KinoSearch::InvIndexer - build inverted indexes
KinoSearch is alpha test software. The API and the file format are subject to change.
use KinoSearch::InvIndexer;
use KinoSearch::Analysis::PolyAnalyzer;
my $analyzer
= KinoSearch::Analysis::PolyAnalyzer->new( language => 'en' );
my $invindexer = KinoSearch::InvIndexer->new(
invindex => '/path/to/invindex',
create => 1,
analyzer => $analyzer,
name => 'title'
boost => 3,
$invindexer->spec_field( name => 'bodytext' );
while ( my ( $title, $bodytext ) = each %source_documents ) {
my $doc = $invindexer->new_doc($title);
$doc->set_value( title => $title );
$doc->set_value( bodytext => $bodytext );
The InvIndexer class is KinoSearch's primary tool for creating and modifying inverted indexes, which may be searched using KinoSearch::Searcher.
my $invindexer = KinoSearch::InvIndexer->new(
invindex => '/path/to/invindex', # required
create => 1, # default: 0
analyzer => $analyzer, # default: no-op Analyzer
Create an InvIndexer object.
invindex - can be either a filepath, or an InvIndex subclass such as KinoSearch::Store::FSInvIndex or KinoSearch::Store::RAMInvIndex.
create - create a new invindex, clobbering an existing one if necessary.
analyzer - an object which subclasses KinoSearch::Analysis::Analyzer, such as a PolyAnalyzer.
name => 'url', # required
boost => 1, # default: 1,
analyzer => undef, # default: analyzer spec'd in new()
indexed => 0, # default: 1
analyzed => 0, # default: 1
stored => 1, # default: 1
compressed => 0, # default: 0
vectorized => 0, # default: 1
Define a field.
name - the field's name.
boost - A multiplier which determines how much a field contributes to a document's score.
analyzer - By default, all indexed fields are analyzed using the analyzer that was supplied to new(). Supplying an alternate for a given field overrides the primary analyzer.
indexed - index the field, so that it can be searched later.
analyzed - analyze the field, using the relevant Analyzer. Fields such as "category" or "product_number" might be indexed but not analyzed.
stored - store the field, so that it can be retrieved when the document turns up in a search.
compressed - compress the stored field, using the zlib compression algorithm.
vectorized - store the field's "term vectors", which are required by KinoSearch::Highlight::Highlighter for excerpt selection and search term highlighting.
my $doc = $invindexer->new_doc;
Spawn an empty KinoSearch::Document::Doc object, primed to accept values for the fields spec'd by spec_field.
Add a document to the invindex.
my $invindexer = KinoSearch::InvIndexer->new(
invindex => $invindex,
analyzer => $analyzer,
$invindexer->add_invindexes( $another_invindex, $yet_another_invindex );
Absorb existing invindexes into this one. May only be called once per InvIndexer. add_invindexes() and add_doc() cannot be called on the same InvIndexer.
my $term = KinoSearch::Index::Term->new( 'id', $unique_id );
Mark any document which contains the supplied term as deleted, so that it will be excluded from search results. For more info, see Deletions in KinoSearch::Docs::FileFormat.
optimize => 1, # default: 0
Finish the invindex. Invalidates the InvIndexer. Takes one hash-style parameter.
optimize - If optimize is set to 1, the invindex will be collapsed to its most compact form, which will yield the fastest queries.
Copyright 2005-2007 Marvin Humphrey
See KinoSearch version 0.163.