS X
- kFindByContentIndexesFolderType
Refers to the [domain]/Library/Indexes/FindByContent folder in Mac OS X
- kManagedItemsFolderType
Refers to the Managed Items folder for Mac OS X
- kBootTimeStartupItemsFolderType
Refers to the "StartupItems" folder of Mac OS X
More Folder Constants
- kLocalesFolderType
PKE for Locales folder
- kFindByContentPluginsFolderType
Find By Content Plug-ins
- kUsersFolderType
"Users" folder, contains one folder for each user.
- kCurrentUserFolderType
The folder for the currently logged on user.
- kCurrentUserRemoteFolderLocation
The remote folder for the currently logged on user
- kCurrentUserRemoteFolderType
The remote folder location for the currently logged on user
A Shared "Documents" folder, readable & writeable by all users
- kVolumeSettingsFolderType
Volume specific user information goes here
Appleshare puts volumes to automount inside this folder.
- kPreMacOS91ApplicationsFolderType
The "Applications" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1
- kPreMacOS91InstallerLogsFolderType
The "Installer Logs" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1
- kPreMacOS91AssistantsFolderType
The "Assistants" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1
- kPreMacOS91UtilitiesFolderType
The "Utilities" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1
- kPreMacOS91AppleExtrasFolderType
The "Apple Extras" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1
- kPreMacOS91MacOSReadMesFolderType
The "Mac OS ReadMes" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1
- kPreMacOS91InternetFolderType
The "Internet" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1
- kPreMacOS91AutomountedServersFolderType
The "Servers" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1
- kPreMacOS91StationeryFolderType
The "Stationery" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1
AppleTalk/GetAliasInfo Constants
- asiZoneName
Return AppleTalk zone name from GetAliasInfo.
- asiServerName
Return AppleTalk server name from GetAliasInfo.
- asiVolumeName
Return volume name from GetAliasInfo.
- asiAliasName
Return last component of target file name from GetAliasInfo.
- asiParentName
Return name of enclosing folder from GetAliasInfo. This index value is 1. Higher indices will return folder names higher up the hierarchy.
Written by Matthias Ulrich Neeracher <>. Currently maintained by Chris Nandor <>.
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 583:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'ColorSyncª'. Assuming CP1252
- Around line 1359:
Unknown directive: =include