use strict;
use File::stat;
require App::gh::Git;
=head1 NAME
App::gh::Command::PullReq::Send - pull request of current branch.
=head1 USAGE
$ gh pullreq send ([branch])
sub parse_uri {
my ($uri) = @_;
if ( $uri =~ m{(git|https?)://*?)/(.*?).git} ) {
return ($2,$3,$1);
} elsif ( $uri =~ m{git\*?)/(.*?).git} ) {
return ($1,$2,'git');
return undef;
sub get_remote {
my $self = shift;
my $config = App::gh->config->current();
my %remotes = %{ $config->{remote} };
# try to get origin remote
return $remotes{origin} || (values( %remotes ))[0];
sub run {
my $self = shift;
die "\$EDITOR is not set." unless $ENV{EDITOR};
my $remote_branch = shift||'master';
my $remote = $self->get_remote();
die "Remote not found\n." unless $remote;
my ( $user, $repo, $uri_type ) = parse_uri( $remote->{url} );
my $gh_id = App::gh->config->github_id;
my $gh_token = App::gh->config->github_token;
unless( $gh_id && $gh_token ) {
die "Github authtoken not found. Can not send pull request.\n";
my $local_repo = Git->repository();
open my $fh, '<', $local_repo->wc_path()."/.git/HEAD";
my $ref = <$fh>;
close $fh;
chomp( $ref );
my ($branch) = ( $ref =~ m{ref:\s\S+?/\S+?/(\S+)} );
my $f = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => ".mkd");
my $t = stat($f->filename)->mtime;
system $ENV{EDITOR}, $f->filename;
if ($t == stat($f->filename)->mtime) {
_info "No changes. Pull request was not sent.";
open $fh, '<', $f->filename;
my $content = do { local $/; <$fh> };
close $fh;
my ($title, $body) = split("\n", $content, 2);
chomp( $title );
chomp( $body );
if (length($title) == 0 || length($body) == 0) {
_info "Message should two lines at least.";
_info "Sending pull request for $branch...";
my $data = App::gh->api->pullreq_send($user, $repo, $branch, $remote_branch, $title, $body);
_info "sent: " . $data->{pull}->{html_url};