App::gh - An apt-like Github utility.
App-gh provides an interface for you clone, fork, search github repository very easily. You can even clone all repositories from an author , for example:
$ gh all miyagawa
$ gh all miyagawa --into path/
this will clone all repositories of miyagawa.
Or you can search repository:
$ gh search AnyEvent
Or list all repository of an author:
$ gh list c9s
You may clone a repository from an author, then you might want to fork the repository:
$ gh clone gugod Social
$ cd Social
$ gh fork
This will fork gugod/Social into yourID/Social. and will add a remote name called 'c9s' (your fork).
And you might want to show all forks of this repository:
$ gh network
to pull changes from one fork.
$ gh pull gugod [branch]
This will pull changes from gugod/[branch]. specify --merge to merge these changes. --branch if you want the forked branch to be checked out.
Operations Requiring Authentication
Some Github operations (like forking) require that your user is authenticated. To do that, simply add the following fields to your .gitconfig file (located in your home directory):
You can find your token by logging into Github, then going to "Account Settings"
on the top right corner, then "Account Admin"
. Make sure to update this information if you ever change your password.
list all repository of c9s:
$ gh list c9s
clone Plack repository from miyagawa:
$ gh clone miyagawa/Plack # default: read-only
$ gh clone miyagawa Plack
$ gh clone gugod Social --http
$ gh clone clkao Web-Hippie --ro
clone from read-only uri:
$ gh clone miyagawa/Plack --ro
clone from ssh uri:
$ gh clone miyagawa/Plack --ssh
search repository:
$ gh search Plack
to clone all repository of miyagawa:
$ gh all miyagawa
$ gh all clkao --ro # read-only
$ gh all clkao --into path/to/clkao
to fork project:
$ cd AnyMQ
$ gh fork clkao
to fork current project:
$ cd miyagawa/Tatsumaki
$ gh fork
to show pull requests of the project:
$ cd tokuhirom/Amon
$ gh pullreq list
and show the pull request
$ cd gfx/p5-Text-Xslate
$ gh pullreq show 3
if you want to send pull request about current branch:
$ cd yappo/p5-AnySan
$ git checkout -b experimental
$ vi lib/
$ git commit -m "bug fix about ..."
$ gh pullreq send
a => all
up => update
pu => pull
pr => pullreq
fo => fork
ne => network
se => search
ci => commit
c9s , <cornelius.howl at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-app-gh at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc App::gh
You can also look for information at:
RT: CPAN's request tracker
AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
CPAN Ratings
Search CPAN
Copyright 2010 Cornelius.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.