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## @file
# Subclass of Net::OpenID::Server that manage OpenID extensions
## @class
# Subclass of Net::OpenID::Server that manage OpenID extensions
use strict;
use fields qw(_extensions);
use constant DEBUG => 0;
our $VERSION = '2.0.0';
use constant OPENID2_ID_SELECT =>
*_push_url_arg =
( $Net::OpenID::Server::VERSION >= 1.09 )
? *OpenID::util::push_url_arg
: *Net::OpenID::Server::_push_url_arg;
## @cmethod Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::OpenID::Server new(hash opts)
# Call Net::OpenID::Server::new() and store extensions
# @param %opts Net::OpenID::Server options
# @return Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::OpenID::Server new object
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = fields::new($class);
my %opts = @_;
$self->$_( delete $opts{$_} ) foreach (qw(extensions));
#$self->{get_args} = sub { $self->param(@_) };
## @method protected void extensions()
# Manage "extensions" constructor parameter
sub extensions {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_extensions} = shift;
## @method protected list _mode_checkid(string mode, boolean redirect_for_setup)
# Overload Net::OpenID::Server::_mode_checkid to call extensions hook
# @param $mode OpenID mode
# @param $redirect_for_setup indicates that user must be redirected or not for
# setup
# @return (string $type, hashref parameters)
sub _mode_checkid {
my Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::OpenID::Server $self = shift;
my ( $mode, $redirect_for_setup ) = @_;
my $return_to = $self->args("openid.return_to");
return $self->_fail("no_return_to")
unless ( $return_to
and $return_to =~ m!^https?://! );
my $trust_root = $self->args("openid.trust_root") || $return_to;
$trust_root = $self->args("openid.realm")
if $self->args('openid.ns') eq OPENID2_NS;
return $self->_fail("invalid_trust_root")
unless ( $trust_root =~ Lemonldap::NG::Common::Regexp::HTTP_URI
and Net::OpenID::Server::_url_is_under( $trust_root, $return_to ) );
my $identity = $self->args("openid.identity");
# chop off the query string, in case our trust_root came from the return_to URL
$trust_root =~ s/\?.*//;
my $u = $self->_proxy("get_user");
if ( $self->args('openid.ns') eq OPENID2_NS
&& $identity eq OPENID2_ID_SELECT )
$identity = $self->_proxy( "get_identity", $u, $identity );
my $is_identity = $self->_proxy( "is_identity", $u, $identity );
my $is_trusted =
$self->_proxy( "is_trusted", $u, $trust_root, $is_identity );
my ( %extVars, %is_ext_trusted );
my $is_exts_trusted = 1;
if ( ref( $self->{_extensions} ) ) {
my @list = $self->args->();
my %extArgs;
foreach my $arg (@list) {
next unless ( $arg =~ /^openid\.(\w+)\.([\w\.]+)?/ );
my $tmp = $1;
my $val = $2;
$extArgs{$tmp}->{$val} = scalar $self->args->($arg);
foreach my $ns ( keys %{ $self->{_extensions} } ) {
print STDERR "Launching OpenIP $ns hook\n" if (DEBUG);
my $h;
( $is_ext_trusted{$ns}, $h ) = $self->{_extensions}->{$ns}->(
$u, $trust_root, $is_identity, $is_trusted,
delete( $extArgs{$ns} ) || {}
if ($h) {
while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %$h ) {
print STDERR "$ns returned data: $k => $v\n" if (DEBUG);
$extVars{"$ns.$k"} = $v;
$is_exts_trusted &&= $is_ext_trusted{$ns};
# TODO: warn if keys(%extArgs)
# assertion path:
if ( $is_identity && $is_trusted && $is_exts_trusted ) {
my %sArgs = (
identity => $identity,
claimed_id => $self->args('openid.claimed_id'),
return_to => $return_to,
assoc_handle => $self->args("openid.assoc_handle"),
ns => $self->args('openid.ns'),
$sArgs{additional_fields} = \%extVars if (%extVars);
my $ret_url = $self->signed_return_url(%sArgs);
return ( "redirect", $ret_url );
# Assertion could not be made, so user requires setup (login/trust...
# something). Two ways that can happen: caller might have asked us for an
# immediate return with a setup URL (the default), or explictly said that
# we're in control of the user-agent's full window, and we can do whatever
# we want with them now.
# TODO: call extension sub for setup
my %setup_args = (
$self->_setup_map("trust_root"), $trust_root,
$self->_setup_map("realm"), $trust_root,
$self->_setup_map("return_to"), $return_to,
$self->_setup_map("identity"), $identity,
$self->_setup_map("assoc_handle"), $self->args("openid.assoc_handle"),
$setup_args{ $self->_setup_map('ns') } = $self->args('openid.ns')
if $self->args('openid.ns');
my $setup_url = $self->{setup_url}
or Carp::croak("No setup_url defined.");
_push_url_arg( \$setup_url, %setup_args );
if ( $mode eq "checkid_immediate" ) {
my $ret_url = $return_to;
if ( $self->args('openid.ns') eq OPENID2_NS ) {
_push_url_arg( \$ret_url, "openid.ns", $self->args('openid.ns') );
_push_url_arg( \$ret_url, "openid.mode", "setup_needed" );
else {
_push_url_arg( \$ret_url, "openid.mode", "id_res" );
_push_url_arg( \$ret_url, "openid.user_setup_url", $setup_url );
return ( "redirect", $ret_url );
else {
# the "checkid_setup" mode, where we take control of the user-agent
# and return to their return_to URL later.
if ($redirect_for_setup) {
return ( "redirect", $setup_url );
else {
return ( "setup", \%setup_args );
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::OpenID::Server - Add capability to manage extensions to
Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::OpenID::Server adds capability to manage extensions to
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<>, L<Net::OpenID::Server>
=head1 AUTHORS
=item LemonLDAP::NG team L<>
Use OW2 system to report bug or ask for features:
Lemonldap::NG is available at
See COPYING file for details.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see L<>.