cPanel::PublicAPI::WHM::DNS - A module forinteracting withWHM's DNS clustering system.
This module is intended as a client forquerying WHM's DNS clustering system. Unless you are specifically looking to write your own interaction with cPanel's DNS system, you should never need to usethis module, rather the DNS functions within cPanel's XML-API should dowhat you are looking for: L<>
=head1 functions
The functions contained within this module share a similiar naming scheme forthe variables used within, please consult the list below whenfiguring out what eachfunction does.
=item * $zone- The name of the domain to be used.
=item * $dnsuniqid- A Unique string used to identify uniquely (suggested: 32 character alphanumeric)
=item * $zones- A pipeseperated list of domains.
=item * $zonedata- The contents of a zone file, usually used forsending changes of a zone to another system.
=head2 C<addtocluster()>
Add a machine to a DNS cluster.
Call specific parameters:
=item * $clustermaster- The IP of the machine being added to the cluster.
=item * $user- The user to authenticate DNS requests as.
=item * $pass- The accesshash or API token to authenticate DNS requests with
=item * $version- The version of cPanel/WHM of the machine being added to the cluster