App::gh::API - Github API class
search( [Str] query )
Search repositories
fork ([Str] user, [Str] repo)
To fork [repo] from [user].
repo_network( [Str] user, [Str] repo)
Show repository networks of [user]'s [repo].
user_info( [Str] user )
Show user info
repo_create( [Hash] args )
name =>
description =>
homepage =>
public => 1 for public , 0 for private.
repo_info( [Str] user, [Str] repo)
Which returnes a hashref:
'owner' => 'c9s',
'has_downloads' => bless( do{\(my $o = 1)}, 'JSON::XS::Boolean' ),
'has_issues' => $VAR1->{'repository'}{'has_downloads'},
'name' => 'App-gh',
'private' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::XS::Boolean' ),
'has_wiki' => $VAR1->{'repository'}{'has_downloads'},
'pushed_at' => '2010/11/13 09:15:44 -0800',
'description' => 'Powerful GitHub Helper Utility in Perl.',
'forks' => 6,
'watchers' => 23,
'fork' => $VAR1->{'repository'}{'private'},
'created_at' => '2010/07/20 22:58:00 -0700',
'url' => '',
'open_issues' => 4
repo_set_info ( [Str] user, [Str] repo, [Hash] args )
Set the info of a repo. Hash can contain the following args:
description =>
homepage =>
public => 1 for public , 0 for private.
These are the same args as repo_create, except for name.
repo_set_public ( [Str] user, [Str] repo, [Bool] public )
Set a repo to be public or private.