Task::Cpanel::Core - This module provides a spec of packages needed to operate a cPanel & WHM system.
version 11.36.001
cpan Task::Cpanel::Core
This package includes all of the needed CPAN to run a cPanel & WHM system.
The first two numbers of this version (eg: 11.36) refer to the major version of cPanel & WHM system. which it applies to.
- Acme::Spork
Perl extension for spork()ing in your script
- Archive::Tar
module for manipulations of tar archives
- Archive::Tar::Streamed
Tar archives, non memory resident
- Archive::Zip
Provide an interface to ZIP archive files.
- Authen::Libwrap
access to Wietse Venema's TCP Wrappers library
- BSD::Resource
BSD process resource limit and priority functions
- Bundle::CPAN
Bundle to optimize the behaviour of
- Bundle::DBD::Pg
A bundle to install all DBD::Pg related modules
- Bundle::DBD::mysql
A bundle to install Perl drivers for MySQL
- Bundle::Interchange
A bundle of the modules nice to have for Interchange 5.
- Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet
AuthorizeNet backend for Business::OnlinePayment
- Business::UPS
A UPS Interface Module
- CDB_File
Perl extension for access to cdb databases
Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites
- CPAN::SQLite
maintain and search a minimal CPAN database
- Class::Accessor::Fast
Faster, but less expandable, accessors
- Class::Std
Support for creating standard "inside-out" classes
- Compress::Bzip2
Interface to Bzip2 compression library
- Compress::Raw::Zlib
Low-Level Interface to zlib compression library
- Compress::Zlib
Interface to zlib compression library
- Crypt::GPG
An Object Oriented Interface to GnuPG.
- Crypt::Passwd::XS
Full XS implementation of common crypt() algorithms
- Crypt::SSLeay
OpenSSL support for LWP
- Curses
terminal screen handling and optimization
- Curses::UI
A curses based OO user interface framework
- Cwd
get pathname of current working directory
- DBD::Pg
PostgreSQL database driver for the DBI module
- DBD::SQLite2
Self Contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver (sqlite 2.x)
- DBD::mysql
MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
Database independent interface for Perl
- DBIx::MyParsePP
Pure-perl SQL parser based on MySQL grammar and lexer
- Data::Dump
Pretty printing of data structures
- Data::Dumper
stringified perl data structures, suitable for both printing and eval
- Date::Parse
Parse date strings into time values
- DateTime
A date and time object
- DateTime::Locale
Localization support for
- DateTime::TimeZone
Time zone object base class and factory
- Devel::PPPort
- Digest::MD5
Perl interface to the MD5 Algorithm
- Digest::MD5::File
Perl extension for getting MD5 sums for files and urls.
- Digest::SHA1
Perl interface to the SHA-1 algorithm
- Email::Valid
Check validity of Internet email addresses
- Encode
character encodings in Perl
- Encode::Detect::Detector
Detects the encoding of data
- Errno
System errno constants
- ExtUtils::Constant
generate XS code to import C header constants
- ExtUtils::Install
install files from here to there
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Create a module Makefile
- ExtUtils::ParseXS
converts Perl XS code into C code
- File::Copy::Recursive
Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories
- File::Find::Rule
Alternative interface to File::Find
- File::MMagic::XS
Guess File Type With XS (a la mod_mime_magic)
- File::Tail
Perl extension for reading from continously updated files
- File::Touch
update access and modification timestamps, creating nonexistent files where necessary.
- File::Which
Portable implementation of the `which' utility
- Filesys::Df
Perl extension for filesystem disk space information.
- Filesys::Statvfs
Perl extension for statvfs() and fstatvfs()
- Filesys::Virtual
Perl extension to provide a framework for a virtual filesystem
- Filter::Util::Call
Perl Source Filter Utility Module
- GD::Graph
Graph Plotting Module for Perl 5
- GD::Text::Align
Draw aligned strings
- Geo::IPfree
Look up the country of an IPv4 address
- Getopt::Long
Extended processing of command line options
- Getopt::Param::Tiny
Subset of Getopt::Param functionality with smaller memory footprint
- Graph::Easy
Convert or render graphs (as ASCII, HTML, SVG or via Graphviz)
- Graph::Flowchart
Generate easily flowcharts as Graph::Easy objects
- HTML::Parser
HTML parser class
- HTML::Tagset
data tables useful in parsing HTML
- HTML::Template
Perl module to use HTML-like templating language
- HTTP::Daemon::App
Create 2 or 3 line, fully functional (SSL) HTTP server(s)
- HTTP::Date
date conversion routines
- IO::Compress::Gzip
Write RFC 1952 files/buffers
- IO::Interactive::Tiny
is_interactive() without large deps
- IO::Scalar
IO:: interface for reading/writing a scalar
- IO::Socket::ByteCounter
Perl extension to track the byte sizes of data in and out of a socket
- IO::Socket::INET6
Object interface for AF_INET|AF_INET6 domain sockets
- IO::Tty
Low-level allocate a pseudo-Tty, import constants.
