reads the Macintosh Apple event dictionary from an application.
reads the Macintosh Apple event dictionary from an Applescript dialect file.
parses Macintosh AETE and AEUT resources.
Control Mac apps with Apple event terminology
in lib/Mac/AETE/Format/
in lib/Mac/AETE/Format/
- ex/00 README
- ex/Anarchie Pro stuff
- ex/AppleWorks stuff
- ex/PreFab Player + SimpleText
- ex/Progress Bar
- ex/Sherlock - search drive
- ex/Sherlock - search internet
- ex/URL Access
- ex/clean up startup drive window
- ex/extract FileMaker data
- ex/get files in System Folder
- ex/label and beep
- ex/label and beep - cool version
- ex/login with BetterTelnet
- ex/make Eudora hidden
- ex/open Netscape window
- ex/send Eudora Pro mail
- ex/volume names as string