- IO::Uncompress::Gunzip
Read RFC 1952 files/buffers
- IP::Country
fast lookup of country codes from IP addresses
- IPC::Pipeline
Create a shell-like pipeline of many running commands
- Image::Size
read the dimensions of an image in several popular formats
- JSON::Syck
JSON is YAML (but consider using JSON::XS instead!)
- LWP::Protocol::https
Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent
- Lchown
Use the lchown(2) system call from Perl
- Linux::Inotify2
scalable directory/file change notification
- List::MoreUtils
Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
- List::Util
A selection of general-utility list subroutines
- Locale::Maketext::Utils
Adds some utility functionality and failure handling to Local::Maketext handles
- Locales
Methods for getting localized CLDR language/territory names (and a subset of other data)
- Log::Log4perl
Log4j implementation for Perl
- MD5
Perl interface to the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
- MIME::Base64
Encoding and decoding of base64 strings
- MIME::Lite
low-calorie MIME generator
- Mail::Alias::Reader
Read aliases(5) and ~/.forward declarations
- Mail::DKIM
Signs/verifies Internet mail with DKIM/DomainKey signatures
- Mail::DomainKeys
A perl implementation of DomainKeys
- Mail::SPF
An object-oriented implementation of Sender Policy Framework
- Mail::SRS
Interface to Sender Rewriting Scheme
- Mail::SpamAssassin
Spam detector and markup engine
- Math::Base85
Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924
- Math::BigFloat
Arbitrary size floating point math package
- Math::BigInt
Arbitrary size integer/float math package
- Memoize
Make functions faster by trading space for time
- Module::Build
Build and install Perl modules
- Net::AIM
Perl extension for AOL Instant Messenger TOC protocol
- Net::DAV::Server
Provide a DAV Server
- Net::DNS
Perl interface to the Domain Name System
- Net::Daemon::SSL
perl extensions for portable ssl daemons
- Net::FTP
FTP Client class
A FTP over SSL/TLS class
- Net::IP::Match::Regexp
Efficiently match IP addresses against ranges
- Net::IPv4Addr
Perl extension for manipulating IPv4 addresses.
- Net::LDAP
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
- Net::LDAP::Schema
Load and manipulate an LDAP v3 Schema
- Net::LDAP::Server
LDAP server side protocol handling
- Net::LibIDN
Perl bindings for GNU Libidn
- Net::OSCAR
Implementation of AOL's OSCAR protocol for instant messaging (for interacting with AIM a.k.a. AOL IM a.k.a. AOL Instant Messenger - and ICQ, too!)
- Net::SNMP
Object oriented interface to SNMP
- Net::SSL
support for Secure Sockets Layer
- Net::SSLeay
Perl extension for using OpenSSL
- Net::Server
Extensible, general Perl server engine
- Net::Server::Fork
Net::Server personality
- OLE::Storage_Lite
Simple Class for OLE document interface.
- Parse::RecDescent
Generate Recursive-Descent Parsers
- Pod::Perldoc
Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
- Quota
Perl interface to file system quotas
- SQL::Statement
SQL parsing and processing engine
- SVG::TT::Graph
Base object for generating SVG Graphs
- Safe::Hole
make a hole to the original main compartment in the Safe compartment
- Scalar::Util
A selection of general-utility scalar subroutines
- Set::Crontab
Expand crontab(5)-style integer lists
- Socket6
IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
Read information from an Excel file.
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
Write to a cross-platform Excel binary file.
- Storable
persistence for Perl data structures
- String::CRC32
Perl interface for cyclic redundency check generation
- Sys::Hostname::Long
Try every conceivable way to get full hostname
- Sys::Mmap
uses mmap to map in a file as a Perl variable
- Sys::Syslog
Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
- Term::ReadKey
A perl module for simple terminal control
- TAP::Harness
Run test scripts with statistics
- Template
Template Toolkit Processing System
- Text::CSV
comma-separated values manipulator (using XS or PurePerl)
- Tie::DBI
Tie hashes to DBI relational databases
- Tie::IxHash
ordered associative arrays for Perl
- Tie::ShadowHash
Merge multiple data sources into a hash
- Time::HiRes
High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers
- Tree::MultiNode
A multi-node tree object. Most useful for modeling hierarchical data structures.
Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
- URI::Escape
Percent-encode and percent-decode unsafe characters
Uniform Resource Locators
- Unix::PID
Perl extension for getting PID info.
- Unix::PID::Tiny
Subset of Unix::PID functionality with smaller memory footprint
Perl Binding for libxml2
- XML::LibXML::Common
Constants and Character Encoding Routines
- XML::LibXML::Error
Structured Errors
- XML::Parser
A perl module for parsing XML documents
Simple API for XML
- XML::SAX::Expat
SAX2 Driver for Expat (XML::Parser)
- XML::Simple
Easy API to maintain XML (esp config files)
- YAML::Syck
Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper
- cPanel::MemTest
Test Memory Allocation
- lib::restrict
Perl extension for restricting what goes into @INC
- local::lib
create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB
cPanel, <cpanel at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-task-cpanel-core at
, or through the web interface at We will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as we make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Task::Cpanel::Core
You can also look for information at:
RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
CPAN Ratings
Copyright 2012 cPanel.
All rights reserved
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.
See for more information.